Thursday, July 25, 2019

KTVU Unease as Fox LA Turbulence Seems Headed North; Rosemary Orozco Wants Bill Martin's 10 PM Gig; Maria Medina Knows Her Pull at KPIX; KGO Radio Props For Mueller Programming But Owens/Thompson Screws Up Good Idea

Image result for KTVU Fox 2 OaklandDOWN THERE IN OAKLAND IN JACK LONDON SQUARE, It's Panic City at KTVU and Why?

Because the labor stiffs; the rank and file are SCARED TO DEATH that what's happening in LA at KTTV,  The Fox O and O, is soon to transpire in Oakland.

And everyone is frightened to bejesus --because the unions, namely NABET are outfoxed to death and while they won't say publicly, staffers who who know "The Firm" are wary of its upper hand and who has the most leverage in any sort of labor unrest. At KTVU there's always been a distinct lack of trust and major PISSED-OFF working folks toward corporate Fox and the union is essentially powerless.

It'll be interesting to watch these next few weeks and what a time now, with July Sweeps taking place.

Image result for Rosemary Orozco Bill Martin KTVU*ADD KTVU: I'm FAIRLY CONFIDENT if they don't take care of her with much more moolah, then Rosemary Orozco will take her talents down to LA where such spirited happiness and great morale take place (I'm being sarcastic) This is a potentially horrid train wreck ready to happen and much to soon at KTVU: Bill Martin has long been waddling along and it's only a matter of time before he gets hacked by a management high pressure system and Orozco wants prime time and Martin seems destined for the 5 and 6; Orozco wants 10 PM and right away! ADVANTAGE, Rosemary now only if KTVU can hold her off and placate Martin.

I'VE been a Martin fan for many years but it seems Father Time has dealt the veteran weatherman a seriously bad hand.

Martin seems to get more flustered every day. His forecasts are now five minutes of rampant mutterings and mumbles. He doesn't so much simply talk to the viewers more verbal chaos --there's nights I watch when I have NO IDEA what the heck he's saying and that's a shame. The guy has a helluva lot on his mind, it appears.

Image result for maria medina kpix
Maria Medina
*SPEAKING OF MONEY, the lately MORE PROMINENT, Maria Medina, has told KPIX and CBS honchos, "SHOW ME THE MONEY!"

The shapely Medina, who clearly knows she's on the rise at CBS here, wants to be rewarded for her popularity and I say, Good Luck With That! Maria, gone are the days of unlimited funds even for the big shots and big something elses.

*KGO Radio had a great idea; I'll give them credit only LOUSY execution and horrible personnel placement.

The Mueller grill before The House Judiciary Committee made for awkward TV watching --that said, KGO stuck some of its all-stars in the studio to analyze the proceedings and that turned out a DISASTER!

Political guru and night host, John Rothmann, was up early and got to the station at 5 AM and he and bumbling newsman, Bret Burkhart talked early. It was decent but disjointed. Rothmann doesn't need a sidekick; he knows his stuff and Burkhart doesn't help unless you like a guy who keeps interrupting.

Later, Pat Thurston arrived and then, out-of-place Ronn Owens and his buddy, Markie Mark Thompson, he of NO RATINGS 10-Noon) were in studio. It was even worse then and horribly out of control. Less is good but at KGO, it seems to be a foreign language.


Thurston was fine and dandy. You may dislike her politics but she can conduct the orchestra --like Rothmann, she doesn't need any help and muddling her talk by sticking so many useless voices in studio makes for a LOUSY SHOW!

Image result for KGO Radio Mueller Special
Ronnnnnn Owens
I can see KGO has a sympathetic bone in its house; namely PD, Lee Hammer's willingness to let Ronn Owens participate but Owens sounds AWFUL. He too mumbles and stumbles and his gravel voice is frankly, embarrassing. What he does say makes no sense and he's clearly off his game. Why are we subjected to this? Let Owens embrace his useless "Ronn Owens Report" and allow others, more younger and energetic voices speak their mind.

