NO, it has nothing to do with the fact that his wife (#2) is a
YUGE fan of "
Armstrong and Getty" and the
Morning Show" (which is as ultra white wing as it gets and amounts to a paid 4-hour commercial for
The Donald Monday-through Friday...
Gary Radnich loves
Donald Trump --its his right, after all, birds of a feather ....
Radnich was spotted by my 415 Media spy
coming out of a Trump fundraiser the other night.
Maybe he can help build the wall.
Trump does have an appeal to those who like things simple and straightforward without a lot of depth. Maybe Gary could serve on his Cabinet!
ReplyDelete"Trump does have an appeal to those who like things simple and straightforward without a lot of depth."
DeleteDon't you mean people whose minds aren't cluttered with a lot of irrelevant ruminate?
Gary Radnich came from Columbus. That tells me a lot.
DeleteTrump's press secretary.
DeleteThe guy never does a thing for charity's. Wear pink? No way. Have ice water dumped on him? Never. Has he ever mentioned a charitable cause in 30 years? No,with him charity begins at home and stays there. That wife of his doesn't send him out there to make money to give it away.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone but serious Radnich haters really believe Radnich would attend a Trump fund raiser, regardless of his political preferences?
If Tardnich was spotted leaving a Trump fundraiser, he probably left out the ASS!!! end.
ReplyDeleteCrater Face should be a Right Wing pundit, and FNN would love him. They are always looking for conservative faces on their network, especially ones with a little notoriety. Raddy could toss the nerf football with Sean Vanity, do the Walter Mitty and wax poetic about life experience with O'Reilly, and sit on the "Curvy Couch" with Misogynist Doocy and Brian Dillweed. It would be a match made in heaven!
ReplyDeleteGary's cheap and selfish. Plus his wife wouldn't let him go without her. It would cut into Gary time in the tenderloin. Fat fuck
ReplyDeleteI can TOTALLY see that. They're very much alike, personality-wise. Bigshot talk, ostentation, no ability to back it up, pray on younger women who are minorities and like to be led, dislike of brainy women (Radnich: Heenan; Trump: just about anyone with more than a sixth-grade education). judge everyone by how much money they have. Not surprised at all.
ReplyDeleteRadnich has been "stealing money" now for the better part of a decade. He doesn't have to do much preparation, because his wise-guy act has been around so long, all he needs to do is open his mouth and start talking. Give the guy some credit though, not everyone could pull this off for so many years. But at the same time, it shows you how the Bay Area doesn't have the most sophisticated sports fans. Most of the folks who listen to Gary talk about sports aren't really into sports anyway; they just want to be 'entertained.' And Gary delivers with his one-man wise guy act. It was funny back in the 80s, 90s, and even through say about 2005. But now It's nothing but a tired, broken record. Hey Gary, NO ONE CARES!
ReplyDeleteIt figures. A douchebag loving another douchebag.
ReplyDeleteBTW, 6 to 10am has to be the worst radio ever here in the bay area. A & G, the KSFO hatefest, some syndicated right wing dude on 860, Sarah and Vinnie, the new dude with the horrible voice on KFOG. I'll stick to my NPR.
LOL NPR. Oh man, talk about people who don't have a clue. Thanks, I needed that laugh this morning.