Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Tuesday 415 Media Mush: Boy Do I Have Items; Like Why The Hell Did Rod Brooks Take a 'Vacation' Only After 4 Shows? Radio Retreads; KPIX Sinking and Sinking; VDLC Total Disaster; CBS Sends Suits to SF (Again); KTVU Drama; The Core Four Disengagement Continues

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SO, GO FIGURE: A station hypes en fuego its new weekday line-up ad nauseum --practically every five minutes in fact, and after a week's shows (4 shows to be exact) one of the hosts takes a "vacation"? Please, if you believe that, I got some bridge front property to sell you.

We know Rod Brooks of KNBR; part of the artificially-enhanced, "TKB" show (Tom Tolbert and Larry Krueger) curiously took a vacation although it wasn't really a vacation maybe more a respite from the outside vendors so he could be more palpable.

Like many others I listened on Monday and the show was a lot more listenable because two voices work better on radio. Three sucks.

Brooks may have had this vacation planned well before but seriously, you're starting a new program and you're to blend in and after 4 shows, you take a vacation? Are you seriously believing that, what a complete plate of BS and once again, KNBR reveals how it feels about its listeners.

*Gary Radnich and Entercom suits met last Friday at the Fairmont Hotel. Nothing came of it (yet) but they're going to meet again. Quick retirement.

*Retreads in this market of sports-talk hosts would sicken the hell out of me normally but given that it's been going on for years? I'm not shocked. There is ZERO creativity in this city; an industry bereft of talent and ingenuity; a place where the PD at KNBR is hired not on merit but because he knows the head of the 49ers broadcast dept., yeah, makes you want to CROWE a bit.

*The "Ronn Owens Report" was riveting Monday when the host interviewed Adam Copeland from KNBR talking about those red-hot Giants. Ronnnnn, the noted sports expert, didn't ask "Copes" about his dad, Brian, wonder why.

*KGO has told news guy, Bret Burkhart, to help out morning man, Mark Thompson more later so if you hear Burkhart now you know why, only Burkhart is not only boring but even more boring and useless then Thompson. A two-way clusterfuck at KGO in the morning.

*More KPIX fallout: CBS O and O head honchos are heading out to SF (again) to have an internal meeting about why PIX is such a suckfest. I could have saved them thousands of dollars in airfare and hotel and told them point blank: you STILL have massive divisions at your operation. But that's not the only problem; take note.

1. Veronica De La Cruz is a BUST! She came here with star status and a name. But she hasn't moved the needle one iota. Hell, CBS, if you don't register that in five years, you need serious help.

2. The sun has set on Ken Bastida. 

3. Allen Martin has all the appeal of the cafeteria at Santa Rita.

4. THERE IS NO INTEREST in any newscast; about as stale as week-old kumquats.

5. The old ND, Dan Rosenheim, stuck the place up for years and PIX hasn't the money nor resources to add a qualified news man. Think I'm hallucinating KPIX staff? Go ask the senior staffers in the lunchroom, quietly.

*KTVU still reeling over an intern problem that was taken care of when she (the intern) was swiftly paid off. It's pragmatic thinking by the FOX henhouse but boy, talk about how the rank and file feels.

*Ibanez and Martin don't talk; Ibanez and Somerville barely talk; Haener hardly talks to Martin anymore and Martin mumbles away from the screen to Somerville. I'd call this one helluva  an issue but drama is nothing new at the Firm's Jack London Square offices.

*Raj Mathai: one day having lunch with women not your wife could be risky business and I'm not talking about the Tom Cruise movie.

*Weeks and days before he "retired", Radnich, who talks a lot about both his personal and professional life every other day, didn't say, much less allude, to retirement talk; folks, my fans, please DON"T TAKE the BS, It's such a LIE!

*Here's what should have been: Chip Franklin, 10-Noon; Pat Thurston; Noon-3; Mark Thompson 3-6; John Rothmann 6-10. But what do I know.

