Friday, August 10, 2018

KTVU Abyss Nears and So Does FOX Execs; The Firm Ain't Happy; KPIX: Retread Central With Zero Direction; Martin Still Dreadful; Bastida/Cook: Dear Lord; Kenny Choi: Just Why?; Two Realtors Visit Radnich SF Home; Dead Bay Area SPORTS Radio; Big Adder Complains about Duane Kuiper Dead Air; Friday Nosh

Image result for KTVU Oakland INSTEAD OF WORRYING about my next move, maybe KTVU big boys and girls should get a hold of their staff (besides Pam Cook) and begin to implement a business plan that maintains viewership and pulls back on more and more decreasing eyes because, in addition to the FOX contingent heading west to Oakland to figure out what the hell is going on, they ALSO want to see why one of their biggies is having a rough time across the board. The Firm takes no prisoners.

Image result for elizabeth cook kpix Allen Martin
Ken Bastida and Elizabeth Cook
*When I said the other day there would be noticeable changes at all the various Bay Area TV News stations --some more radical then others--I didn't mention specifically KPIX. They are floundering, at the abyss. They need a mass infusion of new things and ideas; new faces not only their reporter grill. They need a whole lot more than Allen Martin looking like he's perpetually stuck in the bathroom at the Chevron station on Van Ness. They need a rejuvenated Ken Bastida (or no Ken Bastida); they need a total redo of their newscasts and fresh and vital content and anchors who are immersed and interested and not appearing like they just got off the bus. Blow it up and START OVER! Which I guess, PIX is ready to do if you believe word on the street.

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Allen Martin
*Martin has been the proverbial gorilla in the room now for over a decade. He has made NO IMPACT on KPIX news platforms. NONE! OK, so he looks like a serious news anchor and palys the part only he's not a very nice man; he shows zero emotion; he laughs about as much time as Ken Bastida does a good ad lib; he has ZERO viewer connection. He makes Jeffrey Schaub look like Mister Rogers; can I say it any clearer? Why PIX keeps this human melba toast meatball on board defies logic and pure common sense.

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Kenny Choi
*Kenny Choi? I repeat and repeat. WHY? He's TERRIBLE. He has the personality of rotten week-old bread. He's also one who has ZERO viewer connection --hell, I could walk down Battery and get more recognition than Choi but that's another story.

*Now why would two Realtors make a visit to the Gary Radnich home recently? Humn…

TRUTH IS: KPIX is a perennial under performing station for the CBS group. They have no real pulse on the community and no innovation too. They can make excuses that they were handicapped by the human excrement machine called Dan Rosenheim who destroyed KPIX because he ran it like the Chronicle and we know how that tuned out.

KPIX is an abysmal failure working on 1999 business models and bringing forward almost every retread in the area and points south Fresno. They have no imagination; they have no business plan in place; they do a lot of shock and awe and they end up looking and sounding like fools. They're KTVU west with CBS officials shaking their heads how such an awful O and O can operate. More truth: they can't.

Time for another Fresno Greyhound station hire.

Image result for Gary Radnich house
Gary Radnich
*Let me cut to the chase here again in another area: the Bay Area has NO real sports radio stations. NONE! You have the AM retread which seems to think marching out an ex-jock who knows nothing and mumbles his way is a keeper. The jockocracy exists...then there's the FM outlet with the worst hemorrhoids this side of SF General and I'm not talking about the arse...Greg Papa is just a boor now and thinks he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Yeah, sure, Pop, just ask Mark Davis.

*It's not just me now that has become irritated and befuddled over Duane Kuiper's frequent habit of eliciting DEAD AIR on BOTH Giants' TV and radio broadcasts --the BIG BOYS have chimed in.

Late last month, advertiser reps; BIG TIME people who spend millions of dollars on both platforms gave a whole earful to KNBR and NBC minions here complaining about the lack of energy emanating from the broadcast booth --one of them is a body shop, a BIG advertiser too and no chump-changers I promise you.


