Really, only 10 of the dudes showed up? That's less than a Brian Murphy -Powlie Mac Giants orgy! I was invited to attend the proceedings but couldn't make it because of my previous lunch engagement with Pia Zadora.
Making matters worse, the biggest whiner at the Sports Bleeder-- news guy, producer, Uber-driver, Joe Hughes, (who was basically bitch-whipped on the air this morning by noted family man, Gary Radnich) didn't even attend the gathering.
Mostly local pols and one unremarkable frat boy from Knibber, says the Chronicle.
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Big Joe Hughes, Gary Radnich's private driver |
Radnich & Krueger remind me of the Dumb & Dumber prequel. "Look, we have our own bus!!"
ReplyDeleteWhat if there was a protest...and no one came?
ReplyDeleteThe BA used to be "different"...
Now it's just become annoying.
Get a paper route boys.
I wouldn't say that. Belva Davis was there. Assemblyman David Chui was there..and so were the media to put on the front page of SF Gate and the World.
ReplyDeleteYou also had Hughes and Pecon in the vid. They can't be all out martyrs. They still have to work for the Evils ones.
Radnich? $100 an hour salary. Didn't show up. A man who loves to be hated for unrelenting selfishness.
A shame it wasn't as eventful as it should have been, no thanks to the hack fat cat yappers. I guess we'll all have to pray the Giants and Warriors take a huge nose dive like the Niners have , because their success is the only reason the penny stock crap of a "company" is surviving. The sooner we rid the world of the pestilence that comes out of Atlanta maybe then a decent radio oriented company can come in and restore a little sanity. ...I can have a pipe dream can't I?
ReplyDeletebtw,You do notice they did take my advice to get a Representative and some big name to help?
ReplyDeleteStan- ahead of the curve.
Nobody Cares
DeleteReally Gary? Must be why you last night tapped your chest and said what you say comes from "The heart".
DeleteEven your heart is green and selfish.
I was listening to KNBR between 5:30PM and 6PM, and they were playing what sounded like a 20-year old ESPY program. I was wondering if the union workers had already gone on strike.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of buffoons.
ReplyDeleteHammer is clueless and it's a joke that this dweeb runs not only KNBR, but basically the entire Cumulus 'cluster.' He was basically brought in in the late 1990s by Tony Salvadore to run 'The Ticket (which is now KNBR 1050), but there wasn't a whole lot to do because no one listened to the station as they had low-paid buffoons like 'Ron and Don,' and 'Damon the Dog,' on the air. Hammer has zero creativity, he is nothing but a rubber stamp for Cumulus, a disgusting, fat dysfunctional company that could care less about radio. His latest move is typical-bringing in John Lund from 'the Game' who was awful on that station and will be even more awful on KNBR.
ReplyDeleteJohn Lund is great.
DeleteHammer didn't bring him in.
Corporate suit tool Justin Wittmayer did.
He prefers top be called 'jwitt'
Effing clown.
They have what sounds like college interns sometimes reading the sports updates. Of course, good old Kate Scott also gets her 'my pillow!' testimonials in as well! What dreck!
ReplyDeleteI don't think even being in traction would make me buy a MY Pillow after listening to Kate Scott's ads. It sounds like she writes them herself - those and the Certa Pro paint ad. I know radio ads tend to be heard more if on-air people read them, but I wouldn't buy a product that Kate Scott uses or promotes. A long time ago, I worked in the marketing dept. that was considering running ads on KNBR. Biggest sleazeball ad reps I've ever dealt with and that's saying a lot - I've dealt with newspaper, magazine, TV ad reps for almost 30 years and they still stand out as the sleaziest.
DeleteThese guys are dopes. Sure, Cumulus is crap, but their stock is down to about $.40 with a market cap of under $100m. This from America's second largest radio broadcasting company? It's a dying medium and if these guys want to make decent money they can roll out of bed and work at whatever dot com company is open down the street. These guys chose to work there because they're sports fans, they love broadcasting. Unless you've got the brain of a Michael Savage or the voice of the late Lon Simmons it's not the greatest career path to choose. Seriously, who strikes at a company that's about to go under? Even if you win, you lose, because they'll give you two bucks more an hour, bring in some accountants to run the numbers, and lay you off. If you want a job at KNBR, be prepared to drive an Uber, that's just the way it is.
ReplyDeleteCMLS stock is now worth less than a postage stamp. They will be on the pink sheets soon. FACT. Look it up if you don't know what stock pink sheets mean.
DeleteBeen doing some morning commuting lately, and have tried to listen to "Murph and Mac." Invariably, I have tapped out and changed the channel. Those two are insufferable.
ReplyDeleteOf course, they talk over each other constantly. As if they aren't allowed to have a second of dead air. Not to mention the fake laugh from Bert Murphy. He controls the other guy like a puppet, just to let him know who's in charge.
DeleteA quick assessment of KNBR"s shows: Murph and Mack-annoying, NOT entertaining, and only one guy who seems to know sports. The other day Mack was by himself and his comments and takes were embarrassing stupid. Krueger and Radnich-Probably their best show. Krueger does his homework, and even through Radnich seems to think his lack of sports interest is cool, ("NOBODY CARES!) it's not appropriate for an all-sports station. But he's been around a long time and still has a few good stories to tell sometimes. 3.) Fitz and Brooks-worst show, perhaps ever on KNBR since they went all-sports many years ago. Fitz is an annoying, disingenuous, pompous know it all, and Brooks is a phantom. Does he ver actually show his face at a local game? He also thinks he zoo cool but guess what, he's not! Tolbert-Lund. Let's be honest, Ray Ratto is okay as a guest host, but his cynical, 'edgy' and annoyingly cranky personality on the radio was getting really old and a change had to be made. But bringing in frat-boy John Lund, who's specialty is penis jokes and other nonsense.? And now he's encouraging Tolbert to behave as 'Mr T' used to sound regularly on th radio when he first came on KNBR; lots of talk about drinking, Las Vegas, odd ball stories that have nothing to do with sports. Ray Woodson and Marty Lurie-solid knowledge and serviceable, yet hardly standout personalities, but at least they at lead talk about sports and not the other nonsense that has unfortunately become a staple of some brain-dead sports radio stations.