2. Short-term bonanza: Concoct a 10-minute rant sure to attract attention, move the needle and extract all the 21st Century electronic machinations. You did good, Hoosier boy, and Hammer is happy. Hell, KNBR doesn't care about women anyway even though their in-house office line is "booze, beer and boobs." As long as the leather lungs; the fat, well-to-do, white guys wearing Ronnie Lott's jersey aren't pissed, who gives a shit. The bottom line still exists in a bottom line world.
3. Bruce is not a misogynist--one of the most misunderstood words in the English language. He just likes to use them, (women), as a metaphor for his own occasionally twisted personal and professional universe. Notice the cute-sounding chick on the Nooner bit? Hoosier boy has a hard-on for the marina girls. He used to date a younger woman with large boobs. He understands your plight ladies, don't let the "ladies, you don't know sports shtick"fool you, it was a bit for god's sake, even if Killion and Scott and Gwen Knapp provide faux outrage and they won't.
4. Hoosier boy knew exactly what the hell he was doing and so long as his un-pussy, (he loves using that word) 99% guy posse praise him, everything's just fine. Hammer knows there's no pulse on 1050 anyway and that the other guys on the more mainstream, plastic-on-the-furniture, 680 do most of the heavy lifting. Again, boys and girls, this was your garden-variety publicity stunt--a 24-hour ice-cream cone in a 24/7 media cycle--nobody was killed and the lights are still on. Chill.
5. Sure, Hoosier boy is a hypocrite but a good one at that. He's not going to get fired nor should he. If the Dickey/Cumulus SF commerce department is less recipient, of say, an Old Navy account, then they might take a glance at Hoosier boy's file. But I tend to doubt it.
6. Again, KNBR is not the domain for women, unless you like listening to Hoosier boy's chick fillets like the ex-Laker girl who's name I forgot but he likes having her on to, I guess, show he's a regular, modern-day Gloria Steinem. There could be good news here: given his feelings about women and sports, will Bruce fire his mother who provides Friday football picks? Inquiring minds want to know.
7. I mentioned the women scribblers --interesting thought: wonder if any male sports writers/broadcasters appear on the program. Yes, too many BASG and Bleacher Report comrades need a home to talk about football so they'd even appear on CSPAN4.
8. Somewhere, Ralph Barbieri is saying, "And you fired me*&^@!!"
9. Somewhere, Hoosier Boy, probably tonight, at, say, Monaghan's in the Marina: "Hey, how ya doin?--I'm Damon Bruce, what's your name?" Pretty, drunk, 27 year-old brunette, "We'll, hi, I'm Monica, who are you?" Bruce: "You don't know who I am?" Chick: "Uh, no, not really." Bruce: "Ever heard of Keith Olbermann?"
10. And just like that, he's gone! Uh, not really. Not yet. Maybe a small bonus. The future? We're not worthy.
*Follow me on Twitter
People who hang out in the Marina are fucking losers. And if you're over 40 and hanging out in the Marina, you've goy serious problems. That guy is Bruce is an idiot and I highly doubt that bloated, sloppy gross-beard is pulling the, hot 22-year-old pussy that dots the Triangle.
ReplyDeleteDon't beat around the bush.
DeleteLooks like the only one getting riled about this "story" is you, Rich. Like the old "drop" from the Radnich show - "NOBODY CARES!!!!!".
ReplyDeleteYeah, you're right...just Deadspin, ESPN, Olbermann, SFGate, yeah, nobody cares.
DeleteLieberman is Damon Bruce without a microphone.
ReplyDeleteWell, no, miss, My "microphone" is on hold actually, (later news) and my crib has a bigger reach, but thanks Damon.
DeleteHope you're joking. Everyone knows who Damon Bruce is. Blogger Rich Lieberman, who's he?
DeleteDouchebag or class clown….only Rich knows for sure!
Delete"Who's he?" I guess u should know--your the one who came to my crib.
DeleteCareful what you say about Lieberman. Any negative remarks and your comments are censored.
DeleteThe master of free speech.
