First monologue: began shouting; used marxist, socialist, communist at least 5-6 times.
Kissed the ass of Lew and John Dickey.
Self-aggrandizing --bad start, a little Teddy reference.
Blah, blah, blah...
Changed the channel.
*Follow me on Twitter
What a surprise.
ReplyDeleteGuy hasn't said anything interesting in 5 years. His whole thing about how there's this new way to do talk radio, that people don't want to hear about the politics, only to find himself spewing about politics (it's okay if he does it) in a way that suggests it's over, is all pretty lame at this point.
I guess when a man is nearing 3/4 of a century, has no friends (according to him), and probably doesn't socialize outside of his own bubble, you can't expect TOO MUCH.
Attach to it the fact that the Dickeys are probably the most creatively clueless owners in modern radio history, you should expect nothing but lame radio.
I am waiting for that moment when he is just so fed up with everything that he explodes, and tanks his career. It should coincide with a weak ratings book.
Weiner has no friends, Randy?
DeleteWhy, He said he spent Xmas Eve with Donald Trump at The Mar-a-Largo Palm Beach restaurant...if you can believe it!
He's gonna have a heart attack while on-air, I predict!
I called Weiner once ...
He'd just begun his TV show. Told screener, in my sexy voice, how HANDSOME I thought Savage was on TV, they put me right on....
I said, You gotta do something about your yellow teeth, especially for TV....he merely over-powered me saying I was the typical lady on Prozac, didn't know what I was saying & hung-up on me.
I should do it again, call in and pretend to be a liberal who found the light after hearing his wonderful voice! He's so into himself.
Have you noticed...
(And he did it first thing on the new show).
He talks too much about how great he is...
It's all 'me-me-me'...I...I...I...
Seems like there's a little 'senility' creeping in on Michael Weiner.
And it's only gonna get worse!
For two people that seemingly dislike Savage so both sure do seem to listen quite a bit. Laughable.
DeleteI'm sure Michael Man of the People wiener did pay to spend his Christmas at Trump's estate, with the other faux Jews. That guy is on like 200 radio stations and still begs for attention. Sad.
DeleteWhat's the basis of that comment? I've not listened since a year ago. I can't imagine it has gotten better! I've not expressed any details of his show other than to comment on the post above. Based on this thread there are 2 people who may listen.
DeleteWhen he's talking about himself, he leaves out the part about losing his show for telling a Gay caller to "get AIDS and die."
Finally you have seen the light, Rich. Seems to me that Savage and Gil have both gone down hill, both shows (from the little I listen to them) seem to be robotic. Savage is a smart man, he should know what a communist is. I'm from Denmark, which a social democracy, it is not socialism in its pure form, since people can own property, own and start a business, we have big corporations who run a profitable business. However, we have very high taxes, we don't have anybody without health insurance, we are highly educated, we don't have much of a homeless problem. People live in a very nice one bedroom apartments, most in a nice house although in general smaller than in the US, most people can afford to travel abroad (partly because Europe is fairly small, and it doesn't take long to fly from Copenhagen ot to other European countries). Anyway when Sean Hannity use the term socialism and communist I excuse him, because I don't think he is educated enough to know the difference, Savage is, so it is pure laziness when he throws out those terms. The difference between Savage and Gil is Gil is a nice man, I don't think Savage is, but both their shows have gone down hill and has become very predictable and boring.
ReplyDeleteI understand what you are saying, but many people on the Right don't care--they think all government action they don't like is communism. According to Glenn Beck, Republican Theodore Roosevelt was a communist. Unbelievable!
Deleteamen ...
DeleteLook, the population of Denmark is less than 6 million people. It is quite homogeneous but has terrible racism and religious intolerance. Just ask a person from India or anyone else who looks different about how they are treated in Denmark. Denmark has lost 25% of its Jewish population over the last 15 years alone.You simply can't compare Denmark with a country that has over 313 million people (that's 52 times larger than Denmark). So enough with the utopia of Denmark, where healthcare is free and wonderful and suicide rates are through the roof. Where there is no homeless problem because those that are unwanted know enough to leave. Where they have high taxes but no one who has created anything of significance for the world, unless we wish to count the Prime Minister who has such amazing judgment (and self-importance) that she takes a Selfie at a funeral.
Delete@12:59 And everyone on the left thinks that you're racist, hate gays, hate the elderly, etc etc when you don't agree with them. I'd list the entire list but I don't have a copy of the Democratic party talking points that are sent out annually. Unbelievable!
