Monday, August 5, 2019

415 Media Exclu: Jim Gabbert Might Be Interested in Buying KGO Radio; El Paso/Dayton Massacre Make for Rothmann Appointment Radio;More 'Armstrong and Getty BS; Fake Outrage: CNN Not Naming Shooter(s) Names

Image result for James Gabbert
Jim Gabbert
IT'S MORE THAN A RUMOR NOW: Word from the media gulch near Broadway and Battery: Former KOFY-TV/K101 Radio media magnate, Jim Gabbert might be interested in buying KGO Radio--in fact, Gabbert has met with Cumulus officials in town but supposedly both sides are way off in terms of numbers.

Cumulus wants roughly $7-10 million buckos for 810 AM while Gabbert is set at $5M and no, he nor they seem willing, for now, to split the difference.

Cumulus recently sold its NY AM powerhouse, WABC for $12.5M so the idea of KGO being for sale is not out of the blue. Everything is for sale. Stay tuned.

*I'LL BE LISTENING TO KGO tonight from 6-9 PM when John Rothmann takes to the microphone to discuss the weekend mass shootings and the political ramifications. I posted on Sunday that initially I was numb to the latest horror stories --America and its killing fields--but like most everyone else, I watched and listened to the various cable and radio shows.

Image result for armstrong and getty
Armstrong and Getty
*This (Monday) morning I was flabbergasted by the Sacto-based, gruesome twosome called "Armstrong and Getty" who devoted their entire show to the El Paso/Dayton massacres --fine and perfectly appropriate until you listened and realized, (gasp) what the twofus-doofus, "America is a sick country." Yes, makes sense, sure. Then one of the doofus hosts read a text from a listener who said they "fantasized about shooting up their classroom" in their early life. Why the hell would you read that while at the same time saying "we're a sick country" and refusing to name both shooters. Idiots.

*FAKE OUTRAGE DEPT. More now than ever the media outlets refusing to name the shooter(s) --as if by doing so, they're going to prevent the next massacre. What utter hypocrisy. It's this type of phony showboating that pisses off most engaged consumer of news and while it is morbid, it is news no matter how repetitive and terrifying. Not naming the shooter(s) is fundamentally poor journalism.

CNN chose not to name the shooter(s) for both El Paso and Dayton. What a crock! It's the same CNN  that devoted its entire news day and night to the incidents. Who made CNN the arbiter of what is right and what is wrong? What, do they really believe that by not reporting the name that their policy would mean the end of mass shootings? It's precisely the reason CNN makes its bread and butter on these massacres.

CNN loves blood and gore. It's visual orgy and mayhem and it makes for spectacular TV. CNN has the chutzpah to try to show some levity while at the same time sticking mikes up the noses of victims and their family. IT DRIVES THEIR BOTTOMLINE so you're going to tell me the fact they won't use the names of the shooters gives them moral high ground? Complete utter bullshit.

Image result for CNN hypocrisySCREW YOU CNN!


  1. Oh Wow!! didn't know CNN was still on the air!!

    1. That's because CNN and MSBNC = fake news for the most part. What kind of brainwashed morons would intentionally watch that low information drivel?

      Oh wait there's a whole party dedicated to that nonsense...

    2. One could say exactly the same thing about Faux Schnooze. Just the fact that you used "fake news" shows you have a little brainwashing to deal with yourself.

    3. @1:00pm....CNN mad MSNBC have way more integrity than Fox News, aka State TV, aka Trump TV. They've had to retract so many false stories, stats, graphics, etc... I can see why Trump loves the uneducated, they get all their news, I mean propaganda, from Fox.

    4. "Faux Schnooze"

      You're trying wayyyyy too hard. Way way way too hard.

      Go back to making out with your AOC cutout.

    5. @9:47 Drinks the kool-aid. Lots and lots of it. He still chants "Obama" and "Yes we can" as he nods off to sleep at night.

      The left loves low information, low intelligence voters such as him.

    6. I'll have what 9:47 is drinking. In fact, make it a double after reading that comment.

      CNN and MSNBC have more integrity? Oh brother. This one is far too lost.

    7. > Oh wait there's a whole party dedicated to
      > that nonsense...

      Yeah, lucky thing the Republican party isn't tied to any bogus news sources...

  2. CNN is far from the only news outlet that employs this sanctimonious conceit. To not name a shooter because you are so holy that you think the only reason someone does this is because they want to be on tv, is arrogant, self-important,and nonsensical. It's also not journalism, but rather, public relations. It's particularly galling when the shooter is dead and the anchors and anchorettes don't want to give him /her the satisfaction. CLue: every reporter should know the obvious.When you are dead, you don't know anything and can't see yourself on tv or listen to stories about yourself on the radio. There's a good reason why people are turning off tv news in droves. If I can get facts about such a subject elsewhere,like the internet, that's where I'll go.Additionally, not given a name means that some person in Podunk who had a piror encounter with a shooter won't know from the "news", who the person was, and won't be able to tell authorities the nuance of that encounter. Being a real reporter is hard work. Your job isn't to censor information because you know better than the viewer. This little game has been going on for quite a while, and there are more, not less shootings than before.
    re Jim Gabbert.....keep trying!

    1. It's not the reporters who do the censoring. It's editorial policy and it usually comes from the top (the owners). Has nothing to do with a reporter thinking they're smarter than you.

      However, judging by the way you type and spell, they probably are.

  3. I worked for Jim Gabbert at The Nifty Ten Fifty way back when (entire 50's music format contained on a few hundred carts!). Say what you will about Jim, but he *does* know how to run a broadcast facility -- unlike the current owners of both 810 and 1050 am. I would be proud to work for Jim again.

