You don't see a lot of plus-size women on TV? Particularly TV News. Candy Crowley of CNN comes to mind as a notable exception except Candy has dropped a lot of weight recently.
Men can get away with and there's a problem there. Why is that?
Since there are no comments yet, my first and last visit to this to this post as the male porkers won't be able to restrain themselves from showing their porcine asses.
The most successful person ever in television is a woman. She is fat, sometimes very fat, sometimes less so. She's a billionairess. She would not have been so successful without the fat and the ersatz battle with the fat.
Let me see if I got this, O has a higher net worth and really raking it in when she's bloated and worth less when she's down to an even ton. That makes sense.
BTW- is a person really successful when they need to play charades with the Steadman shtick? Sure she can cry herself to sleep on a tall bed of money, but she'd be lying if she didn't admit to have a huge hole in her life. Looking back, she'd probably trade all her money for a reasonable figure and a good marriage in a heartbeat.
It makes sense, because a nation full of obese daytime tv. viewers empathize with her see-saw weight dramas. I doubt very much if she often cries herself to sleep or has any huge "hole" in her life. Not everyone feels a compelling need to be defined solely as part of a couple....really.There are good and bad things about being married, similarly about being single. Most people don't have magnficent marriages, especially if they have to tell you they do.
Well,I always liked Christina Abernathy on the Weather Channel for about a decade. Perfect figure and face. Then she got married,had kids,gained weight. And WC let her go. Same for Rita whats her name on Fox. Rose fast when thin and gravelly voice..When her weight went up,her star faded faster. You hardly see real woman in everyday sizes doing news..most are on a constant diet as if the plane wont get off the ground if they dont lose another pound. Its our culture that woman must look young no matter how many years or accomplishments they have. You know even hardline Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter and Michelle Bachman live on cigarettes and cup of noodle soup to please men-- and woman,by keeping thin.
We hate fat people. Not just women. And we hate them because despite the fact they may have a reason for looking the way they do, they look bad, would seem to be unmotivated, and it's implied they lack a certain discipline.
That said, I don't "hate fat people", but in regards to your comment, those could be a few answers.
Give an example of a fat male on tv of any prominence. There's no double standard. Even though most Americans are obese (as you know first hand) we do not like fatsos on the tube. Sara Sidner is very attractive in my mind even though she's a little chunky. I'm a man of color so I enjoy some junk in the trunk. I'm not into the skinny flat butted white chicks although if Heather Holmes called I'd go out for a drink with her!
Dave McElhatton was obese when he started on ch5. After a few years ch5. did a long story of "Watch Dave lose weight". And he lost a ton of weight in his late middle age. I suspect myself that he had a gastric by pass that he didn't want known. It was successful. Instead of dying of a coronary in his 50's, Dave made it to a full 81.
Talk about double standard... Rich, you constantly comment, somewhat salaciously, about the physical appearance of attractive local female broadcasters.
Now you're getting up on your high horse and criticizing TV executives for thinking exactly the same way.
Make up your mind; you can get away with it but no one else can?
Rich, Some of us watch news for it's content, not superficial nonsense like the reporters personal appearance.. You want looks? Watch a beauty contest.
Roger Ebert is a film critic, and not a news person. He wasn't obese, or anything. Candy Crowley is on, right? There are others. Not too many fat guys, so I'm not sure the implied double standard is really there.
I will say it again: we hate fat people in general, for the reasons I mentioned above.
Ray Ratto has a great, acerbic writing style. If you saw him in person, you'd know why. He looks like a gnome. He's short and pudgy and has puffed up fingers. He's got a face and body for radio. He makes up for any physical shortcomings through his writing. He can write, no doubt. But is he an expert at any sport? I think not. His sarcasm and writing style make him an interesting read. But expert? Only at the dinner table. And he's gross to see on the TV.
It's not a TV thing, it's just the way it is. Where in history does any society put beefy gals on a pedestal? Look at old art, those larger women weren't Oprah sized.
You could ask why men don't wear makeup and dress in revealing ways(outside of SF). They don't and it's just the way it is. Natural selection at work.
The biggest reason is that we have been, each of us, overexposed to images in the media. Today for some men, the ideal woman is skinny with huge boobs. That makes little sense, as women who are rail thin usually are somewhat flat chested.
