Saturday, August 11, 2018

Put Deanno in News; KPIX Needs Radical Move; Stan Roberts, 'PBB Guy' Sent Out Feelers to Bay Area TV; Bonds Was Prima Donna to Press Now They Worship; Saturday Night 415 Media Live

Image result for Paul Deanno KPIX
Paul Deanno
THIS OFCOURSE MAKES TOO MUCH SENSE ...a radical move but not that radical but radical enough inviting change and boy does KPIX need change; move weatherman, Paul Deanno, into a primetime news anchor position. Immediately. It won't happen but it should happen.

Deanno is a pro. He's got all the tools. In fact, he's done news before not only here but in his previous stint in Seattle before coming to the Bay Area.

For starters, Deanno is right here and KPIX doesn't have to do a nationwide search. They have a guy in their own newsroom. Literally. He can read a teleprompter and he has street moxie. He'd work great with anyone of PIX's anchors, notably Juliette Goodrich, whom I've touted here. They'd both be great but that takes time. The point is, given Channel 5's measly numbers, it wouldn't hurt and could only help. It's a BOLD move but situations like this require bold leadership and a bit of intuition.

Image result for Stanley Roberts KRON
Stanley Roberts
Right now, Deanno is wasted on the weather. Not that he's not good at that; he is. But he'd be great at either 5 or 11 and even if he's paired with Liz Cook, that's a potentially good combo too. By going to news and trying something new, I'm sure it would fire up Deanno too --it's a win-win for both he and the CBS O and O here but I won't hold my breath, for now.

*BEFORE he decided to 86 the Bay Area and KRON, "People Behaving Badly" guy, Stanley Roberts, put out feelers to all the Bay Area TV News stations, and got virtually no response. One station was interested but offered peanuts --or at least not enough for Roberts' decision to finally call on Phoenix.

*As I write this it's close to the Giants' ceremony to retire Barry Bonds' #25; they'll be a lot of praise and worship from the dais on the field, including members of the press. Only one thing: those same press guys (and gals too) mostly hated Bonds and his Prima Donna act. Especially every time he made havoc with writers and TV/radio people. Bonds was horribly rude and a total jerk in those days --I know. I saw it in action but time marches on and let the faux speeches begin.

Image result for Barry Bonds
Barry Bonds


  1. You always note that Channel 5 has lousy ratings. I don't doubt you, but it would be more authoritative if you published the ratings for all the stations at 5, 6 and 11.

  2. Paul impresses me as a guy with a self-image and confidence that wouldn't allow Elizabeth Cook as a co-anchor.

    1. IIRC, didn't Deanno and Cook have some sort of war going on a while back to the point where they weren't talking off the air and were barely holding it together on-air? What ever happened to that?!?

  3. Stanley Roberts in Manteca (lard to you gringos)? Sounds like a slippery slope.

  4. Bonds was a complete cancer in the clubhouse. What did he ever do for the Giants beside hit a bunch of enhanced home runs. Sure he made the Giants a ton of money. But what else. Remember his clubhouse flat screen, lounge chairs and multiple lockers that he had and did not share with any of his mates. It was never said but I have a feeling that he was the reason the Giants didn't sign free agent Vlade Guerrero back in the day. He also made a mockery of the home run records that Mays and Aaron set.

  5. Stanley will be a great INSIDE EDITION reporter. Staying at KRON is just a waste when no one really appreciate his work.

  6. Wish Stanley Roberts would stick around a little longer to write
    a biography of Bonds -- "Barry Behaving Badly"

  7. No, Stanley's the PBJ guy. ;-)

  8. KPIX has been on my shit list ever since they made Ken B. and Hank P. shave their killer moustaches.

  9. Channel 7 should do the same thing with Alexis Smith that Channel 5 is going to do with Deanno. Love the show when she’s in the anchor. Change the channel when she’s not.

    1. I like Alexis Smith too, except for her horrible hair! KGO needs a new hairdresser pronto!

  10. Hope Stanley does well and good luck to him. here is a primer on the Phoenix Streets grid system. It's a must read for future "Zonies."

