Monday, July 8, 2019

Heather Holmes Really Thinks She's a Helluva Lot Better (and Finer) Than Julie Haener

Image result for Heather Holmes Julie Haener KTVU WE'VE BEEN DOWN THIS ROAD BEFORE--It's not (again) a pretty picture.

KTVU News has itself another hottie-in-distress crisis --so perfect for the Fox henhouse Bay Area outpost they should get it branded and help out the main Fox Entertainment network (right there on Fox2)

Heather Holmes is once again demanding, (sort of) a quasi ultimatum only this time the stakes are higher.

Holmes is threatening KTVU management that unless she gets a fulltime PM gig (read 10 O'clock News) she'll bolt the station and head to somewhere else where she'll get primetime action and not be wasted (her words) waiting for a shot at the bigtime.

In other words, Holmes wants Julie Haener's gig because she's younger, prettier, cheaper (sort of) and a last name you can spell without spell checking.


The twosome aren't speaking to one another and it's getting to the toxic stage.


  1. I remember the time Haener went commando and sat down to eat at the KFC in Petaluma...the guy in the next booth started screaming “Goddam, My Eyes are Burning!!”

  2. We just hate any reporter giving the management team attitude demanding this and that or excuses just to steal the top spot. Why is she even qualify to steal Julie spot??? Time to go back to her native town of Texas and report about farming and animals.

  3. Put Julies head on Heather's body and I'd say you have something tasty.

    1. Heather needs bigger tits but she's beautiful.

  4. Bring back Tori Campbell. Problem solved. Ho Lee Fook!

  5. Meowwwwwww! Wonder whose claws are sharper.

  6. Oil them down and let them work it out on the gym mat. Or whoever hogties the other wins. Televise it. Ratings will soar.

  7. Exactly what The Firm wants

  8. Heather screws up too much to be on prime time. She is constantly tripping over her words, scrambling sentences, flubbing the copy.

    In addition, her inappropriate death metal wardrobe and random jewelry arrangements are a huge turnoff to most viewers and not professional for the market. You get the feeling watching her that she'll start head banging any minute now. About the jewelry, she's so self-conscious about it, she noticeably covers her hands during long shots, so why wear it? It's distracting.

    Heather looks more and more uncomfortable everyday. She'd be happier with "her people" in Texas. She has that kind of vibe. She might be "Texas prime time," but she's definitely not SF Bay Area prime time.

    1. > her inappropriate death metal wardrobe

      Seriously, what are you watching?

      I agree with Rich, who has said she dresses like a party girl on her way to the cocktail hour. But "Death metal"? I've never seen her in black leather and chains. I'd like to, though... :-)

    2. @9:06 You're thinking S&M. If she dresses like she does for work, she could be into S&M on her time off, too. I'm sure you won't find her in pigtails, wearing Daisey Dukes, and chewing on a piece of hay.

    3. Don’t forget the ever changing hair styles and never know what look you are going to get when Heather is on the air.

  9. With that crappy contract, Holmes should've left KTVU years ago...don't think she isn't in demand either...she's on top of more than a few wish lists & word is that she is a serious candidate to replace Kristen Sze and Circle 7's sagging ratings.

  10. Both are gorgeous women, but I give the slight nod to Haener for reporting the news. Honestly, I like when both women work the same time slot. Move Frank aside and let the two hotties work! :)

    1. Better yet, let KTVU be first in the Bay Area to implement Nude TV News. Then Frank can definitely be sent home early.

  11. Maybe they'll kiss.