Big, overweight women are just as plentiful in our society today as big, overweight men. As a matter of fact, recent surveys show that some 20 percent of all Americans, (that's a huge increase over the last two decades) are now obese. The definition of obese usually means at least 30 to 50s overweight. No wonder we're having a health crisis in this country!
But some of the women who are castigated for being 'overweight' are not overweight, but simply have bodies that don't fit the 'Greek' ideal of an athlete or Madison Avenue's image of the supermodel. It's too bad, because so many men, (especially when we're younger), spend way too much time chasing after women who may look good, but who have some major personal problems and are constantly worried about their 'image.' Who wants to deal with that kind of a woman?
And unfortunately, it's usually rare to find a woman who is terrifically good looking who is also really got her act together. Women who rely on their looks too much can have problems, not only early, but later in life, because much of their self-image comes from how people judge their looks. And while they may have some confidence, they probably get driven crazy by having guys of all types (most who are probably undesirable) slobber all over them.
Unfortunately, this has always been the case to a degree, in every country and in virtually every period of human history. Here in America however, we have just taken it to a new level because we live in a more image-conscious society, where looks are associated with money, confidence, fashion, and of course, sex appeal.
Speaking of gluttony, has anyone else seen this commercial for seasoned croutons that shows a distinguished grey haired gentleman in a slipover sweater and black slacks. The commercial illustrates his love for those damn croutons by showing the man crawling around the carpeted dining room hunting for dropped croutons, which I presume he pops into his mouth when he finds a crouton that fell off the dining table or fell out of somebody's mouth (ugh!). There is something incongruously bizarre, and almost sick about that entire ad, with a 60 year old guy acting like a 6 year old Maybe it's just the most recent display of male bashing, a popular pastime for many female advertising directors. I've seen some ads with a woman roundhouse punching the man square in his mouth. That's supposed to look cute, when a chick gives a dude a knuckle sandwich, over nothing. NOT!.
Pretty sells more than Ugly. You don't see many fat male actors or news personalities either. If there are more fat males I bet its just because there are more males on TV period. Ugly makes the content...Pretty sells it!!
On the other hand,Men can't wear neon green shirts with white dots. Woman can wear any color- Ask Ann Curry. Heck,you would think a sports dude could wear Hawaiian shirts and do the sports news. But,no.
Chris Christie had surgery to lose weight, which he claimed was for health reasons. I agree that being fat and grotesque aren't good for your health, but this was so transparent.
Chris Christie will likely come undone, and it won't be ironic that his big mouth will be the reason.
that's cause fat males run the newsrooms. good ole boy network. they accept other fat males and want blond bimbos with air for brains and two tatas and a hole as their trophies.
There is a weekend WeatherCaster on the ABC affilliate in Sacramento - Darla Givens. She is hidden behind the desk and never comes out. Even to show weather patterns on the ChromaKey - she does it off camera. Her delivery is such that you can hear the insecurity in her voice. Bad.
Wow... many of us wouldn't consider Ms. Givens fat at all.
@ November 15, 2013 at 9:34 AM... YES SIR... Sara Sidner could get it. Priya David AND April Cummings. Andria Borba is a little thick and all three are fine as all get out.
BTW... The woman in the pic above- Jennifer Livingston is not ugly at all
Since there are no comments yet, my first and last visit to this to this post as the male porkers won't be able to restrain themselves from showing their porcine asses.
ReplyDeleteFatties are perfect for radio.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to see them unless they are comedians or on a treadmill at my gym.
The most successful person ever in television is a woman. She is fat, sometimes very fat, sometimes less so. She's a billionairess. She would not have been so successful without the fat and the ersatz battle with the fat.
DeleteDon't you think overweight people have enough problems without douches like you crapping on them? Have you never been picked on yourself?
DeleteLet me see if I got this, O has a higher net worth and really raking it in when she's bloated and worth less when she's down to an even ton. That makes sense.
DeleteBTW- is a person really successful when they need to play charades with the Steadman shtick? Sure she can cry herself to sleep on a tall bed of money, but she'd be lying if she didn't admit to have a huge hole in her life. Looking back, she'd probably trade all her money for a reasonable figure and a good marriage in a heartbeat.