  1. Unfortunately, everything I have said, I'm serious about. if you think it's funny, that's your problem. Hate to burst your bubble, but none of you are any better looking or any more intelligent that 95% of the population walking down any street in America. You just think you are. I've never run into a more egotistical group of people anywhere. Perhaps that is why your media outlets are sagging. Join the human race.

    1. If this person is making a personal reference to himself as he is in this comment, should he at least clarify who he/she is.

      It's ridiculous for an anonymous person to say "Unfortunately, everything I have said, I'm serious about."

    2. 12:43: Meds are in the rolltop desk on the left side. Take two with water.

  2. Pam Cook looks desperately "photoshopped" in the station promo about where they used to be and where they are now. Her head pasted on some sweet young, skinny thing's body.

  3. I know everyone hates KTVU, but the fact is they lead the ratings and have the best on air talent. I know you think Dan Ashley is Jesus, but I would take Frank Somerville any day over him... In Fact, I like Raj Mathai better than Ashley as well. ABC 7's newscast feel so structured, it gets on my nerves. They never allow their reporters more than 2 and half minutes for a story, so they leave a lot out. They have so many production mistakes, and for everyone who says they don't, watch their 5/6/11pm newscasts the whole week and you'll see. KTVU's weekend coverage sucks though, and really fails on their "Complete Bay Area News Coverage motto." KPIX usually sucks, but once in a while they have a decent week or so... NBC Bay Area is becoming my go to station for weekends and 6pm, 11pm.. I remain loyal to KTVU for their 12, 4, 5pm broadcasts. Every morning show in the bay area sucks. AND KRON 4 needs new graphics, and new studio. Their sound sucks and their visuals look like a high school broadcast. Overall, the news in the Bay Area sucks. ABC 7 NY, ABC LA, NBC 4 LA I'd take any day in the Bay Area over what we've got now. I really hope KPIX throws everything out and starts over....

    1. NBC has the only decent news but it's all pretty bad...Sze's grandma cackles, robotic reading style, and zero sex appeal, sunk that ABC7 ship. Other, far more attractive, female anchors blow her out of the water! KRON is just pure comedy & just when you think CBS has hit the bottom, they manage a new, embarrassing, low. They all suck, so I gave up and get my news from other outlets, not network TV.

    2. As many train wreck moments as Darya Folsom has each morning, even she is a much better reader than Sze, and she doesn't wear the same three or four grandma outfits. All the female anchors are so bad, believe it or not, Folsom could be the best reader, and she is without a doubt, the best dressed.

    3. I thought/seem to recall KRON got a new studio just a few years ago. I also wonder if the audio just never was done correctly or perhaps KRON just didn't have anymore budget left for the remodel. I'm not complaining too much (just being a random viewer here).

      I'll also say we do expect a lot viewing the news in the Bay Area and we should with the money/revenue the Bay Area should demand. When traveling, I do see notable differences in a couple of close-by markets: Salinas' KSBW and all the Reno, NV stations are handled what I recall as the old days (I grew up with Black & White TV). At least those lesser markets don't go off-the-air with a "test pattern" (does anyone remember those things?).

    4. Agreed, Sze and ABC7 are a mess. She needs a stylist, and that "cackling" is wretched. They should give Zouves a shot and send Sze back to mornings.

    5. I don't care for Sze and her Ross dress for less wardrobe. She is pushing 50 and to compare her to Natasha is a bit unfair in the looks dept.

    6. Nothing about Sze says, "prime time," but if she fired her Kmart stylist and burned her granny outfits, she may have a chance. Invest in some boobs, and I might be convinced to give ABC7 another shot, but they seriously screwed the pooch trying to replace Carolyn Johnson with a zero like Sze. Natasha's got a great attitude and smile, give her a shot!

