*Speaking of KRON, it wasn't really that big a surprise, Brian Greif, the just-resigned GM, finally called it quits. He'd been miserable for quite some time with a bad back and all. The real development might be the repercussions for the angry ND and his assistant, Marie Antoinette --guess what? Party's over.
*New Year. Big shots on the screen have to actually go back to work and not take their 38 weeks of vacation. Don't get too ego-minded, we hardly missed you.
*The pompous assholes at KQED should understand that the world doesn't revolve around you. You used to be a big deal in the city and donors would come out of the woodwork to stick a few bucks in your daily pledge breaks in spite of some stale broadcasting and the usual PBS tripe--no, it's getting harder because lack of any substantial LOCAL programming other than an innocuous restaurant show and a news program has finally come back to bust your chops. Spend a little of that Volvo money crowd and get more original content and the natives might come back.
*That New Years Eve local show on KRON had quite a lot of inside-biz reaction...such as, huh? Hey, think of the words, barter deal and you'll get a clue.
*If you want to get a small chance of seeing some of the local yokels putting the make on some of our local hotties, take a seat at the bar at Kokkari on any given Tuesday night. And bring some cash too while you're at it because Kokkari ain't the old Clown Alley.
*Raddy's back. Gary, you're overly hyper today.
*Things that survive nuclear war: cockroaches and David Louie on KGO-TV.
*I know all you critics are gonna knock me, (again), for kvetching about all the useless traffic and weather updates on radio but I had to laugh, (again), when her traffic majesty in the morning on KCBS said essentially the other day, "why am I here--there's nothing going on?", to which I agree, for a change. Moreover, now that the last time it rained was back about 1954, wouldn't it be, god forbid, reliable/OK, just to say, "It's another 'spare the air day--weather is unchanged; no rain in sight" and get back to news? Yeah, I know, unconstitutional.
*The next time you think they really care about you, the listeners, think about this: the sports station ran a whopping 37 minutes of spots in an hour. And that's not even including traffic updates. They carry about money. You? Please.
*It doesn't matter that Steve Poitras was once, at KTVU. It's the fact that he's back and there to completely blow up the model and re-brand so those of you in and outside of the studios at Channel 2 still in denial that everything's OK, get your head out of your butt and take notice. More ominously, it appears if the station, (with commands from Atlanta), is to truly rearrange the furniture, Poitras will have to dislodge with one of the bald guys.
*Erica Kato is supposedly a "very nice lady", which is great since I have the utmost respect for her and think she'd make a great president some day.
*It was a quiet night in Downtown Oakland New Years Eve which really, really, pissed off KTVU and the riot watchers.
*Follow me on Twitter
So this Pop Tart of a KRON anchor is 'well positioned' eh? Well, I just so happen to have my personal copy of The Kama Sutra within arms reach, the unabridged version, mind you. Feel free to elaborate on the finery of her positions.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone looked at the new line up on 960 am? Tom Sullivan is back, Dave Ramsey, Tom Hartmann and Bill Press is gone. Not much for a liberal to listen to. although I do like Tom Sullivan and Dave Ramsey, but he mostly steers clear of politics. Randy Rhoades moved to 910, other than that 910 stinks, Armstrong and Getty for 4 hours, Frosty for 3, not good, Randy for 2 and then Gil for 4 hours, not good at all, at least Alan Colmes is still on 7 to 10 pm. but altogether talk radio in the Bay Area seem to just continue to go down hill.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of KTVU, I caught a little of the morning show yesterday...had no choice since roberta was filling in on 5. Annnnyways, it's been sometime since I've watched MO2 and Steve Paulson has really packed on the Lbs. "What has 2 thumbs and a serious pancake addiction? This guy".
ReplyDeleteHis delivery is sleep-inducing.
DeleteI'd Erica her Kato...she's got rawking tits.
ReplyDeleteVery cute. Is she married or just has boyfriend?
Erica Kato is in a serious committed relationship with Henry Tenenbaum. So you're shit out of luck pal. I think you should go for Jan Wahl, who is more in your league.
DeleteTenenbaum is the man. You don't want to mess with Henry.
DeleteThis seems like a puzzle to me. If KTVU still had staffing levels pre-2001, I could see it. Hiring Steve back now (he was head of creative services in the 90's) is a lot like slamming the barn doors shut after all the horses have already gotten out.
ReplyDeleteKTVU today has a graphics department (which creative services works with hand in hand when producers want certain graphics for topicals, special reports, and station and image branding spots. Today, the graphics department is an almost empty room, and the people left in that room must surely know that all graphics will be produced in Atlanta, and then each Cox station can go to an ftp site to retrieve them, rendering local KTVU design people obsolete.)
