Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Five Quick Serious Election Hits; Savage Rips into Fox News; KGO Radio Thurston and Rothmann Highlight Election Night Coverage Too Bad KGO Doesn't Promote; Luckoff Bad Mouths Savage; $upport 415 Media

Related image FIVE QUICK HITS

*Michael Savage ripped into Fox News big time for its allowing Sean Hannity to appear onstage  with Trump at a campaign rally.

Sure, Savage has a beef with Fox but unlike other talking heads who said NOTHING, Savage lit into FNC --a rare event by someone not on the Democratic ledger.

*It's great that KGO Radio is having truly LIVE and LOCAL hosts on its election night coverage; John Rothmann and Pat Thurston, but very little, if an,  promos. Why? If you're investing a non-taped program that is sure to draw some listeners who would enjoy hearing an old KGO staple, wouldn't it have been prudent to PROMOTE their show tonight? Again, KGO can't help itself.

*Why Mickey Luckoff has been bad-mouthing Savage is beyond me. Oh, maybe he still has memories from years back when he practically tossed Savage to the street. I'm not sucking up to Savage --I like his show and his occasional brilliant rants that sometimes go to far--but I detest people who talk behind other people's back, believe me I know first hand.

*The chutzpah of some folks who come on and lecture me because I dare ask for donations and contributions and paid subscriptions so I can SURVIVE and keep this site sustainable and so I can breathe a little and pay for basic living expenses. I know I'm giving oxygen to the scum that is Internet trolls but screw it, I'm game.

*For the 10, 000th time, YES, I RIP PEOPLE. But I PUT MY NAME TO IT and DO NOT HIDE BEHIND a computer. In other words, my criticism and bites and growls are transparent; that doesn't mean you have to agree or disagree with me but I don't hit and hide like a coward unlike some of my biggest critics.

*Those of you that deride me for asking for money, do not come here then. I've decided to post pledges for support while at the same time keeping content going. It's not thirty minutes of KQED babble and TRN spam mail you get every day. The fact is I need money like you do to pay my bills and have the little life I have. Don't like it? Then go listen to the tofu guy.

Oh, yeah, of course, vote.


  1. Why would Mr. Rothmann and Ms. Thurston need KGO to publicize their programs, when they have you?

  2. Thurston is a waste of air, a true one trick pony. Hate Trump. and hate Trump. But then Rothman balances her biased vitriol. Good radio but could do less of the Thurston rage.

    Rothman is a great choice because he has the intelligence to weigh both camps and opine a measured response.

  3. I agree with you Rich that you do not hide, although I don’t always agree with your criticisms regarding our local radio/tv people, and really don’t agree with your political view, but you are transparent. I donated to you last year and, perhaps, should again.

  4. ALERT - Gil the Gross to be back on KGO radio this Friday!!!

  5. There are also the many people I've seen post who would consider donating if you didn't censor comments. Bottom line, post all the pledge breaks you want, but whining about comments you don't even publish is a bad look when you're asking them to donate. You say you don't hit and hide like a coward, but censoring the comments of those who respectfully disagree with you is pretty cowardly.

  6. What good does it do to put your name on a comment when you censor them anyway?