Interesting you bring Kate Scott and Ann Killion into the equation. Not to play Freud, Jr., too much, but I think Kate Scott is in an interesting position. As a woman and lesbian, she definitely presents a potential opposing point of view in a pretty-much male arena. On the other hand, I get the impression Ms. Scott is pretty ambitious and doesn't want to rock the boat too much. The proverbial rock and a hard place.
ReplyDeleteYeah, "Ms. Scott" has said NOTHING. Not a word. Coincidence? Perhaps. You be the judge.
DeleteKate Scott commented indirectly on twitter (as did Tom Tolbert, if you look for it.) Why get into a pissing match with the mid-day host on the JV station--especially when the national media is all over him.
DeleteSpeaking of Radnich..KRON blasted Bruce,painted him as shock jocky and then made him look like he was back tracking on what he said playing a Bruce on 1050 apology yesterday,as KRON also reported that Bruce "declined to talk to reporters on camera".
ReplyDeleteNot one word from sports director Gary Radnich about it. Not one. That was the biggest KRON hypocrisy yet. And why having your news anchor people work for other corporations is always a conflict of interest.
Keep at it Rich. Knock em down a few notches. I love sports talk hosts who talk about man this and man that while sitting there 40 lbs. overweight with a farmers tan and having to make sure they get off the couch slowly because they might just pull a hammy.
ReplyDeleteGreat minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
ReplyDeleteDang Damon looks pretty soft, actually. As one of the first American woman network sports reporters(CBS Sports Spectacular), I think I have a few words for him, but alas, I'm not scheduled to do a show this weekend...pity. Let's drop kick Damon into the waters off Cuba and see if he can make it to Key West.
ReplyDeletePassing judgment on the man based on his appearance? I guess hypocrisy is a woman's perogative.
DeleteBig talk from someone named "Arse." I'd love to watch as you introduced yourself to someone from across the pond.
DeleteAnd it's "prerogative" actually, professor.
Perhaps we could have a woman drop kick Damon, and see if he makes it back up to his feet. My money would be on the KO!
DeleteChristine, didn't you sue your employer because you were fired because you were ugly? But you can bag on how someone else looks.? Hypocrite much?
DeleteBig talk? Your bulb may be bright enough to catch a typo but you need help with your comprehension. Christine's willingness to base her public criticism of a broadcast personality on his appearance, possibly affecting his career, contradicts a personal stand she's spouted on radio, in her book, and in a court of law.
DeleteOf course, maybe she believes different standards apply for men.
As for my first name, if you don't like it, kiss it.
Isn't it just like Christine to use this non-story as yet another opportunity to brag about herself, "As one of the first American woman network sports reporters(CBS Sports Spectacular)..."
DeleteChristine, you how many times are you going to remind us of your ancient accomplishments? Great, you were once on the David Letterman Show, 30 YEARS AGO. Sorry you are disappointed with the way things turned out but these constant reminders of your past are tiresome.
10am..no....I wasn't fired, actually.. There is no cause of action to sue if you are called ugly. I was told that I had to play dumb to make the men look smarter, that I knew the dif between the Al and the NL and wouldn't pretend I didn't. I still hate the DH, btw. See Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. As an employer, you can't reassign, fire, etc. based on gender discriminatory factors. In another words, you can't apply requirements differently based on gender, unless it's a BFOQ(bona fide occupational qualification). They just thought I'd go away if they called me "ugly". To their dismay, they were wrong. There is no gender-specific quality that makes a person a better or worse reporter. When I left KMBC, the ratings came out a few days later and showed that they had gone from second place to first during my tenure, the reason I was hired in the first place. they were so annoyed, because that didn't help them at trial.
DeleteAs for the instant matter, the sports fellow in question has ranted that those evil women have made men soft by daring to enjoy football. I merely pointed out that he is his own best example. I'm the daughter of a coach, I know soft when I see it. It's not about the placement of eyes, size of schnozz or dangle of the dewlaps, it's just the overall squishyness. You are free to think this somehow "affects his career".
and your network experience as a sportscaster? I'm delighted at having accomplished these things. The issue at hand is a diss by this soft fellow at women and specifically women sportscasters. Therefore, my experience as a network , female sportscaster is relevant. Being on the Letterman show,whether it's two years or twenty ago, is not relevant, and I didn't mention it, you did. Your use of the word "tireseome" is boringly predictable.