It makes sense, because a nation full of obese daytime tv. viewers empathize with her see-saw weight dramas. I doubt very much if she often cries herself to sleep or has any huge "hole" in her life. Not everyone feels a compelling need to be defined solely as part of a couple....really.There are good and bad things about being married, similarly about being single. Most people don't have magnficent marriages, especially if they have to tell you they do.
DeleteWell,I always liked Christina Abernathy on the Weather Channel for about a decade. Perfect figure and face. Then she got married,had kids,gained weight. And WC let her go.
ReplyDeleteSame for Rita whats her name on Fox. Rose fast when thin and gravelly voice..When her weight went up,her star faded faster.
You hardly see real woman in everyday sizes doing news..most are on a constant diet as if the plane wont get off the ground if they dont lose another pound.
Its our culture that woman must look young no matter how many years or accomplishments they have. You know even hardline Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter and Michelle Bachman live on cigarettes and cup of noodle soup to please men-- and woman,by keeping thin.
Rita Cosby left Fox because she totally blew the Supreme Court ruling on the Bush v Gore case in 2000.
DeleteI don't know why you chose to slur Palin, Coulter, and Bachmann, though.
We hate fat people. Not just women. And we hate them because despite the fact they may have a reason for looking the way they do, they look bad, would seem to be unmotivated, and it's implied they lack a certain discipline.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I don't "hate fat people", but in regards to your comment, those could be a few answers.
Give an example of a fat male on tv of any prominence. There's no double standard. Even though most Americans are obese (as you know first hand) we do not like fatsos on the tube. Sara Sidner is very attractive in my mind even though she's a little chunky. I'm a man of color so I enjoy some junk in the trunk. I'm not into the skinny flat butted white chicks although if Heather Holmes called I'd go out for a drink with her!
ReplyDeleteI recall in his heyday, Roger Ebert was kind of zoftig...ditto, locally, Wayne Shannon.
DeleteDave McElhatton was obese when he started on ch5. After a few years ch5. did a long story of "Watch Dave lose weight". And he lost a ton of weight in his late middle age. I suspect myself that he had a gastric by pass that he didn't want known. It was successful. Instead of dying of a coronary in his 50's, Dave made it to a full 81.
DeleteKRON's the Great Radu!
DeleteIt is the steroids for a condition he has.
Remember Jake and the Fatman with William Conrad?
DeleteSebastion Cabot? Victor Buono?
I know... those are bygone days.
Al Roker? Willard Scott? Ed Schultz?
Hey Rich, you ain't much of a slim-jim yourself, doncha think?
ReplyDeleteThis isn't about me.
DeleteI was taking about a double standard but have a lovely day.
And, by the way, I'm shedding the lbs...I'm beginning to resemble Barry Manilow.
Talk about double standard... Rich, you constantly comment, somewhat salaciously, about the physical appearance of attractive local female broadcasters.
DeleteNow you're getting up on your high horse and criticizing TV executives for thinking exactly the same way.
Make up your mind; you can get away with it but no one else can?
ReplyDeleteSome of us watch news for it's content, not superficial nonsense like the reporters personal appearance..
You want looks? Watch a beauty contest.
That was my point if you READ the post! Gosh.
Delete10:03: You're both reading-challenged and punctuation-challenged.
DeleteBuy a clue. They're on sale at Buy more than $35 worth and shipping's free.
Roger Ebert is a film critic, and not a news person. He wasn't obese, or anything. Candy Crowley is on, right? There are others. Not too many fat guys, so I'm not sure the implied double standard is really there.
ReplyDeleteI will say it again: we hate fat people in general, for the reasons I mentioned above.
Of course, there's Ray Ratto.
Ray Ratto has a great, acerbic writing style. If you saw him in person, you'd know why. He looks like a gnome. He's short and pudgy and has puffed up fingers. He's got a face and body for radio. He makes up for any physical shortcomings through his writing. He can write, no doubt. But is he an expert at any sport? I think not. His sarcasm and writing style make him an interesting read. But expert? Only at the dinner table. And he's gross to see on the TV.
DeleteSee what I'm saying? This guy above hates fat people, period. The jokes, etc. I do tend to agree though. He has the looks for print media.