  4. Dennis O'Donnell's halftime interview with Kyle Shanahan was jaw droppingly embarrassing.

    O'Donnell tried to imply that Jimmy G's big fat contract might have put a ton of pressure on him and that's why he was so erratic last night. Shanahan stood there dumbfounded by the stupidity of the question, shook his head and blurted out "No! No, no. It's football. That's just football."

  5. Paul Chambers from KTVU --- Everything he says is a question. No, I mean like he ends his sentences in a high voice as if he's asking a question...

  6. Where has Kenny Choi been for the last couple of weeks? Seems as if he has lots of vacation time.

    KRON4's newscasts have shown a great improvement recently, both in the morning and evenings.

    In the morning I alternate between channels 4, 5 & 7. Way too much traffic and weather for me, but then again I'm not a commuter. I just don't like Dave Clark on 2. Absolutely no connection with the viewer, much less his co-anchor.

    Once I've seen most of the local highlights, CBS This Morning is a good source for actual news.

    1. Kenny is out passing his resume around since changes are coming which means Michelle has already thrown him under the bus.

    2. > Where has Kenny Choi been for the last couple of weeks?

      Getting his driver's permit?

      Being fitted for senior prom?

      Dealing with acne?


    3. I really think Kenny is passing GAS.

  7. KTVU news at 5 looking great. They have gone live to 9 reporters in the past hour. That is great coverage. Paul Chambers covering the CHP death, Brooks Jaroz and Henry Lee on the Ghost Ship Trial, Cristian Kafton on the weed killer trial, Tom Vacar on the fires, Rob Roth at outside lands, Anne Rubin in San Jose, Scott Reiss at the Raider's game, Jesse Gary on Presentation High, and Live on a breaking news fire.

  8. Haven't missed Natasha on the KGO Morning news. They just come accross as fake, not genuine, they seem to show no real interest in what they reporting, a formula. I like Kristin, Dan is Dan and I like Deano now but that took time.
    Kpix is a mess. I've never considered myself to be sexist, but when I see 4-5 female anchors and no males, I switch channels. Ok-guess I am sexist..Channel 5 morning needs an overhaul. Very flat.

  9. I'd rather have Kuip's dead air than Kruk's homerism. A couple of weeks back, Nick Hundley took a called third strike to end the game. Kruk said, "That pitch has not been called a strike all night!" The next day on a KNBR sports report that was bemoaning the Giants' woes, they played Dave Flemming's call of the strikeout. Flem said, "That pitch has been called a strike all night, but that was Hundley's first at-bat (he was a defensive replacement) and he didn't know it."

    1. Earlier this season, Krukow said that Evan Longoria would challenge Nolan Arenado for the Gold Glove Award.
      As of today, Longo has more errors (14) than home runs (12). No other Giant has reached double figures in errors

    2. No bigger homer than Ray Fosse!!!!

  10. Listening to Brent Musburger’s debut as the PBP guy for the Raiders on KCBS. He sounds pretty good for a guy in his mid-90s. This might be the first time he’s been on CBS since the 70s when he anchored the “NFL Today” with Jimmy the Greek and that former Miss America whose name I can’t remember.

    1. Brent has been using he threw it to a TE or threw it to a WR all night. He's lost his fastball if he can't ID the players.

    2. Phyllis George was "that former Miss America". I worked with both Brent and Phyllis. Phyllis was very well versed in the backstories behind NFL salaries and trades. Brent also hosted the CBS Sports Spectacular, the program on which I hosted a segment, "Women in Sports". He is extremely able, and not in his "mid-90's".

    3. Brent Musburger hasn't lost a beat. He always was the best college TV football announcer.

      Since he's doing radio games now, we'll no longer be able to hear his opening line, "Your looking live at ...."

    4. Your confused Anonymous August 10, 2018 at 9:57 PM, its Christine Craft in her mid-90s, and just like Trump she doesn't trust anyone under 70.

