I'm not defending the 49ers prickly QB image as a prima donna --he very well could be but watching and listening to him he seems like a natural guy with a tremendous story to tell, most notably, his upbringing as an adopted child.
He doesn't like the media culture here and who can blame him. Outside of a few writers like a Lowell Cohn, (who is one of his biggest critics), or Scott Ostler, (one writes and blogs for the Santa Rosa Press-Democrat and the other, the same, for the SF Chronicle), our sports medium here is largely a bunch of rank amateurs and softies from Pluto with not an ounce of conviction nor a residue of knowledge befitting a #4-market.
Said one of my insiders who has a firm grasp of what comes in and out of the 49ers headquarters in Santa Clara:
Colin thinks the local media types are petty and immature. He's not averse to answering good, solid questions but have you heard what they ask him? It's like, hey, get me something to talk about; be coherent, don't pander to me, just ask the damn question.
The fact of the matter is Kaepernick is right. Moreover, Kap's terse, one-sentence answers speaks volumes about his feelings toward the Bay Area media. He doesn't owe them anything. And truth be told, the fans don't really give a damn about the media anyway, never have--never will. His obligation is to his team and the organization. If he wins the Super Bowl, that's all they care about and that makes perfect sense.
*Fox desperately wants to buy a SF station --we've talked about this here many times, so their continued, hardy pursuit of, potentially, KRON, or KTVU continues to make the rounds. Why so desperate? Because as you just saw that 111 million people watched the Super Bowl and how the NFL is king, that's why. Beyond that, Fox isn't thrilled with its KTVU affiliation because of how KTVU has been performing of late. An irony: Cox Media, which owns KTVU is also less than pleased either, but KTVU is Cox' cash cow. Before any real deal were to transpire there exists a multitude of issues, money is not one of them. Stay tuned.
*Schmucks who insist KGO Radio will be all-news are in for a big surprise but I'm not going into the specifics yet because there's too much to go over...for now. If the news/company shill weasel that everybody hates in the building has thoughts of writing one of his brown-nose ditties to me, he can cease and desist. He has no cred and when you suck a lot of Cumulus hot air, you're not one of my sergeants. Take a hike, copy boy.
*I'm beginning to think I'm not alone with my disgust with KCBS' ridiculous replay-after-replay of story--it has simply reached a point where 10 repeats of one story on one day insults its listeners. Don't give me the TSL excuse or some phony policy--KCBS is great for breaking news and traffic but its rerun deal is one helluva pain in the ass and has me listening more to outside sources or going to the Internet.
*Follow me on Twitter
Kap needs to get a puppy. Teach him responsibility and compassion. He's all flashy cars and clothes,and "get off my back" to the media.
ReplyDeleteTim Lincecum got a dog,a GF and is calm as can be with the media. He's got 2 WS a Cy Young, a no hitter. I credit Cy his little bulldog for saving his career.
Kap needs to get rid of the pink ties..get tied down with responsibilities.
@ Stan's blog and observations - you've been spending too much time in Eureka Valley ...Pink ties are in. Anybody who's not pastie white like Karel can where colorful items.... Think Sly Stone in Purple and Yellow...
DeleteKaep needs to get rid of his ugly tattoos, or as I call it--body graffiti.
DeleteI can't believe I agree with the stan. Colin is an embarrassment to San Francisco/Bay Area football. Especially in the 49'r camp. A look and persona of gang bang BS is not the standard that anyone wants to send except the SF bay area of acceptance?
DeleteSorry, being a Bay Area (Oakland) native, I don't appreciate the Cappy franchise/branding. I left the Raiders when Al moved to LA and never went back. When Al decided to chase the buck back north, I said screw you. Been to a few live Raider games and will never go again because of the thug attitude that persists there. It's a new bunch of fans that are trying to be the old rebels that Raiders were but don't make the grade, just so much noise and posturing.
Colin is a great qback but his package is classless including his interaction with local media. I'm surprised management doesn't see this. Again, SF acceptance and PC BS. Now PC has infected sports. What's left? Nothing.
