Shame on me, you too. All of you.
I HAVE A DILEMMA. I love writing this blog and providing you (for the most part) the inside dope; the stories and scoops nobody else provides; the coverage you get; the honest opinion you don't get anywhere else. Even my enemies miss me. That's not bragging, that's the truth.
Late February I was ready to go away because the donations and subscriptions I depend on dried up and announced my decision to suspend 415 Media. There was no money and I couldn't continue to write. I assumed the Bay Area would support a daily media blog. I assumed $25 bucks a year, (even from the Internet) was affordable for a 24/7 TV/Radio site that was unique and entertaining for the most part. The money would allow me the funds necessary to pay my bills and give you a great blog even if at times, I wasn't on mark. I'm not a 300 hitter but I'm not batting 250 either. Whatever, you get my drift.
I know a lot of you have stepped up and made donations repeatedly. And as I've said before, Thank You. Again and Again. And in March when I was about to call it quits, many of you wrote me and commented too that you wanted me back, the blog back. I was deluged --frankly, I was overwhelmed, even the haters wanted me back. (Who never donate by the way)
So I HAVE THIS DILEMMA: I said there would never be any more pledge breaks. Then I watched KQED the other night and all I saw were pledge breaks. This, from an org. that's worth roughly $500M; they were soliciting $100 and $200 pledges; KCSM and NPR routinely devote hours and hours to pledge breaks. And good for them, they need the money to stay on the air. So how am I different? I never intended to make money (god forbid) writing the only Bay Area media blog but I also didn't plan on losing money, money that I do not have.
So I ask you if you want me and my product, to donate the 25 bucks --if I can reach just a thousand of you readers, that would enable me to continue writing 415 Media for the rest of the year. If I cannot accomplish that, then I have to make a decision. A mother of all dilemmas but sometimes you have to read the handwriting on the wall.
Most of you love reading me. Most of you know you will NEVER get the inside scoop from the Chronicle, never. Someone told me to ask readers to donate 100 bucks for the year. I said I thought that was too high even in this area of the most billionaires on the planet. I thought if a fair portion of my 50,000 daily readers could commit to 2 BUCKS A MONTH, that would enable me to write the blog without asking you guys for money every few weeks but I need to eat too and pay my bills.
It's up to you now.
If you LIKE 415 MEDIA and would like a blog every day then scroll down the right side of the blog to the "Pay Pal" DONATE button; click on it and follow the directions; it's FAST, EASY, SAFE AND SECURE; a bonus: you do not have to have a Pay Pal account to contribute. Plus, I will personally call you and/or email you thanking you for your contributions.
Thanks in advance.
Rich Lieberman
415 Media
Writer, Creator, Founder
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