Thursday, July 25, 2019

Now Tom Tolbert Is Pissed Off About Direction of New 'TKB' Show; Takes Two Days Off To Bitch and Moan

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Tom Tolbert

Courtesy of lame-brain Program Director, Jerimiah Crowe, the station's reincarnated 2-6 PM time slot has BIG problems and issues.

The latest?

Chief host and veteran Knibber sports talker, Tom Tolbertn  is the latest of the three-prong show to take time off to stew over the direction of the drive-time program but, I'VE LEARNED, he's done just that and he's supremely unhappy.

This wouldn't be such a big deal if not for the fact that Tolbert's stewing comes at a time when the program is seven shows in and has less advertisers and an abundance of in-house issues. Tolbert has privately told the inside suits he's not pleased about the way the show's headed and that's sort of crazy because it's only been on the air barely a week but the turbulence is both telling and revealing.

All this comes at a time when Rod Brooks decided to take a vacation after only four shows and while it may have been planned, KNBR suits were extremely unhappy Brooks did what he did. It's already a bad situation when Brooks himself is awash in controversy because he only hurts the show by uttering nothing at all except showcasing an amazing fake cackle every other minute.

So how's that for your KNBR afternoon delight? When the big cheese is sulking; when Rod Brooks absence unintentionally makes the program slightly more bearable; when the only guy left standing is out-of-place Larry Krueger;  the stats guru who doesn't have any worldly presence other then stating  Buster Posey's WAR numbers, you know you have problems.

Making matters worse, Kruger got stuck today, (Thursday) with KNBR's version of Daffy Duck, Mark Willard who loves to hear himself talk but says absolutely NOTHING. That should qualify him for an appearance on the Morning Show.


  1. They all suck. No loss. KNBR should run white noise 24/7. It's a lot less irritating than listening to any of those nimrods.

  2. I have never been a fan of Tolbert. I don't get why anyone thinks he has anything interesting to say. Oh, I'm tall. I played NBA basketball. I love beer. Pretty thin resume. He was a scrub in the NBA and still a scrub in the radio business. The other two....just useless.

    1. Tolbert a scrub in the radio business? You may not like him, but he's been dominating his time slot for YEARS regardless of who his co-host has been. To me, that doesn't equal "scrub".

    2. A harsh reality from 3:20.
      Tom Tolbert is only hosting a radio program because he played in the NBA.

  3. Even though it's still early on in this show, it's kind of too bad that it appears that this show is already not working out. If I'm KNBR, I would try to give this show another month. Remember when Damon Bruce was on with Gary Radnich back in 2011, that show lasted a month, even though they hosted the show together for like 2 weeks before Gary went on that mysterious vacation. Then when he came back, Krueger was hosting his show with him.

    If the Tolbert, Krueger, and Brooks show is still not working out by the end of August, early September, then maybe KNBR and 95.7 can swap hosts again like they've kind of been doing unofficially the past few years or so. I know it's rearranging deck chairs as has been mentioned, but switching hosts between both stations can be what's needed for the right weekday lineup for both stations. Greg Papa and John Lund are re-united on KNBR which is good for KNBR. They're continuing where they left off when they were both were on 95.7 hosting their show.

    I would put Ray Ratto back on KNBR with Tolbert. It seemed like that pairing worked, and a lot of people, I don't know why, seemed to enjoy Ratto with Tolbert. They do both balance each other out well though I guess you can say. Ratto is horrible with Damon Bruce. Ratto always shoots down Damon's ideas, and you can tell Ratto kind of tests Damon's patience at times.

    I would put Larry Krueger with Damon Bruce and Matt Kolsky on 95.7. Kolsky did updates sometimes for Gary and Larry's show back when he was on KNBR. Damon Bruce and Larry Krueger worked well together doing Niners pregame back when Krueger first came back to KNBR back in 2011. Larry Krueger and Damon Bruce also have that same passion for sports. Damon has shown that he can work with co-hosts at this stage of his career, most recently working with Darren Smith who works/worked in San Diego, and he of course now has Ratto and Kolsky on his show. Why not pair Larry Krueger with Damon Bruce and Matt Kolsky?