    5. Hey Christine! I miss your take on KGO. Hope you are well.

    6. dear 12:31... You uneducated boob.. There is "your" and there is "you're". They don't mean the same thing. I'm 73. May you never reach my advanced age, acquire any wisdom from experience, or learn how to spell. It would be too much for you. I loathe Donald Trump, but wish him no physical harm, rather I wish him due process, much more torturous.

    7. Yes, this is dear 12:31...
      I see you still can't or cannot control your temper. Wise after all those decades. I knew you had Trump derangement syndrome. Still doing workman's comp? I forgot, we can't mention man in anything, is it workers, workers', or worker's comp.

    8. Aw, poor 2:19 thinks that due process is too much for the orange vulgarian to endure? Similarly she also thinks that California's injured workers shouldn't have legal representation when fighting for their health rights in a state system which is not worker-friendly. I haven't practiced as a California applicant's attorney for several years. I very much enjoyed doing so,however. The thing about being a lawyer, is that you can do more than one thing and you can do that as long as you want. This is unlike the world of broadcasting, which has a shorter tenure, for the most part. Do you resent people who have post graduate degrees? Why? Have you ever bothered to read the US Constitution? or are you unschooled, just like trump?

    9. Hi Christine, dear 12:31..., poor 2:19, here.
      You took the bait, keeping charging like a bull.
      California's injured workers should have competent representation,
      I guess that is why you have not practiced for several years.
      Most likely your temper sabotaged many negotiations.
      You and Trump are very similar in style.
      Perhaps in a decade you might gain some wisdom.

    10. I'm amazed to learn that, according to you, I have not practiced law "for several years". After several years at a heritage firm which represents injured California workers, something happened with an 85 year old woman. We had a lunch culture and everyday would walk out of our historic landmark Edwardian office and trek up to grab a bite and discuss our cases. We were walking two by two, with the senior partners just ahead of us, my colleague David to my right. We were walking on the sidewalk, en route to a delicious burrito al fresco. An 85 year old woman turned into the driveway of the church and confused brake with gas pedal. The Sacramento Bee said it was a miracle that we had survived. She first struck me. Clinging to the hood of her car, I could see her screaming inside. Then I was propelled into the air, up into the trees, fifteen feet,where I did a somersault. I was very pleased, because I've never been able to do such a good one. Then came the inevitable fall to the pavement, breaking my mid back in two places. I couldn't move and feared paralysis. Soon, David crawled over to me, covered in blood and asked if I was alright. David had profound injuries also, followed by a massive coronary. We didn't even get our burritos that day. Four days later, bruised, battered and determined, I took my walker to court to represent one of those folks you say was "sabotaged" by my "temper"(did you mean "temperament'? that's a different word). I worked for a year after that, eventually retiring from my full time position, and opting to practice less regularly, and swim my daily geezer mile. This is not evil. I know you say I'm "similar" to mr. trump. hmmm We know you are a misogynist, and ageist, and in'll be mocking me for my subsequent disabilities. That makes you very much like Mr. tiny hands..yes?

