Wednesday, July 18, 2018

I Miss Rita Williams and Bob Melrose; KTVU and KCBS Never The Same; Reflections

Image result for Rita Williams KTVU
Rita Williams
I MISS Rita Williams and Bob Melrose; she, the legendary KTVU reporter who retired a few years back, and he, one of the best radio street reporters in the business who also retired from KCBS.

Of course KTVU is not the same without Williams and KCBS has nobody even close to Melrose.

Rita is not only missed on the air but off too; her sense of humor and levity even in the most trying times was priceless.

Bob Melrose and I used to sit in the Oakland Coliseum press box and schmooze about the state of life and Bay Area media.

Image result for Bob Melrose KCBS
Bob Melrose
On occasional Saturdays, he would take me up to the 32nd floor of Embarcadero One when KCBS was headquartered there and allow me the pleasure of watching him broadcast and edit tape. Cool man, that Melrose guy.

It bears repeating: We have lost some of the greatest electronic journalists (TV and Radio) by way of simple retirement or other circumstances. It's life. It's reality.

But we have to acknowledge them and not forget how fantastic they were at their respective jobs.

We cannot forget.

I won't.


  1. It's nice when you periodically state how wonderful Rita Williams was/is! I couldn't agree more.

  2. Yes, we have lost many good broadcasters...the problem is that we have no one to replace them. No continuity...smh

  3. Also miss Lloyd La Cuesta

  4. I miss the days of "Big Vinny" pizza commercials, but at least it provided the funds and on-going residual payments to keep this website up and running.

  5. The rule is -- the less people try to pass themselves off as cool and hip and "now" -- the more they are for real. Can you imagine Rita and Vern Williams and Claud Mann doing the selfie thing to show how they're just a bunch of friends who get together each day to give you the news? They had work to do.

  6. Interesting that you paired these legends of local radio and TV News. On Friday, they were among many present/past colleagues who gathered to honor Bruce Bellingham, the columnist and writer who died in May. Many of us knew Bruce as a KCBS news writer and editor in the 1980's. I talked to Bob and to Rita, and both are doing very well.
