Monday, July 8, 2019

Yep, KRON is a Test Pattern in all Bay Area

Image result for KRON off the air Nexstar Directv Which isn't such a bad thing unless you love watching patio furniture ads and Henry Tanenbaum retro reporting.

A dispute with AT&T and DRTV lands Nextstar (which owns KRON) in hot seat but I'm guessing no one is moaning and keep in mind it's summer when no one watches TV.


  1. Just goes to show KRON4 is irrelevant. Such a wonderful history gone into the shitter. Great programming a distant memory. Sad. Guess I'll go back to watching KTVU PLUS -- really minus, but no one cares. Maybe I should watch infomercials on DirecTV instead. If that doesn't tell you the state of television programming today, what does?

  2. If you have antenna instead of cable you're groovy. Just wanted to point that out.

    1. You can use to see what stations are available with the antenna.

  3. KRON works here with a basic tv antenna. Sutro tower never has outages.
    Of course, you also get FREE over the air....
    California Music channel, 17-3
    Country Music channel 17-x
    Jazz tv 60-x
    France 24 . 60-x

    And I still won't watch KRON 4-1

  4. To be clear, it's not "all Bay Area". They're still available on Comcast cable (and are running a bottom-of-the-screen crawl asking viewers to "help their friends and neighbors" by calling AT&T and DirecTV and demanding the return of KRON).

    1. They're also available on old fashioned antenna TV.

  5. No loss. And I kicked Direct to the kerb when I needed to replace my boxes and gave me a hard time.

  6. If NBC wants Telemundo to have a bigger Bay Area audience, move it from KSTS 48 to KRON 4, and the fee disputes end with a new large audience, albeit the obvious language change, and NBC would finally buy KRON 4 like the Young schmucks should have allowed in 2002. Nice that NBC is the only network to base their affiliate in San Jose, but once that blown opportunity went away when the Peacock moved to KNTV, KRON has become a shell of its shameful self.

  7. Free OTA is the way to fly. Better HDTV. KRON is there to ignore. France24 on 60.2 for sane 24/7 news. Cable and dish, overrated and expensive. $10 rabbit ears at Walmart.

    1. Anyone affected by local blackouts can call DirecTV and ask for a LCC kit. They will send it to you for free if you are in a affected market and ask for one. It's a little dongle that connects an OTA antenna to the USB port on the back of the main Genie receiver.

  8. I miss having my eardrums blown out by Darya every morning.

  9. I noticed Armstrong & Whoever haven’t been on KGO for a few days. Have they finally Ben axed?

    1. They're just on vacation. People tend to do that during the summer.

  10. Insiders at KRON tell me they are on the edge of extinction. This has top brass really reeling...

  11. There on the Sac station and replaced on KGO with a local host and vacationing syndicated shows tend to have fill in host unless it’s s major holiday week like Christmas.
