Thursday, August 9, 2018

Stanley Roberts of 'People Behaving Badly' Fame at KRON Is Leaving Bay Area for Phoenix

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Onward to Phoenix: Stanley Roberts leaving KRON
Stanley Roberts: aka, the "People Behaving Badly" reporter for KRON has decided to leave the Bay Area and head for Phoenix. Good lord, Phoenix?

He explains to the Chronicle which got the story first that the home prices here are a major reason he's leaving. True, plus KRON doesn't pay that well even for semi-star talent.

Along with friends and staff, tremendous sadness at KRON hearing of Roberts impending migration to the Arizona desert.

Not very sad: thousands of car-pool cheaters near the Bay Bridge; double parkers in and around the city of San Francisco; people who dare try to make a left turn on Market or Van Ness; they probably are chugging a few coronas at Grumpy's.

Take care Stan and yes, #basta.


  1. He should, I bet he pissed off a lot of people

  2. No more Radnich, no more Roberts...could KRON actually be on the verge of becoming watchable?

  3. Poor Stanly will never be the same.
    People are just way too nice everywhere else.

    Poor Stanley will be bored.

    1. He can do wildlife segments. Diamondback rattlesnakes and desert iguanas, behaving badly.

  4. With Stanley Robert's departure the one unique component of KRON's newscast will undoubtedly go with him. He had just the perfect style and persona for the segment. He owned it. But I guess he didn't fit in well with KRON, he had style.

  5. Man, can't stand that guy's delivery.

  6. He'll find a cess pool in Arizona!!! They have no idea whats coming!!!!

  7. Did you say Stanley Roberts is leaving town? YAY!!!
    I will finally be rid of that annoying sing-song voice and condescending manner. Hit the road, Jack!

    1. I know Roberts had a stroke...but he had that 'uniqu vocal stayling' even before that. It was like somebody would get busted for nose-picking at a 4-way a Muppet.

  8. Oh man, I can't believe Stanley Roberts is leaving KRON. I'm going to miss his People Behaving Badly segments, as like most others I'm sure. I saw him in person once at Civic Center plaza a few years ago. I think I nodded at him, and he nodded back and said hi. It was pretty cool!

    Dang, even the cost of living here in the Bay Area is too much for a guy like Stanley Roberts.

  9. And what's the status on KRON's Anny Hong. I saw she was posting on her KRON Facebook page attending a 8/3/18 tennis match in San Jose, so she's still alive and in the area, but haven't noticed her on tv.

    Good luck to S. Roberts on his relocation. Affordability of housing is a prime-need.

  10. I don't watch KRON much and usually only saw Stanley on his youtube channel. The thing I remember most about him is when he was doing a report downtown, and some street bum came up to Stanley and started threatening him. Stanley was about six inches from from the bum, and told him to get out of his face. I was a Stanley fan ever since.

  11. Stanley should be getting paid a lot more for what he does for KRON. On the other hand, Gary should be paid less for what he does for KRON.

  12. Lot of "hot" women in Phoenix, actually they are all hot! A good going away present would be a pot holder, no not a roach clip! If his car has metal door latches/openers they will become too hot to touch with a bare hand, use the pot holder.

    Wishing you the best Stanley...good luck.

  13. And here we got News Peeps Behaving Badly!!

  14. Stanley was one of the few reasons to watch KRON. Back in the day, competent management would pay him what he needs and build newscasts around his segment. No more.

  15. Now I no longer have a reason to watch KRON

  16. I look forward to the day when he interviews a rattlesnake for jaywalking.
