Tuesday, December 12, 2017

How SF Media Covered Mayor Ed Lee's Passing; KCBS Radio; KGO-TV and KTVU Standouts

Related image A LITTLE AFTER FIVE THIS MORNING, I learned about the death of Mayor Ed Lee listening to KCBS Radio. The station did a stellar job from the very start with the breaking news and subsequent interviews with people such as former mayor Willie Brown, their political insider, Phil Matier, and other city and state officials.

KCBS anchor Stan Bunger, should be lauded for doing A-rate anchoring on such a jarring morning.

I won't even bother to detail what KGO Radio was broadcasting but it involved TAPED mumbo-jumbo from a pair of Sacramento wise guys; only well after 6 AM did the bozos mention Lee's passing and it was both quick and clueless. Nobody has any form of decorum at KGO anymore so this is not shocking anymore.

On TV, KGO and KTVU were on the story; as were KRON and KPIX although KGO was wise to bring in veteran weekend anchor/reporter, Carolyn Tyler, who has extensive City Hall contacts and was first to remind everyone that the last time a SF mayor had died while in office was George Moscone back in 1978; of course Moscone and Harvey Milk were assassinated by Dan White

Overall, local TV News got it right and provided comprehensive and detailed coverage; I'm not sure having relative newcomer Jessica Castro at City Hall was the right pick but KGO, as I said, did a decent job overall.

We'll be seeing a lot of coverage in the coming days and it will be interesting to watch and listen as to the future of SF's city government --look for a lot of solos with acting mayor and Board of Supervisor's Pres., London Breed.


  1. KCBS totally kicked ass at 3am with the breaking Ed Lee news AND a live hit from Holly Kwon in Oakland for some fire....and they had another reporter on the way to SF general.
    I was listening in Corona ,Ca. and all I can say I was blown away at the steller coverage at 3am...and they were just getting rolling....and that dang christian station also on 740 was harshing my buzz.

    1. > Her wikipedia page mentions something about her
      > being part of an FBI investigation into public corruption
      > and bid-fixing...

      She'll fit right in. Bravo.

  2. London Breed? Sounds like a horse.

    1. According to KCBS political insider today...bold, outspoken, had some controversy over comments in the past. Her wikipedia page mentions something about her being part of an FBI investigation into public corruption and bid-fixing in the past, never proven. Great days to be a San Franciscan huh?

  3. KGO, once again, abdicated any sense of responsibility and civic duty by not switching away from A & G. They had John Rothman there who should have been on the air much earlier than 10AM.

    1. I listened to KCBS for the first 10 minutes of the 5am hour, then switched to KSFO. By 5:10 or so, the Sussman show had already jumped to national political topics and bashing "Fake News CNN", if the show ever talked about Lee in the first 10.

  4. I expect Ethan Bearman will do 3 hours this afternoon talking about what kinds of foods and how to prepare them will help you avooooiiiiiiddddd heart attacks.

  5. Carolyn Tyler's reporting was excellent. Her live anchoring in the morning was top notch. What a pro.

    1. I'm more impressed that she was the FIRST to remind everyone, the last time a San Francisco Mayor died while in office, was George Moscone. Now that is first rate reporting, right there!!!!

  6. Very tragic news. I thought the Merc covered this story better than the Chronicle.

    1. I'm still grieving. I feel he was taken before he was ready to go. So much more to give.

  7. I did catch part of Radnich "tribute" to Lee. Only part as it was sickening to see Lee basher,Pelosi basher,Obama basher Radnich re write history. Radnich had all the photos of himself- and Lee somewhere- as part of the "tribute".
    Look,Radnich was in the regular habit of bashing Asians in general until I started to call him down on it.
    I only watched until Radnich referenced himself 3 or times in 40 seconds...

  8. Most of the hosts on KGO are boring, embarrassing and disgusting. Those Sacramento wise guys are right up there with all three descriptions. If only the very great John Rothmann were given a regular spot, I believe KGO would again begin to achieve some good ratings.

  9. Ed Lee presided over the sanctuary city policy in this city.. he was an inept clod
