Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Official Disintegration of KTVU

Image result for KTVU I REMEMER KTVU when it had a soul. A pulse. A beat. An incredible part of the community.

Not any longer.

KTVU has become a benign, soulless, less-than-ordinary TV News station with very little direction and institutional incompetence; a once-proud news operation that has slithered beyond hope and inspiration. You can see it in the eyes of its staff; there's a very vivid malign of people who used to care and give a shit which is now been turned into a home for chaos and no sense of direction. And that's the good news.

KTVU has lost its grip. And I'm not even mentioning the Asiana debacle in 2013 or the equally pathetic and embarrassing Nia Wilson picture of 2018. Of course those stand out and they should. It's pretty difficult to have one clusterfuck --KTVU managed to have two in five years.

Image result for ktvu nia wilson pictureNo, I'm talking about the people on the air and the people behind the scenes; the bulk of these folks are miserable. They don't like going to work. They frown when entering the premises wondering what's next on the horizon. KTVU is about to debut a new set (which is why you see a lot of anchors reporting from the newsroom) but a new set can't create spark and energy for a staff saddled with morale issues and intensification of action by "The Firm." The Firm is the industry code of present day FOX and its management of its owned and operated (O and O) TV stations. They are run by fear and intimidation. They loathe human interaction and abhor employees who aren't thrilled with working conditions that harbor deep resentment but dare not say anything negative or you're likely to be liquidated (figuratively speaking) to the outskirts of hell. I'm being extreme but I'm right.

Used to be KTVU (under its old corporate owner, Cox Media) was a gold-standard station with a heralded news reputation with solid anchors and reporters in the field that knew their territory and had tremendous vision. They were smart and solid and not only great at their gig but invigorating to watch and learn quite a bit. This was evident most solidly on "The 10' O'clock News", which used to be the most respected and admired, singular newscast in not only the Bay Area but around the nation.

Now the 10 PM news is a load of spam and lemon jello. It no longer has any relevance nor supreme being. It's just an ordinary newscast with insipid anchors and vanilla reporters with about a hundred thousand weather teases and anchors asking fake questions and looking and sounding the quislings they've become.

Frank Somerville is out front and passionate but Frank seems to be sort of driven by artificial emotion. It's not a knock on him it's just the facts. Take a look at him. He's sort of just plain out there. If his real passion were sincere and genuine he'd be more than just a guy in a great suit and look and ask real, legitimate questions and not the Ron Burgundy variety presently on screen.

Julie Haener used to be a dedicated, friendly, smart, news reader who seemed confident and relaxed. She's no longer warm and fuzzy on the air which would be OK if she weren't too a conniving, gossip monger who likes to stir up shit off the air. How do I know? Trust me, I do.

Image result for The 10 PM News KTVUBill Martin was once clever and original and made his weather reports interesting and informative. His ad-libbing was point perfect and forecasts usually on the spot. No longer. Martin seems to mumble now, quite a bit in fact. If this sounds harsh it is and I'm trying to be diplomatic but watching Martin now is the equivalent of a double root canal. If Martin were to emit one, tangible thought on the 300, 000 weather reports he does nightly on KTVU's news platforms, call me, I'd be enlightened because I haven't seen anything close. Bill seems lost in the fog.

I used to love Mark Ibanez on sports. The best writer in the market and a sports anchor that could make even non-sports fans interested in sports. But that great enthusiasm has been tempered with flat-out arrogance and self-importance. There's no passion anymore and less sincerity. What once was a genuinely interesting man who cared and was your best friend has turned into an insufferable lout with all the heart and soul of month-old rye bread.

Reporters come and go. The good ones, mostly, have either retired or just took off; there's hardly any veterans left. Tom Vacar is old and boring, uninspired too. Rob Roth used to be decisive and effective in his understated manner but seems to be just hanging on until they tell him to leave. Amber Lee is so much of a lightweight I can't imagine how she's lasted this long.

Image result for ktvu nia wilson pam cookI'm not going to drone on about the morning on KTVU because you already know if you read me how much of a disaster its become. If you like superficiality and vanity disguised as news presentation then watch Channel 2 in the morning and gyrate to the human windbag known as Gasia Mikaelian and brute force banality named Dave Clark. Gravitate to a once charming Sal Castaneda who's ego and smarminess is self evident. Observe the warmth and creativity of Claudine Wong who last giggled in the latter years of the Clinton administration. Yeah, I'm generalizing but you get my drift. Oh, did I leave out my biggest fan, the ego maniac Broom Hilda with about as much inspiration as a rotten kumquat, Countess Pam Cook? I should know better.

KTVU will tell you they still rule the ratings. They do, in certain time slots including morning and late evening. Fine.

They won't tell you how many diminishing viewers they have. Nobody watches TV News anymore anyway except media bloggers and retired bridge players but so what, someone still has to make a living.

It would be nice if KTVU were to go back in time and produce a half-decent newscast with people that were excited and dedicated to their craft.

I won't hold my breath on that last one.

Neither should you.

Image result for broom hilda


  1. Rich, I guess you have nothing good to say about any of the
    "current" TV stations in the Bay Area.....must make for good press on your website...

