I'VE Been talking about Mark Thompson coming back to the Bay Area for some time now and as of Monday, he'll return, (via the LA radio conduit) to KGO Radio from 10 AM to 1PM, replacing the awful, dreadful, Ethan Bearman.
You recognize Thompson, don't you? Of course you do.
Thompson, in his more creative, energetic, youthful days was KRON's weatherman during the 80's and early 90's. He brought weather into a comedic routine and was highly-regarded as entertaining and unique. It definitely was a different weather presentation and pre-Internet, a cool diversion because Thompson was all over the map, literally and figuratively. Like many other thousands, I watched Mark do his schtick and he was, for the most part, very funny and highly entertaining. It was a unique view to say the least.
Thompson eventually left the Bay Area and KRON to do various TV and radio work in LA; he was booted from a high profile Fox gig in 2011 but continued to work in the southland.
How cool... I enjoy his "The Edge" podcasts
ReplyDelete"Mark Thompsons neighborhood weather"
ReplyDeleteVintage KRON
They still play the same news jingle....lol
I recall Mark Thompson was one of Ronn's great friends. So is this a backdoor for Ronn to get back more time on the air?
ReplyDeleteI never liked Thompson's work and was real happy when he moved to LA.
Still NOT Live and Local????
ReplyDeleteThompson was hilarious when he was at KRON in the 80's. The KRON news teams back then were high-quality, professional and entertaining. I don't listen to KGO anymore, but I might listen to a show or two of his just to see what he's like now. I always hate it when someone from out of town hosts a local radio talk-show, though.
ReplyDeleteThe entire Bay Area is filled of "out of towners". Example, statistics from the latest census. In 2017 55,000 people left Santa Clara County but 52,000 immigrants from other countries came in. Repeat that across the entire Bay Area and 5 to 10 years from now, the media lanscape around here is going to be VASTLY different. The same as it has changed the last 10-19 years bringing about posts on this blog and others of how great it "was". Sad but true. It's no longer the Bay Area of old. But hey, at least we have a Sushi restuarant on every corner now in San Jose!
Delete2:23...Five to 10 years from now, how about now and you can include the entire state. We just reached 40 million, ten million weren't born in this County. Of the 40 million, Hispanic are now the majority. Forty four percent of the families in CA don't speak English at home.
DeleteThe Golden State is long gone, we are now an outpost for the Third World, you now have proof!
Our elite leaders are trying to solve all our social problems, traffic congestion, housing shortages, ever expanding homeless population, high cost of housing if you can find it, but they refuse to address the "root cause" that continually amplifies the social problems we are facing....we have too many people!
Up until 1980 CA had an almost zero population growth each year, then the brain dead decided to open the flood gates and now you and your family are living with the results! You have been totally screwed and didn't even get a kiss.
Address the root cause, shut the flood gates!! Can't do that, it's not nice. Have you noticed...the Third World all around the Planet have decide to move to the First World, I can't blame them, why not!
According to my local paper a few weeks ago, net migration into CA last year was 145,000 people which is the "root cause" of all our present social problems.
So I have a question for all our great leaders...How do you stop the water from coming into the boat and eventually capsizing it when you refuse to acknowledge the hole in the bottom of the boat and "refuse" to plug it?
Amen 12:50.
Delete1970: 20 Million
Delete1980: 24 Million
1990: 30 Million*
2000: 34 Million
That 1990 increase probably influenced by Amnesty signed by Reagan. The government estimated 1 Million; 3.6 Million signed up.
I've read currently an estimate of 4 Million illegal immigrants, which probably means 6 Million or more. And Governors Brown and Newsom inviting more to come.
Talking about the weather for 3 hours nonstop every day could be challenging, for sure.
ReplyDeleteim sure that thompson has learned alot about making radio interesting with the time he has spent on tim conway jr show
ReplyDeleteThompson and Thurston instead of Bearman? I'll take that trade!