Friday, June 7, 2019

Quickies; Baer Future; KPIX Morning Show; Jon Miller; Krukow; Mark Thompson on KGO; Raiders in Oakland 2019 and 2020 Too

Image result for Quick hits*LARRY BAER: If he returns at all this year (and that's iffy at best) it'll be in a largely low-profile position; the days of Baer schmoozing in and around the lower boxes at Giants' games are over. SF isn't very tolerant of domestic abuse (even if Baer has no history of such behavior) that said, the video of him and wife, Pam doesn't look good. No he didn't knock her down, but instead of helping her back up, he walked away briskly. (Look at his face immediately as he walks away)

*KPIX MORNING SHOW: Michelle Griego might be about to learn the consequences of her nastiness are a lot worse than she thought.

*Jon Miller has been telling friends that he's probably done after this season. Miller has taken four series off this year and we're only in early June. With Dave Flemming signed to a multi-year contract extension, beginning 2020, at best, Miller would be a #-2 PBP Giants broadcaster and Miller isn't a second banana, just ask him.

*His health is good and he still commands lots of respect and admiration from the Giants' amen corner; on the other hand, don't be shocked if Mike Krukow were to call it quits after this year.

*Mark Thompson met with KGO management recently and all agreed he needs a "spark" to get his show moving along. So far, since debuting March 11th, Thompson's 10-Noon talkie has been a disaster. ZERO feedback. ZERO buzz. ZERO "move-the-needle" material. Thompson might have to have Tara Fields on the show to talk about her relationship with a certain friend of Marky Mark.

*The Raiders will play not only their 2019 season in Oakland, but 2020 too and probably 2021. Their Vegas stadium is nowhere nearly done and you didn't see this in the Chronicle.


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  1. Michelle and Kenny look like BFF's in those promos?

  2. Let Timmy Smoke, Let Pablo Pitch and Let Larry Sext!

  3. This morning as Griego finished reading (fumbling) her story, the camera stayed on her a few extra seconds instead of cutting to Choi, and caught her giving him a death stare from hell. From just that look alone, I could tell she is first class, rip your head off, *itch. Now I understand why insiders always compare her to Sze at ABC who is also totally out of control.

    1. Sze Cool mom act at 11am is just awful. Castro and Aqui look like they would rather be anywhere else.

    2. wow that's amazing! What extraordinary, preternatural skills you have to determine that a woman is a bitch or a witch from the way you "caught her" turning her head to the side to look at a co-anchor!

    3. What exactly is awful? that she is a mom, or that she is acting as a mom, or that she is cool? or a cool mom. would you prefer if she were not a mom? did you think that being a mom was evil?

    4. @AnonymousJune 7, 2019 at 5:10 PM

      I've seen Gasia give Mike the same look. It's like Pavlov's Dogs. Male anchor doesn't come in when he's supposed to after female anchor is finished. Camera stays on female anchor who turns to look at him angrily. Works every time. Requies preplanning between camera operator and male anchor.

      Another childish way men get back at women in the workplace when they've yanked her chain and she wasn't all sweetness and light. They think they are getting away with something, but they're like six-year olds. So obvious and transparent it's laughable.

  4. If this is indeed true, I will miss Miller. Re: Kruk, maybe he
    will attend games as a fan and bring his glove.

  5. Larry Baer used to be so popular he could have and was rumored to be running for Mayor. Now he wouldn't be able to be a janitor

  6. Surprised to hear Michelle is the problem. Kenny’s “Angry Asian Man” dementor is hard to take.

    1. Kenny's "Angry Asian Man" demeanor? Is this the same Kenny Choi that Rich constantly says barely registers a heartbeat? You must be watching someone else.

  7. KGO should pair up Mark Thompson and Ronn Owens.
    And maybe add Brian Copeland as the morning traffic reporter.

    1. just happy they fianlly fired that supreme ass kisser/brown noser phony chef

  8. Larry Baer is not returning to the Giants front office in any capacity. Trust me.
    Rob Dean is now the CEO.
    Larry Baer should learn to enjoy life at Folsom Prison.

  9. Advice to Thompson: Cultivate the callers. They are your show's most important asset.

  10. As for Miller and Krukow: ADIOS PELOTA!

  11. I always figured Baer was a scumbag, then he gave us proof...

  12. To increase his rating, Mark Thompson should consider the use of sound drops.
    KNBR's Paul MacCaffery has used it with excellent results.