    1. Why is "current" in quotes? How is the fact that they are current suspicious in some way?

  2. If you’re going back in time recall the days when Channel 2 had just one newscast, the hour at 10 pm. There was a sense that in order to draw an audience from the 3 network stations they had to put on a better newscast. No gimmicks but longer, in-depth stories on subjects the other stations weren’t covering, like the Legislature or public education. The newscast was so solid and attracted such a big audience KPIX and KRON (then NBC) switched their network prime time schedule from 8-11 to 7-10 so they could put their late news up against Channel 2. It didn’t work, and they dropped the idea in a few years. At one point KTVU could boast that they had the highest rated prime time newscast of any independent (this was pre-Fox) in the country, or maybe the highest share. Quality paid dividends to Channel 2’s owners. Could it happen again? Today’s management wouldn’t know how to put on such a program and insist that they follow the format the O&O uses in NY or LA.

  3. The old days are gone "Big Vinny",

    1. Big Zurich could have saved all those royalties, but no

  4. I guess I'll have to ask you this again since you ignored me yesterday.

    Why is the sports report coming from the newsroom all of a sudden and not at the main desk? I can't believe you haven't said anything about this, but it's been happening for a least a week. All of a sudden Mark, Scott, & Joe aren't good enough to be seen with Frank & Julie. What's going on there?

    1. I assumed it was part of the "format changes" Rock alluded to, but it looks stupid. Like most of the other genius things the suits think of.

  5. How many times does Julie Hayner say "thank-you". After each story.
    10? 15?...per newscast?
    Usually after some dumb question.
    Because the news desk ALWAYS has a dumb question to ask.
    Both the thank yous & dumb questions are both time wasters.


  6. Sal - I mean Brick deer in the head lights look, good to see him mentioned. I love lamp!

  7. News is already getting difficult to watch. Either is it a fire, murder or robbery, the anchor switching back and forth on KTVU sends a message to viewers, let's introduce our new anchors. On Friday, I joke watching Andre and Gomez wondering where is Frank and Julie/Heather. Ken Wayne made the best choice leaving KTVU or else he will be let go or moving out of the Bay Area finding another anchor job for the worse part. Frank and Julie anchor spot is already is jeopardy when either one must work on a weekend. But, hey, KTVU still has the best news followed by KGO 7. The switching anchor game for KTVU sends one message to viewers, watch it or turn to a different station. I am doing so supporting Dan and Ama, unless one day they decided to put Reggie or the gal who is taking disability off as reported earlier on Rich Blog, I just give up watching the news sending a message to viewers, watch it or turn off the TV.

    1. I am a news junkie and you are correct about the rotating anchors on KTVU. Good and familiar anchors are essential to a good newscast.. It is really annoying to see different faces anchoring at 10:00 when the viewers find the B team anchors instead of Frank and Julie. I quit watching the 10 o’clock news regularly and watch KNTV or KGO at 11:00. I feel that the management at KTVU is giving the finger to its loyal viewers at 11:00.

      IMHO, KGO is a better newscast that KTVU with KNTV steadily improving. KPIX and KRON are a shell of their past.

    2. > KGO is a better newscast that KTVU with KNTV steadily improving.

      That's because the people who made KGO great all migrated to KNTV when Trixie returned. Seriously, all of them.

    3. The reason Frank and Julie are on Sunday through Thursday nights has a lot to do with the strength of the audience on Sunday nights relative to the number of viewers on Friday nights.

  8. Pam Cook hasn't looked like the picture you posted in 15 years.

  9. I miss the days when Pat McCormick did the weather report on channel 2.....this was of course after he did the Charley and Humphrey show in the afternoon after Captain Satellite....

  10. Perhaps Charley and Humphrey should deliver the news?

  11. Hell hath no fury like a blogger scorned.

  12. > Julie Haener used to be a dedicated, friendly, smart...

    Didn't realize you used cannabis, Rich.

  13. If you were to recast the Anchorman movie with Bay Area TV news types, who would you pick for each role?

    Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell) ... Frank Somerville, Ken Bastida (back when he had the mustache) as the runner up

    Brick Tamland, weather (Steve Carell) ... Bill Martin

    Champ Kind, sports (David Koechner) .... Gary Radnich

    Brian Fontana, featured reporter (Paul Rudd) ... Ken Wayne

    Veronica Corningstone, blonde female co-anchor (Christina Applegate) ... Heather Holmes

    Baxter the dog ... ?

    The movie culminates with a battle of the news teams at the Walnut Creek water fountain.

    And there you have the KVWN Channel 4 News Team. Now you stay classy Bay Area.

  14. Do you think KTVU's new set will also mean a switch to the regular FOX O & O graphics?

  15. Rich, I’ve been commenting for years here. Always expressing my opinion which is in agreement with yours regarding Julie Haener. Simply put, she’s awful. She’s a bully and gossip monger that loves to stir the drama off the air. She’s been doing it for years. Julie’s delivery and anchor skills are so boring. She’s way too old in age and looses the viewers attention quickly. Why does she always have to nod her head up and down after every statement she makes? Does she think her stupid head nods add emphasis on her statements? It’s very weird and robotic. She’s way past her prime. Time to put that old cow out to pasture. Bring in some vibrant and professional anchors to get the loyal viewership back.

    1. > She’s way too old in age...

      As opposed to..?

      But yes, she's bad, though I don't see what age has to do with it. Heenan, Goodrich, and other "older" news anchors are among the best in local TV. I worked with Julie: she's shallow, phony, and completely unaware of her many shortcomings. Fits in perfectly with the suburban, Walnut Creek Bay Area SUV-driving, Restoration Hardware-shopping crowd, in other words. That's why she got the gig. Soccer mommies look into their TV screens and see themselves.

  16. Who plays Fred Willard, the ND?

  17. Gavin Newsom called Alex Savidge. He wants his 2005 hair back.

  18. @3:46 PM, HA! I always thought Alex idolized Newsome...or at least tried to achieve his 'look'. Nice observation.