    For Rod, I'm not sure where he would fit, as others have talked about. He really worked well with Fitz even if their show wasn't all that good. Rod also wasn't bad with Marcus Thompson when Marcus Thompson (the Warriors reporter, an Oakland guy) was doing some shows with Rod on KNBR. If Fitz ends up going to 95.7, I would add Rod and pair him with Fitz. If Fitz doesn't go to 95.7, maybe KNBR keeps Rod? Maybe put him on in the nighttime time slot or change the morning show and pair him with Murph and Mac. That would be totally different, but why not?

    Looking back at it now, kind of feel bad for Rod in all of this.

    But yeah, wow, I got to give Rich Lieberman credit. He knew this show wasn't going to work out.

  4. How about Murph and Brooks? Pauline adds ZERO. Can his ass and his pathetic songs.

  5. Hey Rich: when I was working at KGO during the 80s, I believe the rate card for Dunbar-Wygant was $90-$120 per minute, depending on your contract. In today's dollars, that's about $220 per minute. And KGO had a strict 3 minute spot break, not this 7-9 minute bullshit we hear today. My question: what's the rate card at KGO and KCBS look like today?

  6. Do you have the ratings since the change? I changed to KSFO

  7. Tolbert played one sport professionally and is a really interested fan of the other major sports -- he does a good job not trying to pose as something he is not. He's respectful of guests and asks questions I am interested in. For years he has been the only host on KNBR who doesn't come off as an obnoxious twit. Ya he really likes beer. At least he comes across as down to earth, pleasant, and, unlike the morning knuckleheads, not a wannabe bro idiot. Krueger's demeanor is too self-serious for what he brings -- not an insider on any topic. Brooks makes a ton of noise about nothing. Cannot stand his -- "I am being serious now" tone while intoning a cliche or non-sequitur.

  8. Larry can get pretty tedious with his stats, but Tom's "beer talk" can be just as bad. Given time, I think they could find a good balance. Rod is just too scattered to fit in.

  9. 6:51 hit the nail on the head; generally, the sport's talk genre is pretty nonsensical, but Tolbert shines. He actually played, so to some degree he knows of what he speaks. He's genuine, that's what I like most about him.

  10. What I like about Krueger is he likes to talk about sports, and is knowledgeable. No movies, rock-and-roll, betting lines, beer, and juvenile humor. Not sure though he would best be paired with.

    1. Exactly. Yet certain people complain about that with regards to the (supposedly) sports station for which he works.

  11. tried hard to give mark "t" willard (you know its bad when radio guys have to put their middle initial in) a chance, but as soon has his horrible voice comes on its all downhill, he's just like johnnie miller loves to hear the sound of his own voice as most windbags do

    1. Interesting to see the negative comments regarding Willard. To me, he's been the best new talent to come to KNBR in years. He's knowledgeable, likable, communicates his thoughts well, and is quick on his feet with listeners. A HUGE improvement over Covay.

    2. Agree Greg, Willard is a million times better than the puerile Covay, he of the pubescent screech and content.
      Willard's pipes could be a bit less throaty, maybe come up in the "mask", some vocalization refreshing perhaps, but if he keeps getting better then it's all good.

  12. Tolbert is finding out the hard way that Crowe is no Kerr of PDs.
    Readers, feel free to share your past-his-prime Ratto jokes.

  13. Hate to sound like Trump, but not a fan of Tolbert, I stop listening to him and now will listen to D Bruce. Just the endless immature chatter, I officially stop listening to him when he came back after having I believe heart issues, I was interested in hearing about how it unfolded but of course what should of been a 10 minute discussion turned in to way longer and shut the radio off for good

  14. Bring back Ralph "The Razor" Barbieri! Everyone else is also rans.

  15. Greg B, I agree completely about Willard. He's got good energy and tries to keep things positive and balanced. Definitely the best KNBR hire in years.
