Monday, March 26, 2018

A Samantha Mohr Reunion at KTVU? Rumors Swirl in Jack London Square; Martin Uncertainty; But Fox May Want More Pizazz

Image result for samantha mohr wxia ON SUNDAY, I wrote about the weather personality uncertainty at KTVU and speculated that they might be looking for someone new for their nightly weather presentation.

Underline speculation because in this instance I have no factual evidence to back up my hunch here only a handful of rumors circulating on the street and some industry buzz.

KTVU, I do know, is less-than-thrilled with veteran weeknight and early-evening forecaster, Bill Martin, who seems to have lost favor with upper management suits with his lack of on-camera zip and blasé style. It's not something earth-shattering mind you but it has teetered into a non-Fox style that doesn't excite the senses, at least Fox's version.

Now comes the rumors: Former KPIX and Weather Channel forecaster, Samantha Mohr, left the Bay Area ten years ago under mysterious circumstances. She wasn't fired but she was hardly given any vote of confidence and left town for stints at the Weather Channel and now, the NBC affiliate, WXIA, where she has a family and is entirely comfortable with the city and her gig. In fact, she's in the process of signing an extension but, and here's the big "if"...

In an extensive phone interview with Mohr late last week, I asked her if she would consider coming back to the Bay Area if she got a solid offer. "Well, I never say 'never."

I also asked Mohr about her time here and she's still fond --"we (her husband and kids) loved the area--who wouldn't?" "But Atlanta is changing (for the good) and we're happy here but no, it's not the Bay Area."

Mohr indicated what we all know here: the cost of living there versus the cost of living here. "It's light night and day." Of course it is.

Mohr said while she'd love to come back and that she's familiar with Fox's ethos and has friends at the network it would take a "significant financial commitment" to bring her out west.

KTVU (Fox2) has the financial resources to do such thing and there is no doubt a Mohr reunion would provide instantaneous buzz not to mention a new energy, especially at night. Bill Martin is vulnerable; let me say unequivocally that while I respect and think Martin's work is still first-rate, I know first hand there's also a feeling he's been mailing it in the last few years and it shows. It might also explain why the rumors (and they are rumors) that KTVU wants a dynamic new personality that can move the needle.

Mohr would certainly provide that element; she's smart, knows her stuff and has amazing on-screen presence that would certainly liven up the newscast especially at 10 PM.

As they say, stay tuned.


  1. Median cost of a home in Atlanta: $225,800
    Median cost of a home in Oakland: $755,600

    Samantha Mohr doesn't come back unless she gets Somerville coin...and to do that they'd need to show Martin, Orozco AND Paulson the door...

    Having said that, Orozco seems more than capable. Don't understand the "ditzy" thing Rich has heard. If that's true she covers it up way better than Gasia does...

    Been wondering about Bill Martin; he's been screwing up so badly on the weathercasts lately it's almost as if he's recovering from a stroke or something. Not being a smartass here, totally serious. Does he have health issues being kept under wraps? Is FOX going to try pulling an Ishimaru on him? Just saying, the change has been a bit too rapid for it to be some sort of "phuque-it" scenario...

    1. Don’t know about a stroke but he definitely seems burned out and frazzled. Maybe all the Gestapo tactics lately (bugged rooms, multiple cameras, management and HR in everyone’s business) has gotten to him. It’s claimed others before (Leslie Griffith comes to mind.)

    2. I just thought Martin smokes a doobee before his weather cast.

  2. Orozco is fine...though I would prefer Christina Loren. What KTVU really needs is a new set. That set screams 1990s. Even KRON's set looks better than KTVU's

  3. If you want to see exciting weather, check out Dallas Raines' presentation on Channel 7 Los Angeles which streams their 5 and 6 pm newscast on the internet. Guy must have been a dancer in another life.

    1. Speaking of LA news....
      I was fortunate enough to work remotely a few times in the past month from LA. I watched the morning and evening newscasts on multiple occasions. Talk about BLAH?!?!? Even our own Marla Tellez has been "SoCAL-ified". I know I'll probably get torn up for this but we have it good here in the Bay Area. A few folks here could use a helping hand but NOTHING like down south.

  4. They should nab another former Weather Channel Hottie Kyla Grogan, she seems to be filling in at CBS Los Angeles so not so far away as Atlanta! Saw her there a few weeks ago when I was in town. Knows her stuff.

    1. Or how about Indra Petersons, a national weather person. Unusual voice, but a knockout body!

  5. My advice to Samantha is to stay where you're at. She's back home in Georgia and it seems like both her family and her are happy and living well. She's way too good to be involved in drama filled and toxic environment inside the news business in the bay area.

  6. Weather reporting on TV has mostly become a job for women in tight sleeveless dresses. I've read that weather women even trade dresses with each other to have a wide variety of outfits on air without spending too much of their own money. Too bad about Bill, I always liked his doofus schtick. Maybe he's burned out on spaghetti maps of high pressure systems.

  7. KTVU has a lot of former PIXERS.