DeleteHell...I'll even throw in fins and a wetsuit and he only has to swim a mile..think he can do it?
Delete9:07, the sooner you ignore the old broad, the sooner she'll shut up and find someone else, somewhere else to take her bait.
Delete9:07...I guess you aren't a swimmer, either. By the way, the "old broad" who swam from Cuba to Key West was 64.
Deletewell 11:54, you may have a point. It probably works for you and your mother, right?
DeleteYes Christine, we know you're delighted about being a sportscaster ages ago. The problem is nobody else cares and your habit of bragging about your ancient past glory is repetitive and sad.
Deletewell we wouldn't want little you to be sadsy wadsy. Since I use my own name, here's a clue. If you see my name, instead of anonymous...just say no. Can you do that?
DeleteChristine was fired from a Kansas City station because she did not know how to dress herself. Lacked any kind of fashion sense..
DeleteNo 9:04, I wasn't fired, but don't let your ignorance of fact deter you. Women anchors at the specific station involved were required to be dressed by Macy's. The fact that there was a "fashion calendar" with specific outfits chosen to create the "illusion of credibilty through textures, fabrics and the quality of chat time between anchors" was one of the more humorous parts of the litigation. I had worked at much bigger stations that KC before I went there, including KPIX and CBS net. No one ever told anyone how to dress in either of those locations.Let's just say that they no longer tell the women in KC what to wear,on the air.
DeleteObviously Christine puts her name on all her comments. The whole point of her comments are to brag about herself. I was the first this... I was the first that...
DeleteChristine, we know what you're selling, we're just not buying.
"The fact that there was a "fashion calendar" with specific outfits chosen to create the "illusion of credibilty through textures, fabrics and the quality of chat time between anchors" was one of the more humorous parts of the litigation"
DeleteChristine, since you are so committed to getting the facts right, let's not forget that while the litigation may have been "humorous," when all was said and done, YOU LOST THE CASE.
No....really? after winning double jury verdicts in two Missouri cities, we lost at the 8th c and at the SCUS, only Justice O'Connor wanted to hear it? really? is that why I wrote about it in my book? because I was unaware? do you even know what the federal issue was at the Supreme Court?
DeleteChristine, YOU LOST.
DeleteThe Supreme Court did not hear your case and YOU LOST.
Remember yesterday's 49er game. The Niners were leading 9-7 after three quarters but lost the game 10-9. The 49ers didn't win, they LOST. You look at the final score.
The Niners LOST, YOU LOST. What part of that don't you understand?
Christine your name will always be associated with that case.
DeleteEveryone knows that the gist of the lawsuit was not being able to dress or present yourself in front of a camera.
End of story.
That's true, my name will always "be associated with that case". That's because I was the plaintiff. It was Craft v. Metromedia, not Anonymous Dufus v. Metromedia. They forced the female anchors to wear macy's midwest schoolteacher togs, not the men.( disparate standard, no bona fide occupational qualification) Having worked in markets far larger than KC, I balked and upon being told they didn't like that I knew the dif between Al and NL and that I should pretend I didn't, I sued them. I gave a copy of the "fashion calendar" to media writer Barry Garron at the Kansas City Star, which they published front page, above the fold. The two big stories that year in KC were the behind the scenes practices of local tv news and George Brett's corked bat.
DeleteIt was lots of fun. A few days after I left KC to return to Montecito, the ratings came out. They were number one in news, for the first time in years. I had accomplished the mission for which I was hired. They were so uncharacteristically unhappy about that. It didn't help their case.
Real social change occurs because some people fight back, lots of people talk about the issues, and corporate practices change to sidestep extremely expensive and debilitating litigation, not good for the bottom line. Over the years, many women and many men have thanked me for helping make it possible for them to have long careers, and not just in broadcasting. That's a good thing.
How will people remember you?
I've never liked Bruce. He thinks he's a big shot but he's really on KNBR "witness protection program" 1050-a local shit affiliate.
ReplyDeleteHey Brucie, there's no "s" in "anyway" and the word "athlete" is only two syllables.
Thank you for the "anyways" comment. I rarely listen but when I do - I cringe when I hear him say that. Can't believe someone (a producer, management) doesn't give him a heads up.