Are the interviewers idiots? Yes. Does he owe them respect, patience and answer their stupid questions? Yes. He is the Bay Area qback for the San Francisco 49'ers
Saw a comparison to Russel and Cappy photo montage and what a difference. Look it up on the internet. I don't have time. Then make your decision. I can almost quote the responses, this being the Bay Area.
"I left the Raiders..." They left you buddy. It's been decades, get over it.
Delete"Been to a few live Raider games..." WHAAAT? I thought you gave up and "never went back".
"I'm surprised management doesn't see this" He has a mind of his own and doesn't have to read from the pr script.
" Does he owe them respect, patience and answer their stupid questions?" No. Let's say he spends all his waking hours crafting smooth answers for their booby trap questions and his work suffers, will the fans be happy then?
Diagnosis: You have a bad case of the stans. Sports are supposed to be fun and not taken seriously, find a way to make it so and save your hate and contempt for the politicians(far right and far left), lobbyists, corporations, lawyers, insurance companies, special interests, or why SF has a budget for a gay pride parade but have no budget come veterans day.
To the 6:42 post.
DeleteThe bay area sports writers will deny his awkward persona and defend him blindly.
The media here is a joke. Example No. 1: Fatnich. His time passed long ago. He's a clown. Tries to live off his image. Example No. 2: sports talk radio in this market. It doesn't even qualify as white noise. Example No. 3: the "columnists" who write the dribble online (CSN Bay Area is just a megaphone for the teams) and the local newspapers. Example No. 4: all of these "bloggers" who think they know everything. Just because you bought a Dell laptop at Costco and watch ESPN all day makes you an expert. Actually, sports media everywhere (and news media in general) is going to hell. Everyone wants to make their mark. Everyone wants their 15 minutes. You get that through hard work and respect. Not because you made a quick splash by creating a storm and pissing people off. If you're insecure, hire a security service, don't come off like a joke.
ReplyDelete> *I'm beginning to think I'm not alone with my disgust with KCBS' ridiculous
ReplyDelete> replay-after-replay of story--it has simply reached a point where 10 repeats
> of one story on one day insults its listeners.
As I've pointed out, it's not just replaying today's stories over and over but YESTERDAY'S stories, as if they were today's stories. I feel like their news department consists of someone who pages through the paper or reads Google News.
And the AP wire stories.
DeleteHow soon they forget: Radnich and Kreuger,Fitz and Brooks both ridiculing Michael Jordan's try at pro baseball. All agreed you need "Two sets of skills", blah,blah. What about Bo Jackson? he starred in the NFL and MLB. It was the NFL of course that ruined his career with injuries. Jordan's problem was he didn't play at a high level even in college with baseball.
ReplyDeleteSo now ya know.
I think you have to give this topic a little context before you go blasting the reporters. When do reporters have access to Kaepernick? Typically, pregame during the week or postgame when others are around. Don't you think Colin would get better questions when if he gave a reporter full access and an hour of his time like he does with ESPN or the Wall Street Journal? If I'm a reporter, do you think I'm going to ask him about being a biracial quarterback, like the WSJ guy did in his one-on-one, after a game in front of 25 other reporters? Any Bay Area sportswriter, given one-on-one access for a half-hour or longer I'm sure would have some pretty interesting questions. It's just that Colin only grants those interviews to national media. And, that's fine. Like you say, the public does't give a shit about reporter access, etc. But, I will say this ... Colin is the leader of this organization, and he's got to start acting like one. The clipped answers, sideways hats and fourth-quarter turnovers aren't going to sit well with those dropping 50k for a PSL.
ReplyDelete"Colin is the leader of this organization, and he's got to start acting like one. The clipped answers, sideways hats and fourth-quarter turnovers aren't going to sit well with those dropping 50k for a PSL."
Delete100% agreed!
