Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Wednesday PM Wire; A's on Track for New AM Outlet; Raiders KCBS 'Confluence' Friday Debut; Quick Picks

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"GANZ" is a guy who is media savvy and has worked in front, behind, and everywhere else in this market; knows the terrain real weal and can talk big because his word means something Ganz insists the A's are headed for an AM radio outlet next (2019) season that might shock some of you.

It's a station that is sort of dead right now and could use some life, literally.

And by the way, Ganz is usually right about 99 percent of the time.


*KFRC: Is there life after death? Not just the frequency. Think of a 1550 AM (now) and 610 AM true synergy .

*I'm sure commuters will just be pleased as punch on Friday night when the Raiders debut at "home" on their new KCBS flagship station beginning late in the afternoon. I'd love to know how to sell THIS account in the Bay Area.

*Now you really knew there's no person named "Ganz" right? But close enough. (Think outside the box)

*Pam Cook in the big picture really helped a lot unfortunately you can't cash that in a bank. So while the publicity was great, I need sustainable funding so that any potential new Pam Cook item, I can investigate and not have to worry about getting out the word.

*Those of you that like establishment unhinged thanks for subscribing to 415 Media.

*It's not that I'm against women; I LOVE women. Without women I wouldn't be here but yes, I do have issues with many Bay Area women broadcasters --it's MY opinion and if they were men, I'd be out there to rip them too. I DO NOT discriminate --let's use the Joan Rivers analogy: I love comedy. I've never been able to laugh out loud to a woman comic --really, I've tried. The late Joan Rivers made me laugh, barely, but the others? Nothing. So it's really not about gender, get my drift? Thanks.

*So yes, Dion Lim, Kate Larsen, nothing at all about them being women, it's a matter of taste.

*Even after all the hubbub here and in the trades, the Chronicle is the gift that keeps on giving: not a word on the death of Bill Wattenburg.


  1. AM frequency 860 would make a good landing spot for the A's.
    or maybe even the old KFRC.
    Either way they need a solid and strong AM signal.
    No more mickey mouse FM band, where listening is a chore.

  2. Isn't 1550 AM the A's AM outlet? I remember A's games were aired on that station when their games conflicted and were on at the same time as Warriors playoff and Finals games.

  3. So sick of the A's bouncing around stations for 50 years now. In their early years they were on KNBR and the Giants on KSFO, then they flipped for awhile, but Giants staying at 680 and the A's changing every 5 years. Go back to KSFO, make it all sports and get rid of that conservative propaganda hatefest.

    1. I say put them on 810 and get rid of the liberal drivel on that station. 2 birds with one stone. Much better signal and you'll get rid of the liberal propaganda machine that brainwashes low IQ individuals like yourself into thinking that the Democratic party actually has your best interests at heart. Now chant along with me, I'm with her! Yes we can!

    2. @903...says the guy who supports the stupidest, most dishonest nutty prez EVER! 91% of Trumpsters trust Trump with accurate information over their own family and friends 69%,,and main stream media 11%..Scary. Come next January, impeachment hearings will be starting up. YES!!

  4. The most outside-the-box would be KEAR 610AM.

  5. Wont stay on 1550 since the A's will be cutting ties completely with Entercom. iHeart doesn't have any stations that would fit. Cumulus is possible...1050, KGO, KSFO, KFOG, KSAN.

  6. The A's have had so many radio stations over the decades. The Giants have been on KSFO and KNBR for their 60 years in San Francisco

  7. If you say you don't find any women comics funny, then That seems to indicate it *IS* about gender. Jus' sayin'.

  8. Could see them going to KGO or 1050-both don't have much going on plus Cumulus could talk about the A's and Giants on 680 which it sounds like what the A's really want. Wonder what happens to Townsend...would he move too I know he has his nighttime show and the Raiders sideline gig now but he is so tied with the A's. But when he left KNBR it wasn't on the best terms as I recall...

    1. Yeah, that would be the thing. I remember he mentioned in the past that he had a messy divorce from KNBR. I'm not sure what transpired as to how he got fired, but he was on that terrible Not Just Sports morning show that KNBR tried to do for a few years in the early 2000's.

      Larry Krueger got fired in 2005, but he came back to KNBR in 2011.

  9. Positioned to knowAugust 9, 2018 at 3:22 PM

    He said OUTSIDE the box: 910 is my guess. Its current format is just a place holder.

  10. > I've never been able to laugh out
    > loud to a woman comic --really,
    > I've tried. The late Joan Rivers made
    > me laugh, barely, but the others?
    > Nothing.

    Not Sarah Huckabee Sanders?

  11. Not to change the subject Rich but did you get a chance to see Alexis Smith behind the anchor desk. I think she should trade places with Jessica (no sense of humor) Castro. What do you think? Watching Jessica is like watching paint dry!

  12. Huge oversight for any news organization in the Bay Area to not mention the death of Bill Wattenburg.

  13. If the A's move to AM 610 then most likely it will change 860 sounds right or heck maybe even 910...

  14. Could also see the A's stay on KGMZ but move to AM 1550 full that makes sense and they can have all the A's programming to themselves more FM/AM KGMZ simulcasting...

  15. @6:36- Oh wow, I forgot about that..... 1050 would be good, but at the same time, would KNBR be willing to be partners with the A's as well, even though it would be 1050?

    The Raiders back in the day were on what was then the Ticket 1050, but that was different though. Being on 1050 could give the A's more notoriety, even though they would probably have to bring over some guys (Rick Tittle, maybe Chris Townsend?) from 95.7 to talk A's baseball.

  16. Dr. Bill Wattenburg's passing and still not a word from major news sources in the Bay Area? An accomplished scientist, inventor, political activist, author, radio host for some 30 years... you'd think they might want to celebrate a life like that... doesn't make sense.

    Who cares about the Chronicle? There are about 5 people that still subscribe to it and 3 of them own parrots.
