Monday, December 11, 2017

At KGO-TV, 'Just What The Hell is the Big Blue Box?' A Little Hint For Now

Related image   IT'S NOT SOME JOKE. Far from it. It's BIGGER than you think and holds all the cards, this "Big Blue Box."

Think of it not so literally but more figuratively, that's when you'll get the gist that they aren't screwing around and they mean business.

A cynic in the 900 Front KGO newsroom asked me, "Hey, Rich, 'so what the hell is this 'Big Blue Box' thing?" "Are you playing with us?"

Are you kidding? You think I'm going to come clean right away when the goddamn NY suits don't even know what the hell it is? And give away my cards? Heck no. For now I'll just tell you guys that once you get the drift you'll thank me faster than a Mario Batali flirt.

I will say this: This is serious business; as I've told numerous Circle7 suits and skirts stay the hell away from the Big Blue Box and if you see it (well, again, this is more figurative than literal) run like hell to the urinal and thank me later with a tuna melt from Grumpy's. Until now, go back to work. By all means, do your job. Don't be alarmed and just stay FOCUSED. And AGAIN, stay away from the Big Blue Box and one day soon, presto, it'll all make sense. Trust me.

Dammit, just trust me.


  1. Is it bigger on the inside?

  2. it is a storage container. big whoops.

  3. Is it full of Obama's "dreamers"?

  4. Is this anything like the little blue pill that people of a certain age here have to take?

  5. Getting ready for a new set????

  6. "Luke! You don't know the power of the Blue Box! Obi-wan never told you what happened to your father."
    "He told me you killed him!"
    "No. He fell into a Blue Box! And drowned in all the midichlorians inside."

  7. What's in the booooooooooooooox? Oh God! What's in the boooooxxx?

  8. It's the new rule book on how to better be a sanctuary city ...

    1. Good--I'm all for it. In this day and age of Trump rePUKEliKKKanism, I'm all for bettering our Sanctuary city status.

  9. Is it a box of rocks...
    Or a box from FOX?

    I may contain LOX...
    Or a new take on VOX...

    Maybe its clocks ...
    Or a bottle of NOX....

    Or even some of Tracy's POX...
    Or better yet...

    Natasha's sexy hocks....

    Just please no Jocks.

    Bye Bye Burton.

  10. I'll take Door #3, Monty.

  11. Enough with the blue box already!!!

  12. I have a theory and it is not just about KGO-TV...the blue box could be the cloud and since multiple stations are now run from a hub (for Traffic & Master Control) the next step is ZERO physical presence in the market. Some group owners already do a centralized newscast using the same generic anchors for their different properties. No one is safe at these local stations as OTA moves to internet distribution and unless I’m mistaken the FCC has already eliminated the need to have a presence in your licensed service area. Yes, even Account Executive functions can be automated. Sleep well my pets!