Ann Killion can not hide her disdain for Harbaugh and Kap. She admitted on twitter that she is not a 49er fan outside of work. It's obvious. On another note, did you hear Ronn's show today where a caller got through the screeners and asked him if the top brass of kgo knew how many listeners they lost with new formatting? Ronn's response, "I'm sure they do." click.
ReplyDeleteTypical Ronn. Cover up for management.
DeleteLocal media will never ask the SF Giants why they are trying to derail the Warriors SF arena plans, less they lose access to the team, or worse, are punished like Krueger.
ReplyDeleteColin looks EXACTLY like James Lofton. Hmmmmmmmm!!!
ReplyDelete"Colin thinks the local media types are petty and immature"
ReplyDeleteColin needs to look in the mirror...
Nice cherry pickin'.
DeleteReread the full paragraph for context.
740 KCBS. All the news that is fit to REPEAT!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, you're giving props to Lowell Cohn, an over the never hill hack who tries desperately to stay relevant by heaving up inflammatory statements. Barrows and Maiocco do a credible job covering the 49ers.
ReplyDeleteKGO should go with a completely new format. Not original but new to KGO. ALL WAKO ALL THE TIME! Start the day off at 5AM with the most offensive morning show imaginable - something like Alex Bennett used to do but that would embarrass Howard Stern. Then two hours of LOCO WAKO call in focusing on conspiracy theories involving the Golden Gate Bridge and the Illuminati. Noon is a news hour, from 1-4 it's Alex Jones!!! News, traffic and other stuff nobody cares about from 4-6 which brings up to more LOCO WAKO call in so we can discuss the haunting of Alcatraz and lucky winning Lotto numbers. 10PM brings Coat to Coast AM and the whole insanity fest starts over at 5AM....
ReplyDeleteNow hire me as program director!!!
Anon 12:23pm & 1:25pm Colin also needs to constantly stop wearing "Beats by Dre" both in Football & Non Football Settings--you don't see other QB's like Russell Wilson, Andrew Luck & Aaron Rodgers always wearing those Stupid, Huge Headphones -
ReplyDeleteWhy doesn't Lieberman you just turn the blog over to Stan? As repetitive as Stan is, he's still a breath of fresh air compared with endless recycling of the same old gripes.
ReplyDeleteGood timing! Did you read Lowell Cohn's most recent article about "the tip"? Personal and nasty comments about Kap. This is an adult journalist? He and his son can't hit the keyboard fast enough to run down Kap and Harbough. Then they cry about athletes not wanting to talk to the media? Check out the guy who looks like Santa (Dickey?) and his latest article. These people are suppose to be professional yet their constant hatred and belittling of Kap are so obvious.
ReplyDeleteWhen he first took over the starting position, Kaepernick had to endure local media
verbalizing their disapproval of the decision and making little effort to hide the fact that they hoped he would fail. Is it any wonder he isn't open with local media?
The Bay Area sports media = homer central.
ReplyDeleteStep right up everyone, we have the greatest show on earth.
Complete with organge and black pom poms.
you have to be a homer. Ask Jon Miller. That's why he is now with the Giants. Orioles ownership didn't think he did enough rah rah stuff so they let him go. They ended up with Gary Thorne who certainly has no trouble getting excited for the home team. Thorne has the ability to make a 0-0 hockey game sound thrilling when he was with the World Wide Leader in Sports. (ESPN)
DeleteBut at least Kap looks cool at his pressers. Only thing missing is a ring. Perhaps he should represent the franchise like Wilson, Manning, Brady, and Rogers - they all have rings. Kap's look goes well in the East Bay as a Raider. Now there's a thought, trade him and get a real QB who doesn't choke when it counts.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised the professional sport teams in San Francisco don't send their quarterbacks to some kind of 'charm school' to learn how to handle the media, and what in general to expect. These team members (49ers, Giants, whathaveyou) are under tremendous pressure to win, big and on a programming schedule's limitations. You must presume that keeping reporters happy or intriqued is at the bottom of their Must Do list, especially early in their careers, where they could be dropped at any moment.