*Even when KRON eventually goes back on air, (via cable) they have mounds of trouble on their hands and that's saying a lot if you're KRON.

*Radnich on KQED doing an interview could probably buy a lot of coffee mugs.


  1. What is that, Rich?
    A beef cheese & lettuce sandwich using PANCAKES?
    A lot of us would like to know.

    1. It's a Cubano and they are delicious.

  2. Can't stand VDLC. Starting with her high-pitched "I'm" when she introduces herself to her flipping her hair out of her eye by shaking her head and the frequent turning slightly to the right when she's done blabbing. Over and over and over and over ad nauseam.

    1. In what universe was VLDC a star? she was a fill in a Cnn and a 2 AM talent at MSNBC.

    2. Star? the only problem, nobody watches CNN and MSNBC.

    3. Ha! She must have read this before the 5:00 news. No high-pitched "I'm". In fact, she used a lower voice in her introduction than I've heard from her.

    4. VDL...See Ya'

    5. VDLC...Not deserving of a pay raise or a new car, but there is one of the "icing on the cake" women who easily qualifies for a raise and new car, Janelle Wang...picture perfect, a pleasure to watch. One of those women who have spent a lifetime catching people staring at her, beautiful face! Gangnam Style...sexy lady.

      More proof, The Women are the News.

  3. As soon as they announced the TKB lineup, I knew there was no way that Brooks' forced laugh that he learned from Fitzgerald and the manner in which he draws out syllables was going to work in drive time in a 3 man configuration. One of my favorite Brooksisms is when someone asks him how he is doing and he says the answer twice. "I'm doing fine. I'm doing fine."

    They have been able to hide him away for years during mid-day but the morning and afternoon drive shows are the moneymakers. The 3 man show was a terrible idea to begin with but it has zero chance of survival with Brooks as one of those people.

    They feel like they need keep him around for diversity reasons, but once you start messing with the money, you are out.

  4. Rich, you are evocative of Mike Pence, the trembly holy roller who can't be in a room with a woman other than his wife, unless a chaperone is present. Having lunch with someone of the opposite sex who is not your spouse is not evil, it's common practice. Similarly, you say that KPIX needs a "newsman" to run things. It doesn't take a penis to make a good news director..

  5. Why would any of Brian copeland’s Kids comment on him publicly? Just because they work for Cumulus?

  6. KPIX is in big trouble, on so many fronts. Trust me - I know.

  7. Brooks is stilted and contrived and Kruger is too stupid to get Tolbert's humor. The talented Mr. Tolbert deserves better.

    I hope your contacts are wrong about Radnich and Fitzgerald.

    1. Talented? Yes his old closing at end of show. "Bile another mans meal is anothers waste.

      Shows his iq.

  8. KRON & KPIX may have the most glaring troubles brewing but viewership is way off across the board, and so are advertising revenues. This may explain the lack of talent and Kmart attire in front of the cameras. Don't sleep on sagging Circle 7 who may be in the worst shape of them all. Cancerous, really bad people all over that building, and Disney has bailed them out repeatedly and are tired of the diminishing returns. Local TV news is in serious decline, especially in the Bay Area, and the suits are well aware of their dire situations.

    1. Great paragraph 6:25...clear, concise analysis. You are one of the reasons I read R.Lieberman. Thank you.

  9. I watch KTVU's news; and I may surf over to KNTV, KGO, or KPIX' news during commercials. I'm mainly interested in local Bay Area news to see what's going on of importance; it may influence how I get to where I'm driving. There have been major incidents (homicides within 2 miles) near me. National news I get else-where and I'm not interested in sports. I may want to know a little about the weather but my iPhone seems to give me the best info regarding weather.

    VDLC is good, but she's not usually on when I'm ready to watch the news. I can't even DVR her 10 pm newscast as I've got other 10 pm programs already being recorded. I actually enjoy VDLC's Instagram page more than KPIX' (or channel 44's) news. She seems like a nice and interesting person (but if I'm seeing her on tv, I'm looking/listening to her for the news).