  11. This is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The problem for Pix, and indeed all tv stations, is where to grow the audience. There aren't new viewers. The only thing they can hope for is to steal viewers from another channel. But the local tv news audience is shrinking and poaching viewers from another channel is just postponing the inevitable. Years ago, station executives were pondering whether KRON would give up tv news altogether so that it's tiny viewership would transfer to the survivors. That never happened and now all the execs can sing sea ditties as they row their lifeboat into the sunset. The one positive note is what revenue they can get from online and app users. It's not close to the ad revenue from live tv but it's something. Also, remember there are no "outside the box" executives in tv news. No original thinkers or decision makers. No one brave enough to blow up the model and try something new. It's "steady as she goes" toward the reef. Don't forget that the tv news look you see today started out in the late 60's here in San Francisco. At that time, the format for tv news was one anchor reading stories into a camera. John Cameron Swayze where are you? Then reporters, printers, and other personnel went on strike against the Chronicle. KQED gathered the striking reporters around a table(including Herb Caen) and they all took turns reading stories they gathered during the day. "Newsroom" was born and from that birth, came the three anchor format that survives until this day. It's been profitable for a long time and until some original thinker buys a station from a corporation and throws out what's been done before for "let's try this", we'll watch the slow death of tv news. If you think I'm wrong, then tell me how local radio improved and prospered during the last twenty years by following instead of innovating?

    1. John Cameron Swayze has been pushing up daisies for 23 years (this week, by coincidence). Even his son, JCS Jr., known on-air as 'Cameron Swayze', has been retired (from WCBS Newsradio 880 in NYC) since 2010. Sad to say, no Swayzes will be riding to the rescue anytime soon.

  12. Deanno is a METEOROLOGIST! Nothing wrong with Bastisda. Take a chill pill about PIX!

  13. Barry Bonds is a joke. Even though he may not have been convicted of substance abuse or of using "'roids", I think the whole world knows what he did. I am sorry, but for me, I still say that Hank Aaron is the home run king, because he did it without using anything, but his own talent. Yeah I know, there are those who still say that Babe Ruth is the home run king, because he set the record with fewer games than Aaron, and that is a valid point. And Babe Ruth did it and he did it with the help of hot dogs! But Hank Aaron was always a hard working guy, in an era where he was not particularly liked in the early years because of discrimination. He only started getting positives when people all of a sudden looked up and noticed how many home runs he had, and that he could possibly catch Babe Ruth. But by all accounts, Hank Aaron was and still is, a pure gentleman and a class act.

    1. One has to wonder if Aaron was on anything. Steroids *were* around back then. And greenies were rampant in the game (per stories). A little enhancement, just a different version.

    2. "No No: A Dockumentary" has some great accounts of greenie (Dexamyl) use in the Major Leagues back then.

  14. I hope Bonds NEVER gets into the HOF...

  15. Uh, yeah, Stanley is a holdover from the post-glory days of KRON (after NBC effed them) -- and Roberts is representative of KRON's desperate attempt to stay relevant. Roberts' product is worthy of a sub-100 market, and existed in a +5 market only because he was willing to work for minimum AFTRA scale.

  16. My brother my brother was with the Chronicle when Bobby Bonds played for the Giants. I remember him telling me what a prick BARRY was, even as a child, in the clubhouse.

    That said, he got AT&T built, put butts in the seats there and in every ballpark the Giants visited.

    If the HOF denies him (and Pete Rose), it irrelevant.

    1. So you don't care about cheating, like krukow for ex. Many of us do care.

  17. If Hackney can do news and weather on the weekend, Deanno can do the same on weekdays.

  18. Well, at least physically, Barry Bond's head is back to normal.

    1. If bonds does get into hof someday, which head on bust?

  19. bonds should

  20. Bonds doesn't feel any guilt passing Mays and others in homeruns? Willie Mays asking voters to vote bonds into hof. Pathetic he puts Mays in that position. Would respect bonds if he told the truth. Will never happen.