DeleteDenmark is not Utopia, I never claimed that, what I'm saying is many American's have no idea of what a social democracy is, each country US and Denmark (I have lived in 2 other countries Israel and Iceland) as all countries have problems. All I know when I take a poll of 10 of my friends here as compared to 10 of my friends and family in Denmark, people in Denmark are happier, less stressed and closer to there family. I was not trying to compare Denmark to the US, I have been here many years and feel both loyal and bonded to both countries (have lived on the East Coast, Midwest and the South), of course California has one thing we don't have in Denmark, wonderful weather. When I'm in Denmark and I find some of my friends stereotyping Americans, I defend the US. As for Danes who have contributed to the world let me name a few Niels Bohr, Soren Kirkegaard, Victor Borge, if you know anything about architect designed furniture there are quite a few who created modern furniture in the thirties and fifties that you will find in many hotels and boardrooms all over the world. The selfie was not taken at a funeral, but rather at a memorial service, there is a big difference between the two. Of course we have racists in Denmark, but not to the point you seem to think, and during the second world war, we manage not only to get most Danish Jews safely to neutral Sweden, but after the war when the returned those who had left shops and businesses behind found them still intact. However, that probably won't happen today, and I'm sure the US was a nice and more innocent place in the forties.
DeleteWell, what did you expect, Rich? Ranting against the Marxists, Socialists and Communists is what made Michael Savage successful, so why would you think he would drop his act now?
ReplyDeletehere's the best part about Savage's new show in NYC and DC. It's only on for 2 hours. He's not doing DRIVE time, which means he will miss a massive chunk of the audience. Now is this a bad thing for Savage? Nope. Because he will then claim that he can't be #1 because he doesn't do that hour. It's a built in excuse, which is perfect for a guy like him. Trust me. What Cumulus will try to do is come up with some type of new programming, which they're doing already. A Talk News Hour, or some crap like that, and Savage will be the lead in. If it does well, Savage will take credit for it because of the lead. If it fails, Savage will make up some excuse about how it affects his show. I guess in the end Cumulus just hopes something comes of that hour in those markets, and if it does, prepare to hear it everywhere! Then Savage can claim, "that was my idea!" Blah blah blah. What a clusterghuck.
ReplyDeleteIs the third hour pre-recorded? The bum has been doing a pre-recorded third hour for years.
ReplyDeleteI guess the third hour is pre-rec but major markets aren't taking it in drive time. Talking about this guy really is like talking about the death of radio. These idiots that run these companies haven't brought an interesting new host to the radio in decades. It's embarrassing. We're taking about these old, boring, repetitive douchebags not because they're great but because there's nothing else!
Each and every one of these comments seems to come from a listener of his show. Every person commenting seems to know minute details and facts about his show. For hating him so much you all sure do seem to listen quite a bit....
ReplyDeleteMost of the comments on this blog come from people who work in broadcasting, many of whom may even know Wiener. It shouldn't be very surprising. I've not heard the show since he first came back to ksfo. It was not that interesting but that doesn't mean it's not worth discussing from a radio perspective. Locally he's competing against what? Nothing. From all I've heard about him he seems to have become a worse person over the years.
DeleteI fail to see the details from all of these posts of which you speak. Most comments are general. Did anyone really listen to his show this week other than Lieberman?
Delete@5:22 is the typical idiot who defends another idiot. If people don't listen and criticize the guy then we have no standing to criticize; however if we DO listen and give examples of why the guy is an idiot then you criticize us for listening. Do you understand why you are such an idiot?
DeleteAgree with you, Rich. Spot on post, and spot on about terrestrial radio. He believes in his own legend. If Michael Savage could learn a little Jimmy Stewart humility, he'd be an even bigger hit, but he's stuck in the nationalism of the 1800s and 1900s in a nation of diverse cultures and languages. He sees an America that never existed. Savage listener since 1998, except I don't listen as often anymore. Sad to see the downfall of such an intellect.
ReplyDeleteI'm told Savage has his own people comment on this blog. He broadcasts out of San Fran and one of the cumulus employees somehow figured this out and told people. He's really that insecure as to do that?
ReplyDelete'San Fran' - the neolization of Frisco.
DeleteI have enjoyed Savage's show over the years but Rich is right on the mark here.Boring opener...
ReplyDeleteMike has been going on for months about how God put him in this time slot against Hannity. Well, be careful what you wish for because now he must deliver the goods. But Savage is just too grumpy and alienating to attract the big audience and beat Hannity..
