Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Radnich Isn't Even Voting on Election Day; Wifey Loves KSFO; KTVU 'Plus': Finally Someone Will Watch; 415 Media Potent Potables on 2018 Election Day

Image result for election day november 2018 ELECTION DAY POTENT POTABLES ...reported by 415 Media

*The guy on KNBR that loves to talk about himself and his car isn't voting today, no really. Maybe after word gets out he'll haul his ass off to the polling place and once again pay homage to a Trump candidate in this state if that exists.

*The wife of the ex-Bentley guy, is a hardline KSFO listener and loves Brian Sussman; funny, I didn't know one that existed.

*Like many of you, I will watch the election results on cable mostly because any local station that "has special election coverage" will consist of talking heads from universities hired to sound like they know something and most of them don't know a damn thing. Think 2016.

*KTVU has run about 5000 promos about its election coverage --including special results on its sister station Channel 6, aka, "KTVU Plus" --great, it's about time they found a reason for someone to actually watch KTVU Plus.

*Frank Somerville will look into the camera with authority and make it appear as if he was the Election Night Gandhi. Then Frank will disappear into the night later and find a quiet, private place to talk about life with his latest girlfriend.

*KGO's Larry Beil has a huge election night party planned with all his friends and family at the station; Larry's opting for covering all the food and drink expenses but turkey/avocado sandwiches are not on the list.

*Tracey Watkowski-Silva had planned a big bash at her pad but cancelled at the last minute because no was scheduled to attend.

*Celebrity Chef, Ryan Scott, is apparently going to open a case of arugula rind along with a special bottle of elite ripple with his guests, Ronn Owens and Brian Copeland.

*Reggie Aqui, the swell guy he is, invited ALL members of the San Jose Sharks to his home to watch the returns but bailed when a team PR guy told him, "just stay away from our goalie."

*The great Ron Barr was planning a secret election night party near North Beach Restaurant until Senator Feinstein told him, "who are you?"

*KRON's Election Night coverage was to have featured virtually all the station's on-air staff including morning news anchor, Darya Folsom, who when told of her assignment, said to the boss: ":Election? There's an election? What election?"

*Ethan Bearman begged Jack Swanson for some election night commentary on KGO Radio from his home base in LA only Jack insisted that Ethan not mention the word, "tofu", to which Bearman then retreated and is instead doing a fondue special for the Encino city channel on basic LA cable.


  1. > The wife of the ex-Bentley guy, is a hardline
    > KSFO listener and loves Brian Sussman...

    Funny, when she was a lowly writer at KRON sitting across from me she was a libeal. Funny what money does...

  2. No red...no blue...
    No Crips...No Bloods...

    Vote Goat!

  3. Good article today, in spite of the obligatory mention of Radnich.

  4. I have a question for any of Rich's readers. Isn't/wasn't there a rule that political ads had to stop running on TV the day of the election? KTVU was running them in the 6am hour this morning.

  5. Darya wants to cover the Erection, not the Election

  6. Rich...what's the story behind the precipitous drop in KNBR's ratings?

  7. you're all a bunch of haters, and rich, your the worst of them all

  8. I don't think that was a rule per se. The rule of thumb was by Tuesday minds were made up... Nowadays polls show that people go to the polls at the last minute undecided and with all this PAC money and some close races, candidates and PACS are burning that cash to get that final push out.

  9. to top it all off for a "diversion" from election talk you could "joe the butcher" on kgmz who gets more annoying by the minute or "frannie and drew" who are still on the air believe it or not..

  10. So when did "red face" become a ex Bentley owner? Did he sell his used car?