    A word about things and this blog: I really don't know or care if a person is nice or not off-camera (or on the radio) as I'm usually listening/watching these folks for the news. The names/identities of the Managers/Editors are irrelevant to me as I'm not in the industry or looking to work for a TV/Radio station. I would somewhat find it interesting if a corporate owner came in and made some major management decisions, however.

    I am more disappointed with Cinemax becoming an extra-charge add-on and no longer included with my Comcast package and it never was included in any DirecTV/AT&T package. I'll have to figure out if & how I'll watch "Warrior", "Strike Back", and "Jett". I also just heard "The Orville" is moving to Hulu. I can't see subscribing to all these various streaming services and will likely just no longer see these series any longer.:(

  10. KPIX is currently in he same position as KRON for AT&T/DirecTV viewers...nowhere.

    1. This "outage" is going to last many weeks / months.

    2. The KPIX outage in Lamorinda was upsetting at first until I realized that the only show I will miss is Stephen Colbert. Between the app Locast and YouTube: problem solved

  11. Brooks on vacation a week into his new gig? Bonta did the same after Papa left 95.7 The Game.

    1. I think Rod probably had his vacation planned before the KNBR weekday lineup shakeup. Same with Bonta regarding his vacation. It was probably planned when Greg Papa was still in 95.7.

      I have noticed that all the hosts on KNBR and 95.7 usually take vacation around this time of year. They probably want to take a break before both stations get heavy into football come September, and then the Warriors again come October, November, and the Giants stretch run should their recent hot streak continue into August and September.

      But yes, in Rod's and Bonta's case, I'm sure their vacations were planned in advance like most people.

  12. If he really is on vacation, Rod is going to regret giving Tom and Larry the chance to show they are better off without him.

    1. Nothing is better than Brooks, a total no personality bore

  13. 3:29 "One of my favorite Brooksisms is when someone asks him how he is doing and he says the answer twice. "I'm doing fine. I'm doing fine."

    -I immediately flashed back to the movie "Goodfellas"...when Henry Hill takes Karen on a date to the club...and, after entering through the service door (GREAT long camera shot, BTW), describes/narrates about all the characters he meets:

    "And then there was Jimmy Two Times, who got that nickname because he said everything twice, like, " I'm gonna go get the papers, get the papers."

    1. Ha Ha Ha ....too funny!!!

    2. Another "Brooksism", which probably stems from his insecurity (he really doesn't know shit and fears he'll be exposed) is when he tries to make a point. Listen how many times he repeats himself, usually 4 or 5 times.
      "The Niners need a strong running game. If they want to be competitive they need a running game. Good teams have a running game. It's just not about throwing the football. You gotta gain yards on the ground to win in this league."
      That kind of BS.

    3. The audio from that scene was also used as a lead-in, for "The Razor and Mr. T Show" on KNBR.

  14. *Here's what should have been: Chip Franklin, 10-Noon; Pat Thurston; Noon-3; Mark Thompson 3-6; John Rothmann 6-10. But what do I know.

    And Ray Taliaferro 1-5AM if he was still here. Rich, was there any mention of cause of death about Ray or info about his wife? I may have missed the info.

    1. No Chippie. The guy is an ass. His show is insulting and immature. Even Ronn would be better in the 10-noon slot.

    2. John Batchelor I'd go/like late night but he has to shorten his intro/bumper concert, Really puts a drag on his program...Get to the info!

    3. Yeah, Chimp Franklin should go home and lock the door in his lily white town of Lafayette. Anyone who says "libraries are for the homeless," and "you know you're in a bad neighborhood when you see bail bonds places" is yes, an ass. Libraries are "public" for ALL to use and just go to any branch and you'll see tons of folks on computers and READING!!! Where the hell should bail bonds places be if not right near the jail? Lafayette, perhaps?? One main police station in SF is on Bryant Street, along with the court house with plenty of Police officer, sheriffs, etc., probably one of the safest areas in SF and the bonds people are across the street. Chip is such dumb,racist pig. Next time he needs to pay a ticket, perhaps he should mail the damn thing, if he's afraid of brown people who might need a bail bondsperson.