  4. Very true, Rich, PLUS everyone else is naming the shooters, so.....


    The ultimate in sanctimoniousness, however, came from KTVU last night (where else?) when Alyana Gomez did a story about a girl who died just before her birthday. She said something like, "Tonight, she's celebrating her eighth birthday in heaven." She really did.

    Give me the good old days of Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings, Bob Schiefer, et al on the national side and Dennis Richmond, Dave McElhatton, Evan White on the local side. They didn't emote. They just informed. Now CBS national has Norah O'Donnell, who has to...pause on every...third let you know...she's saying something...weighty.

    1. Nora O'Donnell got that job for one reason, because she's a woman and they're the in flavor right now.

    2. I'm surprised, though. She's not Latina, transgender, queer, disabled (sorry, "differently abled"), a "person of color," a survivor of sexual abuse at the hands of a parent or suffering from Turrets Syndrome. Why stop at the X chromosome?

    3. Norah O'Donnell is truly gorgeous and an experienced news reporter and anchor. She deserves the job. Besides, a woman, Susan Zirinsky, is the president of CBS News now.

  5. After Jim Gabbert buys KGO Radio for about $5.7 million, I hope he dumps Armstrong & Getty. Those big mouth jerks add nothing original to current talk news. They simply repeat conservative wingnut talking points. Talk about B.O.R.I.N.G. Instead I hope he hires some good journalists who actually pound the pavement and scope the internet to find insightful local news and interview folks in the know instead of the usual p.r. media types. KGO Radio ought to be a better news provider than dull KCBS, maybe on par with KQED regarding providing multidimensional and in-depth stories about what's going on in places that are seldom discussed here in the SF Bay Area.

    1. Armstrong and Getty are very middle of the road, not far right. You must prefer to have your bias' reinforced by hearing progressive liberal wingnut talking points, so listen from 10:00-4:00 or whatever, you're all set.

    2. @957....A & G are not middle of the road. They are right wing nutters, never criticizing the Orange jackass in the White House. They are Fox News light but on the radio.. Unlistenable tripe with constant laughing at their lame jokes. This should be the first show to get dumped with new owners.

  6. Not naming names isn’t a solution but it has no negative effect so this woman Christine above sounds like a moron.

  7. Yup, agree with A&G that America is a sick country. Pitting people against each other is not good. Blaming Trump for everything down to my constipation is tiresome. I took KPIX off my DVR last night because everything is Trump's fault. I ran out of my paste snack so I had enough. I'll try Channel 7, but I don't have much hope. Just give me the facts, not the spin. I wish people would just wake up. The media treats us like we are all stupid, but I am beginning to believe we really are.

    1. Everything isn't Trump's fault. But burying your head in the sand to avoid criticism of his rhetoric and policy says more about you.

    2. What spin? I watcjh KPIX too....Cite me an example—actually, since they're "doing it all the time" as you say, cite me FIVE examples...of them blaming Trump for everything. Thanks.

      I find that most of the time the people who insist they don't want "spin" are precisely the people who want spin. Their spin.

  8. Gabbert is Con so I hope he doesn't do all Con programming if he buys KGO. We already have 560 and 860 for that.

    1. We don't need more Democrap either. We have enough stations dedicated to the party of the jackass as it is. Maybe they'll go spanish language.

  9. Jim Gabbert use to fill in on KGO. Although somewhat conservative, he is very smart and also independent on several issues. I always enjoyed when he filled in. He was very critical of Bush 43rd on several issues. He is also a business man, I doubt he would staff the stations with Hannity, Rush like hosts. He seem to be a conservative in an old fashion way, meaning he is reasonable, polite and thoughtful, does not follow today's Republican Party's talking points.

  10. CNN was better when it was 24-7 on missing Malaysian airplane.

  11. Not mentioning the shooter's name is the right thing to do. The story is about the victims, not some kook who wants his name in the paper.

  12. If anyone can resurect and operate a radio station it is Jim Gabberd.

  13. Good points from Christine Craft. The unfortunate reality from some of these cowards that have killed so many innocent people is that some really want people to remember thier name. The name of these cowards will always eventually be available to the public. I could care less when anchors from a network do not want to name the names of these cowards, as long as the networks do not censor the name when the authorities are naming the Coward / Cowards

  14. Gabbert is in his mid 80s by now. Who has the energy at that age to deal with KGO and the left leaning loonies?

  15. Very pathetic the way KTVU news allows itself to be manipulated by every liberal cause du jour. The news department must feel like puppets on a string dancing to everyone else's tune. All of that emoting is gag worthy to say the least, mainly because it is so insincere. As thespians, they aren't very convincing. Better stick to the facts, report and deliver the news, and leave the acting to Hollywood.

    1. And, just to prove how petty and provincial they are, KTVU is down for "Just Me" for the 7:00 PM News, because of the above comment I'm assuming. I know because they kept trying to hack my computer at Noon to turn off the broadcast for comments I made about Wrong. Because I dare to comment on their ridiculously slanted presentation. Can't stand criticism? Your news sucks, KTVU. The facts are completely elusive to your broadcast, and your phony concern isn't convincing. See Down For Everyone Or Just Me

    2. 8:03: You sound like you need to take your meds. Nobody is hacking you or is even interested in you, except maybe your doctors and those men with the butterfly nets.

    3. In the words of the immortal Rodney King, "Can we all just get along"

  16. Armstrong and Getty, who can be remarkably adult and objective in discussing serious issues, are their own worst enemies, pandering it would seem to the base masses with toilet humor, idiotic laughter at each others non-funny jokes, almost talking pride of their fatso status, and you have given us a perfect example, Rich, of why I hardly ever listen to these idiots. Too much time away from them at their best.