  11. - At each TV station, there is someone at the station that is miserable for one reason or another. It is contagious.
    - In KTVU's case, the FOX-ification is obvious. Channel 2 is lucky that are still several reporters left over from the Richmond Era. The respect they receive keeps them atop the ratings at certain hours. But a human connection between the Jack London Square studio and its city? Disappearing fast. Oaklanders know fake acts when they see them. Regardless of any ongoing community work, do KTVU's viewers their concerns are being addressed? Probably not. The Firm has shut out FOX 2's most important customers - the East Bay.
    - When the Bentley finally retires in September, exhales will be heard at KRON 4, but only briefly. They still have a tyrant ND, and no competent management. Channel 4 is fortunate that Ken Wayne is helping out Pam Moore, Catherine Heenan, Vicki Liviakis, and any other veterans remaining from the disastrous departure from NBC in 2002. I still like the idea that may have been dismissed a year or two ago or longer of having Telemundo switching from San Jose 48 to San Francisco 4. Money-wise, it would helps the Channel 4 signal.
    - Okay, so Rosenheim is gone, and clearly contracts that are about to expire will run its course at KPIX. So why is PIX still stuck in neutral? Are Rich's sources right in that Channel 5 is finally getting it or will they continue riding CBS' phenomenal network coattails and the NFL each fall? Of course, there are keepers like Goodrich and Deanno among others, but how deep will their next overhaul be?
    - Strong newscast structure is what most Bay viewers may still want. Dan Ashley and Ama Daetz are still the best anchor duo on Bay TV. But KGO-TV continues to have issues. Why is Trixie still there, especially if ABC HQ wants her out? And are the Warriors the only reason Larry Beil hasn't bolted back to Hawaii? I like the work Mindy Bach is doing for Channel 7, but is she still just a temporary lubricant after the Shu-v-Dubs fallout? A lot of strong reporters remain (Friedman, Melandez, Hollyfield, Vic Lee, etc), yet the loud elephants keep roaring at 900 Front. ABC 7 SF must listen to NY HQ or the unnecessary abuse will lead to more good people leaving.
    - At KNTV, Raj Mathai and Jessica Aguirre still command respect with their viewers. So why is NBC Bay Area leaving Aguirre in the lurch? If the ratings for the Silicon Valley's biggest TV station newscast are respectable, and viewers want Aguirre back, then Channel 11 ought to respond. As for the rest of San Jose's Peacock crew, Cheryl Hurd is clearly a keeper and maybe a few others are as well, but what do the folks at NBC News HQ think of the Investigative Team and any other questionable on air talent? And is all the off-air drama completely over for Laura Garcia, so that she can deliver the morning newscasts she wants with the right colleagues and without distraction? When reviewing KNTV's operations, will NBC HQ also look at their Bay Sports cable channels that feed into Channel 11 often? Adios to Feldman, Fareed, Ratto, et al?
    - No mention of KQED's Newsroom broadcasts. While Rich is a non-fan of the Radio side and Channel 9's Boardroom, local PBS reporting led by Thuy Vu must be doing a fine job as to be left alone.
    - NBC Sports HQ and key advertisers are advising the Lockstep One to convince D Kuip to call it a broadcasting career. I believe it has been almost 30 years. And speaking of lost on air energy, did HQ and the big advertisers also have issues with Jon Miller? Mike Krukow's health is an ongoing concern, Dave Flemming may still pursue greener pastures, and of course, there is the inane dugout voice looming in the broadcast room that is Amy G. The concerned big commercial makers will not put up with Lockstep's superstition excuses, if RL's sources are to be believed.
    I look forward to the big changes on Bay TV. Terrestrial Radio? HAHAHAHA! I'd rather read more Lieberman Reminiscence. Keep the stories coming, Rich!

  12. Brent Musburger, Phyllis George (former Miss America), and Jimmy The Greek. Later, Irv Cross and Jayne Kennedy joined. Great studio show.

  13. I am a Papa fan, but listening to 95.7 The Game lately, I'd have to admit that Papa dismisses Bonta too easily even when Bonta is correct. He poo-pooed Bonta's observation that Bumgarner's velocity has decreased the past few years. On Friday Bonta said the Giants' most glaring problem was their anemic offense; Papa kept pointing the Giants' poor infield defense. The Giants can't win if they don't score!

    1. papa is like that all the time, totally arrogant and pompus with everyone, his son, who produces the show, is the exact same..

  14. Ever since Gary Radnich was fired from KRON, he is down to one source of income. KNBR.
    Now we know why he is promoting mortgage companies and any other mom and pop grocery.
    Say Radnich, what happened? Couldn't make it in Frisco?
    Maybe you should move to the central valley where homes are cheap.

    1. He's doing just fine. How are you doing?