Thompson's interjections on Wednesday, much like Owens, were useless and uninformative. Why? Because Thompson DOESN'T KNOW POLITICS! much less anything else save for a USA Today poll on human flatulence.

Image result for John Rothmann Pat Thurston KGO
Mark Thompson, (l) Pat Thurston and John Rothmann


  1. I personally would hate to see Bill go anywhere. If he did the only one there that should take over the 10pm slot is Mark. He's young, up and coming an will have a long career. There could be a clue where Rosemary is going in Rob Mayedas Instagram post.

  2. It's really sad to see how Bay Area media has hit rock bottom. In all venues: TV, radio and print.

    I'd rather watch Maria Medina as opposed to that pompous Andria Borba, the field reporter who acts like she has a big attitude with a caboose to match (she's a big girl physically). The way she signs off sounds like someone who thinks they're upper crust. Never mind, she probably ate that too.

  3. I think Ms. MEdina should do an up close and personal report on FLOTITS, based on her own experience.

  4. Rich: Thank you for the Owens clarification. There we have it. Hammer's past-his-prime act is what is keeping Owens there in the first place. Be it veteran or younger PDs, too much cluelessness happening in thar Bay stations. And I highly doubt that Hammer would listen to a listener majority if they say Owens must go.

  5. Not only is Maria Medina utterly beautiful and exotic, she's a damn good reporter!!

  6. NABET doesn't represent anybody at KTVU. No one. Just ask the folks at KQED. Maybe SAG/AFTRA or IBEW, but KTVU is NOT a NABET shop.

  7. Great picture of Rosemary but the numbers on the street sign are wrong. The numbers should be a one and a zero with the arrow on the right side of the zero pointing toward Rosemary, she is a 10!

    Numbers down. Time to try something else, time to experiment, nothing lasts forever. Add some sexcitment to the News, you might be surprised. Give Maria and Rosemary what they want, why, just look at the two pictures!

    You have to give me a reason to watch your Newscast, those two women are a reason. And in doing so I'm exposed to all commercials from your Advertisers, isn't that what it is all about.

    The Women are the News...They just have to figure it out. FOX (cable) did 20 years ago and it still works!

  8. you can tell ronnnn owens is so desperate for anyone to show him attention at this point..still hoping his cabana boy ryan scott joins him on his cruise

  9. Rosemary and Maria are as good as gone. Local TV revenues no longer support the type of money they are seeking. It's sad that both actually NEED the cash they are asking for to be able to live adequately here in the Bay Area.

    1. You might be right. I spend most of my time in Southern California now and have seen a lot of the more telegenic Bay Area newswomen working in the larger markets. For example, Cecilia Vega is anchor ABC World News tonight. And in LA, Marla Tellez, Carolyn Johnson, and Evelyn Taft are all regulars on the airwaves. And now Vicky Nguyen is on the Today show as a featured reporter.

  10. Bay Area radio is pathetic. Kgo is the worst, Chip wants to beat up everyone who is not on the left. How about those stupid interpretations? I thought you were supposed to be a comedian. Ha Ha, he and Nikki are freaking lame, he lives in Lafayette, she lives in San Jose but they "get it" the home less problem. Tom Steier would be way more popular if he placed all the money to in investing SF & Homeless than in stupid ads for impeachment. He would be a way better candidate. Gavin is a pos, just ask his best friend, he fucked his wife, his brother Brennan is also a pos. just ask around. Nikki and Chip also "get it" regarding health care for all undocumented workers when local residents who live in sf which don't have health care have to scramble for payments. N

  11. I make it a point to skip Pat Thurston.
    Please tell me that she did not spin the Mueller hearing as anything but a disaster for the left. Even Pat cant be that damn stupid.

  12. martin's down home folksy weather is perfect, better thsn the other
    three clowns, and much better than
    the rest of the bay area train wreck, keep it up, at least he
    KNOWS the bay area weather

  13. Hard to say Maria Medina's on the rise when she doesnt even anchor on weekends anymore.

    Take a look at Maria's Instagram.
    If this isn't a Narcissist I dont know what is...

    She evidently has two boys who are being raised by other family members.