DeleteDisagree. Not a publicity stunt. A year ago, when I was listening fairly regularly, he was dropping offhand remarks about having no use whatsoever for women's sports.
ReplyDeleteI thought that was pretty edgy if not dumb to put it out there like that.
Couple that with an ever-increasing, I am holier than thou attitude because I host a radio show AND I have a college degree (now seriously, has any other radio jock flaunted the achievement in your face, like he has?) I think he believed he could say anything he wanted.
It's stunning that Bruce would have the belief that he could go off like that and not have a nuclear rebound right back in his face AND not issue a full mea culpa Friday when he had a chance. Like I said, this isn't a publicity stunt, it's far too toxic now.
Two things happen on Monday: Hammer suspends Bruce for a couple of weeks if he's lucky and Bruce comes back as contrite as he has never exhibited or Hammer fires him outright. I'd be surprised if he's in his seat on Monday.
He's not going to get fired. I mean, a suspension? Maybe. I'm not 100% certain but I gotta belive the ensuing media play he got, (and by extension, KNBR, even though negative) is all that counts...unless you know more than me which is entirely possible.
DeleteNope, I'm just like everyone who has seen this kind of thing before.
DeleteThere is too much noise now and it won't get better for KNBR until someone gets their pound of flesh. This is only sad because of all of the regular KNBR hosts along w/Ray Woodson, he was the most prepared and consistently entertaining.
What's coming back to bite him is his ego which manifested itself in many ways from being way too sanctimonious, i.e. the Chris Culliver situation last year, his snit being called a troll months ago and his web fight with you, Rich He really thought his shit didn't stink because why would you think that Thurs. rant would go ever over?
Stunning. All the more stunning is that he did it to himself with such aplomb.
That's ego, unadulterated and uncontrolled. In ending, I'll put a big maybe out there again, a 2 week suspension with a contrite and apologetic, no deflection return might keep his job because he's too toxic for any other station. Will his ego let him? On the flip side, the point could already be moot. Like ZZ Top once sang, "I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide.
Well, there is your answer. Missing his gig today on 49er pre-game w/o nary a mention, ironically hosted by Larry Kreuger, Damon Bruce.
DeleteDude, you did it to yourself.
If Molly Qerim, Nicole Zaloumis, Erin Andrews, or Pam Oliver decided to lower themselves and slum it with Damon, do you think he'd turn them down because he felt that they talk about sports without really saying anything? (paraphrasing what he said) Yeah, I doubt it. On top of that, did Damon ever even play anything or was he just the water/towel/stat boy that couldn't run with the big dogs? I'm thinking the latter. . .
ReplyDeleteKNBR's Hammer -- today's Worst sports person... in the woooorld!!
ReplyDeleteDamon is one of those guys who loves to hear himself talk, and talk and talk some more. He is mildly entertaining, and knows how to play the game to get attention. The mainstream listeners in the bay area who are sports fans will give him a listen because unfortunately they are not very discriminating. That's why so many shows that pander to noise, nonsense and hyperbole get mass attention, and it's another reason why so many Americans are misinformed. We are essentially an intellectually lazy country with an increasingly limited attention span. We've heard plenty of this banal tripe on national and local talk radio for years, so why should Damon Bruce be any different?
ReplyDeletewho is damon bruce?
ReplyDeleteThe son of John Galt.
DeleteTake a guess who at KGO put Damon Bruce on the air as a general talk host? How do you think that went?
ReplyDeleteRich: I think Jaymee Sire weighed in?
ReplyDeleteDon't let her size fool you, those Montana girls are tough. Jaymee could kick Damon's butt.
DeleteIf a tree falls in the woods and no one is listening, does it make a noise? KGO radio, Saturday, after Cal game and unfestivities following the game, the horrible Ryan Scott program came on, the master chef was not there, but Rich was filling in. Within 10 minutes the sound went out, and STAYED out for over 1/2 hour. KGO staffers don't even listen to know there is dead air? Or was it a far east worm/virus, whatever in protest to the ill designed "Secret Asian Man". Not reported here, no one listens? I would not have been listening but figured they would ditch the chef and give a long program to Pat, so I had it on. I got tired after a half an hour of dead air and turned off the radio.