DONALD TRUMP's big win on Tuesday night in the New Hampshire primary was predicted by virtually
all the polls; that said, Trump seemed rather muted for most of the week and that was brought forth by
SF-based, national radio talker,
Michael Savage, who told
The Donald, directly, on his
KSFO radio show "
Do Go Soft, Stay Stronger."
This might have been the most unusual, and frankly, entertaining interview Savage has conducted. And yes, Savage has been unabashed in his support of Trump and has formally
endorsed him.
Listen to Trump's response and how he
reacts to Savage's missive--it's great radio;
*Follow me on
Disgusting. Why don't we bring Arnold back, and really make this country look "good".
ReplyDeleteYou, Sir, are disgusting. Mr Trump will Make America Great Again.
DeleteLil Hebby, what drugs are you taking that are making you so delusional?
DeleteAnonymous at 1:13, I think the folks who are so anti-Trump act like they are off some anti-psychotic drugs they way they react to him...
DeleteSavage is similar to Trump. No matter how outlandish, racist, misogynistic or xenophobic the comment, his fans stand strong with him. Fascinating really. There doesn't seem to be any consequences to their statements. I can't think of anyone else as Teflon as these two.
ReplyDeleteSo basically they don't sell out and act PC in front of the cameras all the while thinking of others as beneath them and "what can they do for me"...when the cameras and mic's are off. Wait, I just described the DNC.
DeleteSCALIAs Murder is being covered up aka Set up: nothing from the media. READ Texas Criminal Law: everything that was done by the Mexican Card Carrying LaRaza+LULAC Cinderella Guervera..Marshall to Undertaker was illegal...Call Gov Abbott Demand he convene a Grand Jury or Texas is KILL SPOT for Real American Patriots..lest we not forget JFK.. Remember the Alamo, Remember Goliad..apparently the POPE thinks Americans are worthless SLAVES for his LaRaza = The Race illegals, illegitimates, PROTESTING in if they are owed something for being LaRaza violatwhores..Dial#2 Spanish TRILLIIONS to bow to ignorant 2 legged amoebic parasites!
DeleteRUN, STEVE! RUN! KGO will rescue you from FAUX BS!
ReplyDeleteGet out while you still have your dignity.
Then, you and Rich can talk shop at Grumpy's, and the pirates can fend for themselves.
FAUX is a joke...wasn't there a movie called "Broadcast News" or "Switching Channels"... Hint
You're off your government sponsored meds. Time to renew your "medical" cannabis card and chant "Hope and Change".
DeleteTrump proudly has my vote!! If Dr Savage endorses him, that's enough for me.
ReplyDeleteAgreed !
DeleteEast Bay JAPS for Trump (again)!
Delete9:25 not much of an independent thinking are you? Kind of funny seeing how Savage is always ranting about lemmings, people who blindly follow someone. I urge you very conservative Savage listeners to listen to, or read up on Glenn Becks take on Trump, you might be surprised where Trump really stand on some issues. I'm neither a fan of Trump (except as a business man)Savage or Beck, but listen of enough to the last two to know where they stand on issues.
DeleteFantastic!!! Thanks for the replay!!
ReplyDelete70% of trump voters in NH favor "banning muslims"
ReplyDeleteAs for not going soft, I'm sure Savage and Trump experience that quite often
Oh man you should hear my cackle laugh. It sounds so much like Christine and Hildabeast. Oh man, please please do open mic night. Please!??!
DeleteMegyn Kelly asked Trump a couple of firm questions, and he has been running from her (with his tail between his legs) ever since. Now that's real "strength!" If I were in a foxhole, and I had a choice of fighting with Trump or Foghorn Leghorn, I'd take the rooster.
ReplyDeleteHe is not running from her...he is EXPOSING her and Fox who I used to have on 24/7 and was BLINDED by their Establishment Bias! The Media think they control US! They've got a rude awakening coming!
Delete5:13, agreed. The only time I've watched Megyn Kelly's show recently was when she covered 13 Hours.
DeleteBill O'Reilly interviews Trump, on FNN, every week. So, Trump is not completely averse to appearing on that network. His avoidance of Kelly exposes his thin skin. Several current and former Republican Presidential candidates have asked: how is he going to face up to antagonistic world leaders and other prominent players when he can't even face up to Megyn?!
DeleteIt is because 0bama's inept that Trump is popular. Anyone will be much better than a community organizer from murder capital of US, Chicago.
ReplyDeleteAnyone? Even Sanders, Biden, or Hill?
DeleteThe democrats need to be shown the EXACT same mercilessness they show towards the 8 month and 25 day old HUMAN BEING BABY in the mothers womb when they decided to PARTIAL BIRTH ABORT IT through their democratic HILLARY endorsed PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION LEGALIZATION .......... and what do you suppose that means ???????? what comes around goes around ?????????
ReplyDeletetrump is anoited he will win