I am not sure Tom Raponi even knows this. He was a sales guy when Poitras was there last, and any knowledge of what it takes to create and produce graphic elements, and imaginative branding that requires a tv production crew is lost on him. The people under Tom are yes men, and will never tell Tom that the business model as it is now constituted is not geared up to do any in house production much like Poitras and staff came up with in the 90's.
The current Creative Services department lost four good writer producers over the last couple of years. One went to work in the Northwest, and now is head of Creative Services for a station in the Midwest. He would never have a shot at KTVU as head because he didn't fit the Atlanta headquarters profile of a department head at a Cox station. Ditto for the really talented female who went to Fox Network in LA, and now working for a trailblazing new media company out of Denver. Another producer with chops went to KNTV, and yet another whose contract was not renewed is now producing for Oracle. That leaves Steve with a crew of a person who was acting department head. This person is really talented as well, but again, he does not fit the 'profile" of the Atlanta corporate Hillbillies. The head writer producer is a young talent, and bright, which means she may never get a shot. The last writer/producer on staff perhaps did her best work writing articles on oral sex tips for her college newspaper.
And this is what Steve Poitras inherits. Doubt the resources will be allocated for him to be able to make a dent. Having Poitras at KTVU now is like putting pearls, lipstick, and a silk hat on a pig.
> Hiring Steve back now (he was head of creative services in the 90's)
Delete> is a lot like slamming the barn doors shut after all the horses have
> already gotten out.
You've never worked in TV, have you? This is how they do everything.
> Having Poitras at KTVU now is like putting pearls, lipstick, and a silk hat on
Delete> a pig.
...And have it do movie reviews. Oh, shouldn't have said that, but couldn't resist.
You've never worked in TV, have you? This is how they do everything.
DeleteHow would someone know this stuff if they hadn't worked in tv you imbecile
Anon at 3:27...how you could read the post you replied to and come up with that conclusion shows you must be a special kind of stupid.
DeleteRich, considering your own incessant drooling over any borderline-attractive woman, married or otherwise, how can you seriously disparage a "horny male TV reporter"?
ReplyDeleteOK to be a horny male blogger but not OK to be a horny male TV reporter?
So the KRON New Years countdown was off for the second year in a row. Why did Raddy bring his young kids in to the scene again? Catherine Heenan may want to bring her own grandkids in to strike a balance.
ReplyDeleteShe'd have to have them first. Or have kids. Or get married.
DeleteAll too late for her.
DeleteGary needs to keep those kids off tv and his wife need to get a job!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your remark about the KCBS traffic person. A lot of us wonder what she's doing there, even when it's busy.
ReplyDeleteOn a normal commute day, the traffic anchor has one of the worst jobs in the newsroom. If they're making it sound easy, it's because they're pros. Most people would implode if forced to juggle the amount of information they have to condense down every 10 minutes.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this.
DeleteI'm a former sales person at KCBS. When I first started I came in one morning to "observe" the operation from the anchor studio and traffic studio. I couldn't believe the information overload in the traffic studio. Between the traffic maps and computers, the airplanes, phones ringing, the two way chatter, it gave me a headache and I was only there for 15 minutes! How they distill any of that into anything understandable, I really don't know. I have total respect for those gals (and guys).
ReplyDeleteKQED Newsroom is absolutely terrible, and I stopped watching after a few weeks.
ReplyDeleteI preferred "This Week in Northern California", where they had reporters discussing the happenings of the week. That was actually interesting.
I loved TWINC ..and I loved filling in for Belva Davis..the doyenne of TWINC!do you remember the original Newsroom with Mel Wax, Linda Schact..etc? That was terrific, in-depth, critical reportorial analysis of the important stories of the day. I've not seen its latest iteration. Is it really so bad?
DeleteRich Liberman 415 Media= Garbage in.....Garbage out! Rich, you've managed to dive deeper into the toilet. Perhaps a nearby SF water treatment plant can save you. What trash! If only you had an ounce of journalistic integrity. A junior high school newspaper reporter has more credibility, Rich.
ReplyDeleteMorning, anonymous coward--You look like a real genius. Responding to the "garbage" you deride which makes you look like not only a unidentified coward but a dumb one at that.
DeleteMay a diseased yak stain your couch. Have a nice day.
Rich, my wife and I were back in NE Ohio for a funeral about three weeks ago (grandmother died at age 99) and I happened to catch several hours of WVIZ which is one of their local PBS affiliates. No, they didn't have the level of polished, showy, heavily funded programming that KQED is known for but guess what? It was HONEST. There was no preaching. There was no proselytizing for vegetable rights or whatever kooky faddish issue of the day they can find to generate money from contributors. It was straight down the middle. I liked it.
ReplyDeleteI told my wife long ago what I'm going to tell you now. The most important life lesson I've learned since moving to northern California? There is such a thing as too much money, especially too much money in the wrong hands that was never earned or earned too easily. This place is Disneyland.