Well, so far, it's been a monumental BUST. Like irrelevance central but what did you expect? Cumulus is responsible for the mass murder of the old KGO Radio so another meltdown isn't entirely surprising, after all, Cumulus is not a radio business, hell, isn't much of any business --have you seen their penny stock lately?
The Armstrong and Getty experiment is a major dud--how so? During one of the most biggest news events in the nation last week, KGO Radio, from 5-9 AM, embarrassingly, ran "A and G" reruns. That's right, reruns. Why? Because Cumulus has these mandated vacations that air talent has to take and nobody at the office realized that a major news event could break out and KGO, even in its dilapidated state, could look foolish with their major Morning Drive Show talking about issues having nothing to do with Dallas and the Police Shootings. Finally the day after the Dallas massacre, someone not asleep at the wheel threw A&G in the toilet and a host from KGO's regular line-up began broadcasting live.
Armstrong and Getty have seen a beating at KGO. What was thought of as a "solid" anchor to help out KGO Radio's new format into talk has instead become nothing short of an unmitigated disaster --the Titanic is sinking. Again.
A&G suffers from a cultural sneeze --granted, SF Radio is in the toilet now but nevertheless these pair of Sacramento-based syndicated bumpkins have never moved the needle. KGO's sales department (the zombies have risen) has had a really tough time selling Armstrong and Getty --maybe that is why the gruesome twosome were asked to take the mandated vacation at quite possibly the worst time. Management doesn't care anymore because no one is listening.

Right up there with the Rise Guys and down home Keba.
ReplyDeleteI would say,enough of Sacramento entertainment.
Your thoughts on Copeland? I bet he's the best thing since sliced bread am I right?
DeleteThat's for sure, no one is listening. I didn't even remember they were on KGO. I guess they are one of the reasons why I don't listen to it in the morning anymore.
ReplyDeleteCumulus doesn't care. Hail Mary effort. Broadcast them in as many markets in the west as possible. National sales only.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, Copie, Ethan and Ronn will carry the station.
I would love to see their ratings in comparison to A&M. I bet it's across the board similar.
DeleteI have listened to Armstrong and Getty for years, I use to like them for the most part, although I never listened more than an hour or less. They can do some good interviews, they can be funny, on the whole they are wearing a little thin. I still listen to Ronn most mornings, who else is on? I don't care for Rush, I have tried to listen to Dennis Prager on 860 he sounds boring. I don't care for Eathen, or Chip they just can't hold my interest. I do like Brian Copeland, I think he is so much better than most of the hosts on 810, he does local stuff, he does good interviews, and for the most part I like his take on issues and the way he frames his argument.
DeleteI've got corn stuck to my ass that spells A & G.
ReplyDeleteThat picture should have A & G swirling down the toilet. Maybe it's one of them, which one's which? I still don't think anyone knows, or cares.
ReplyDeletePeople slamming A&G the most are usually people who have barely listened to more than 20 minutes for the whole program. Cool your jets! Take a chill pill.
ReplyDeleteExactly. And like Rich, they throw in some comment about Sacramento as if anyone from Sacramento is somehow inferior to the hosts they have now and have had. Fyi sheeple....the hosts you have now and have had are from other areas as well!! Ronn? Not from here. Chip? Not from here. Gene Burns? East Coaster with more radio time logged there. The list goes on and on.
DeleteRich, you're too predictable lately.
They're dull as can be and most of the bay area agrees. This isn't cow town Sacramento where they're slightly relevant.
DeleteThey lost me as a listener up here over 10 yrs ago when the "bad ass" bald guy finally got married and started to begin every sentence with "my wife says...my wife thinks".
ReplyDeleteWhen he finally had kids it was like he was the only one to ever "notice this" about kids.
These bozo's are un-listenable. @6:53 I tried - really. But like fingernails on a chalk board (yes, I'm in that age range). The only positive thing to say about them is they are better than Cory & Joel (atrocious). How any of these clowns can take up Bay Area radio time is unfathomable. I'm totally with Rich on this one -flush all 4 of them down the toilet but not before a a big deposit.
ReplyDeleteI tried but can't get into these guys. They don't even take callers. Might as well put the news back on in that slot. Cheaper, save money. Once they changed formats back in 2011, the ratings sunk for good no matter how much Talk they've added.
ReplyDeleteNo one listens to KGO anymore. Thy fired virtually every talk show host and then a few years later, fired all of the news folks. They're a sad joke, but then, so is Cumulus, the worst effing radio company on planet Earth!
ReplyDeleteOn Sunday morning during Face the Nation, KGO ran an add for A & G in which they basically read a tweet from a listener telling them how awful they are and how they've ruined KGO for her. So, let me see if I understand this brilliant bit of advertising. You run an ad somehow intended to convince millennials that you are irreverent and hip and not your grandma's KGO, but you run it on a Sunday morning political talk show that skews over 60. So Cumulus just spent a bunch of money on an add that ran in a place that couldn't possibly have anything to do with the "younger" audience you're going after. You really can't over estimate the stupid that is Cumulus.
ReplyDeleteNOT LOOKING GOOD: The Atlanta-based radio giant, which lost $546.5 million in 2015, named John F. Abbot its new CFO as of July 1. It also is carrying $2.4 billion in debt. (Good luck, John)
ReplyDeleteJust like those two bozos on Red Eye radio on KSFO late at night, A & G's voices sound very similar. Who's A? Who's G? Who really cares?
ReplyDeleteYou just don't get it, do you?
ReplyDeletesomewhere out there Owen Spann, Les Crane, Lee Rodgers, Pete Wilson, Gene Burns, Jack Brooks are spinning in their graves while Eason et al are laffin' their asses off.
ReplyDeleteAhh, remember the good old days ... Don Sherwood, Frank & Mike, Steve McPartlin ... that was what real morning radio was all about. Now GET OFF MY LAWN!!!
ReplyDelete........ and they're still better then Ronnn!!
ReplyDeleteThey should let Ronn go and keep these guys on till noon. Ronn is getting weaker by the day and is such a West Coast left wing liberal, it makes all of us sick.
ReplyDeleteThey are NOT better than Ronn, clearly Ronn is more intelligent, not that A&G are dumb. I don't think Ronn is getting weaker by the day, certainly he is not nearly as good as he use to be, but he is still good, besides that 4 hours of just about ANY host is too much, so another 2 hours of A&G would be way get very old fast. You obviously don't listen to Ronn much, if you did he is hardly a West Coast liberal, which in ifself is a stupid statement, how is a West Coast liberal different from an East Coast liberal? Or Midwest liberal? Besides Ronn is hardly the embodiment of a liberal, on social issues, yes. However, on financial and foreign affairs not really, certainly on Israel (which by the way I agree with Ronnn on). Also you statement "it makes us all sick" seem to make the assumption that everyone thinks like you do, what a narrow minded point of view.
ReplyDeleteNeed talk shows that actually take calls.