Hannity is terrible. A LOT OF PEOPLE could beat Hannity. He's just luckily entrenched because of Limbaugh's desire to have a weak host following him coast to coast. The guy is one of the least talented radio personalities ever, if not the least. If Savage can't beat Hannity that's really sad.
DeleteHow old is that guy? I hope that photo is from within the past year because the guy looks like a corpse with tanning makeup. Oooof. I'd scream a lot too if I looked like that. Is that what radio trying to get younger looks like? Eeek.
ReplyDeleteSavage is a smart man, but he also has very strong narcissistic traits.
ReplyDelete@12:25, You're spot-on and that narcissism grows worse as Savage gets older!
DeleteHere's a couple of articles, both Weiner/Savage haters and lovers should enjoy.
Article/photo of 'Young' Weiner: (yellow teeth and all)
And a ten-year old piece that absolutely pegs Weiner, even then:
"Michael Savage's Long Strange Trip"
Interesting perspectives, especially in the "Salon" article. Thanks for the links!
DeleteOh , jeez, there is not enough paranoia and hate on the Bay Area airwaves. What will we do, not that Michael Weiner (really?) has changed his programming hours?
ReplyDeleteI don't care about all the drama surrounding this guy. It's what an idiot like him wants and needs to go forward. I only care about the lack of good radio. Talking about this old wind bag is upsetting to me because it only goes to show how few the options are. Frankly, I'm happy he's on earlier so I don't have to hear him on the ride home from work. Now that he's on earlier in the Bay Area he's officially irrelevant to me, if he wasn't already. Clearly he doesn't care about the Bay Area either if what mattered to him was being Drive Time in NYC. Which makes it all the more absurd that he's not even in drive time in NY. My gut tells me that Rich posts about this guy solely to get more page-views, so power to him. End of the day though he became more less relevant to me now than he was just a month ago, and I wasn't really paying attention then. He epitomizes what's wrong with radio these days, and I'm not referring to his content, but only to the fact that there's so little available. Others have echoed this sentiment, but it's true. Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage? These guys are all terrible now. It's like discussing the fastest guy at the Special Olympics as if he's Carl Lewis.
ReplyDeleteI mistakenly entered my comments under the 'terrestrial radio' post. I meant to post them here under the Michael Savage column. Please forgive me if this double posting is not within the protocol.
It sickens me how so many have a need to label others as liberal or conservative, right wing or left wing, perpetuating the revulsion of one side for the other. It is not an intelligent perspective; it is not conducive to any kind of personal dignity, and it does not advance the position of any of us as brothers and sisters, neighbors, and fellow travelers on this planet. It only divides. It only separates. It only tears down, and tears away from the good of the whole. If truth be told, we all have some liberal in us, and we all have some conservative. That we are afraid to recognize in ourselves the side we wish not to be known as, and only recognize in others the side that we wish to demean says even more about our own inadequacy than it does about our ideology. Can we stop blaming others for our own unhappiness, and begin to find some common ground for agreement for a change? There is no honest dialogue anymore because there is no longer a wish for common ground. There is only the need to be right. And it has proven to be devastating to the psyche of our families, our communities, and our country.
When is the last time you heard someone say, "Y'know, you may be right?" When is the last time you said those words to someone else?
Savage defined himself as being an end-of-day personality. He kept saying that he wasn't going to talk endlessly about the breaking news because it's already been done throughout the day, so he'll talk about meatballs and spaghetti instead.
ReplyDeleteExcept that now, he is in the middle of the day when people want to hear about the breaking news. His shtick won't work anymore for his new audience. People want to hear about the new goings on in the Obama administration and Congress while the news of the day is still emergin, not what Uncle Eddie did 40 years ago.
The stupid in the comment section on this is up there today Rich. Nice to know once you sway with an opinion the knuckledraggers fall right in line.
ReplyDeleteI listened to Savage this week with his new time slot. I drove my mother and her friend home from the airport and had him on. The friend did not know who Savage was, just asked, "Is this show from New York?", to which I said no, its here, but he's from New York.
Savage had a quite a few witty remarks about all sorts of stuff, including one where Hollywood often has to use voice coaches to have actresses from Cincinnati learn how talk like they're from Brooklyn, but its a joke because nobody talks that way.
Savage had my mother and her friend chuckling the whole ride home. You losers in the mainstream media still don't get it.
In broad strokes, he's right about the communist Marxist wanna-be's taking over this nation. D.C. went rogue long ago but you sycophants in the MSM who have benefited from ignoring that reality are now realizing how late to the party you are about it.
In other words, he's really resonating with that younger demo...
DeleteMichael Savage; BLAH, BLAH BLAH!