  15. "...and once again, KNBR reveals how it feels about its listeners."
    They must like their listeners to spare us Brooks for a week.

    1. Agree with 9:51.
      What ever became of Ray Taliaferro ?
      Last I read, it seems there was fould play involved in his death, but have not heard anything since.
      No police report, no nothing.
      Anyone know ?

  16. Regarding Rod Brooks's vacation
    According to Tom Tolbert & Larry Krueger, Brooks is vacationing in Lake Tahoe.
    Rather odd timing.

    1. Maybe a preplanned vacation while school is out?

  17. @9:51 In Ray Taliaferro''s death the cause was ruled hypertensive cardiovascular disease brought on by exposure to the elements. Here is what kfvs12 in Paducah, Kentucky, reported.


    1. Thank you @10:16pm for linking this story about Ray. Still, all these months later we don't know about any results from which Ray Jr. was going to hire a PI. My questions always had to do with the new wife. And the timeline after he went missing and when his car was first noticed always was very circumspect.

  18. - Haven't followed KNBR for decades. Too many commercials, not enough air time. Clearly getting worse as the years go by. No Giants miracle or 49ers healthiness is going to change that.
    - Will the Bentley rescue the Game? Can any station be rescued?
    - Politics too common with Crowe and the Trickys
    - Somebody please put Owens out of his misery.
    - Owens, Burkhart, Rothmann, & Thurston are all that's left pre-11.
    - Is it red tape, other contract bureaucracy, or a simple lack of chutzpah that is keeping CBS HQ from overhauling KPIX before fall?
    - Cook will go on maternity leave soon. Will she be moved to morning? Is VDLC's time at PIX up?
    - Is Bastida mailing it in? If contact was extended, why?
    - Is Martin's contract extended? If so, why?
    - Why are all TV stations so inept with running their newscasts?
    - C'mon, CBS! Solid prime time programming from Fall to Spring (definitely not summer; only interested in Elementary's conclusion), Sports is strong, and despite a rough beginning still happening, looks like Norah O'Donnell might come on strong in the future for the Evening News. The Eye Network should not throw it away by letting KPIX spin its upside down wheels. How are WCBS-NY, KCBS-LA, WBBM-Chicago, & KYW-Philly doing? If one or more are struggling, the stupidity increases tenfold if CBS does nothing with KPIX.
    - The Firm, as always, delivers its own local newsroom D'OHs, making the Simpsons seem functional.
    - All four 10 O'Clock News cast members are miserable, aren't they!
    - RL, how about asking the Merc's Sal Pizarro if there is anything about Raj Mathai's dinner you mentioned? The Silicon Valley lifestyle columnist may have something more legit or it could be nothing. Pizarro shows more interest in his locals than Garchik does with her locals at the Chron.
    - Will it be the Game or KQED for the Bentley? More likely the former, as the latter is way too different in views with Radnich.
    - Mark Thompson's second Bay stint is a complete dud. End misery.
    - Put KRON out of its misery and sell it to Telemundo. Make it a bigger Spanish NBC station than the current KSTS-48 in San Jose.
    - Even if Radnich would shock everyone and join KQED, the latter would likely mismanage that as they do their pledge money.

  19. why does pat thurson sound like she is lecturing people all the time, she should have that movie reviewer guy just be her regular co host since it seems like he is on several times a week

    1. Pat's guest, Tim Sica, "that movie reviewer guy," is only on with Pat on Fridays, so that's how much you DON'T pay attention to what you're listening to.

  20. Regarding PIX, their 90 minutes of straight local news,5-6:30 p.m. is a rating death sentence.. With KGO and their local news broadcast 4-5 p.m. that's two and a half hours of straight local news. That is a ton of retread local news. Their is no way I m sticking around till 6:30 p.m. for the CBS Evening News. They need to slot CBS Evening back at 5:30..