DeleteIt's not a TV thing, it's just the way it is. Where in history does any society put beefy gals on a pedestal? Look at old art, those larger women weren't Oprah sized.
ReplyDeleteYou could ask why men don't wear makeup and dress in revealing ways(outside of SF). They don't and it's just the way it is. Natural selection at work.
The biggest reason is that we have been, each of us, overexposed to images in the media. Today for some men, the ideal woman is skinny with huge boobs. That makes little sense, as women who are rail thin usually are somewhat flat chested.
ReplyDeleteBig, overweight women are just as plentiful in our society today as big, overweight men. As a matter of fact, recent surveys show that some 20 percent of all Americans, (that's a huge increase over the last two decades) are now obese. The definition of obese usually means at least 30 to 50s overweight. No wonder we're having a health crisis in this country!
But some of the women who are castigated for being 'overweight' are not overweight, but simply have bodies that don't fit the 'Greek' ideal of an athlete or Madison Avenue's image of the supermodel. It's too bad, because so many men, (especially when we're younger), spend way too much time chasing after women who may look good, but who have some major personal problems and are constantly worried about their 'image.' Who wants to deal with that kind of a woman?
And unfortunately, it's usually rare to find a woman who is terrifically good looking who is also really got her act together. Women who rely on their looks too much can have problems, not only early, but later in life, because much of their self-image comes from how people judge their looks. And while they may have some confidence, they probably get driven crazy by having guys of all types (most who are probably undesirable) slobber all over them.
Unfortunately, this has always been the case to a degree, in every country and in virtually every period of human history. Here in America however, we have just taken it to a new level because we live in a more image-conscious society, where looks are associated with money, confidence, fashion, and of course, sex appeal.
Speaking of gluttony, has anyone else seen this commercial for seasoned croutons that shows a distinguished grey haired gentleman in a slipover sweater and black slacks. The commercial illustrates his love for those damn croutons by showing the man crawling around the carpeted dining room hunting for dropped croutons, which I presume he pops into his mouth when he finds a crouton that fell off the dining table or fell out of somebody's mouth (ugh!). There is something incongruously bizarre, and almost sick about that entire ad, with a 60 year old guy acting like a 6 year old Maybe it's just the most recent display of male bashing, a popular pastime for many female advertising directors. I've seen some ads with a woman roundhouse punching the man square in his mouth. That's supposed to look cute, when a chick gives a dude a knuckle sandwich, over nothing. NOT!.
ReplyDeleteRatto's fingers are thicker than most the women on TV
ReplyDeletePretty sells more than Ugly. You don't see many fat male actors or news personalities either. If there are more fat males I bet its just because there are more males on TV period. Ugly makes the content...Pretty sells it!!
Television viewers want to look at people they can never get lucky with. we can all get lucky with a porker. :P
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand,Men can't wear neon green shirts with white dots. Woman can wear any color- Ask Ann Curry. Heck,you would think a sports dude could wear Hawaiian shirts and do the sports news. But,no.
ReplyDeleteMy very staunch Republican husband says,
ReplyDelete"Chris Christie will never, ever win the US Presidency...
Unless he loses much of that weight"!
Chris Christie had surgery to lose weight, which he claimed was for health reasons. I agree that being fat and grotesque aren't good for your health, but this was so transparent.
DeleteChris Christie will likely come undone, and it won't be ironic that his big mouth will be the reason.
that's cause fat males run the newsrooms. good ole boy network. they accept other fat males and want blond bimbos with air for brains and two tatas and a hole as their trophies.
ReplyDeleteFat women in broadcasting. This issue is older than the Bible. The prejudice will always be there.
ReplyDeleteWasn't Linda Ellerbee also a plus-size newscaster?
ReplyDeleteThere is a weekend WeatherCaster on the ABC affilliate in Sacramento - Darla Givens. She is hidden behind the desk and never comes out. Even to show weather patterns on the ChromaKey - she does it off camera. Her delivery is such that you can hear the insecurity in her voice.
Wow... many of us wouldn't consider Ms. Givens fat at all.
Delete@ November 15, 2013 at 9:34 AM... YES SIR... Sara Sidner could get it. Priya David AND April Cummings. Andria Borba is a little thick and all three are fine as all get out.
BTW... The woman in the pic above- Jennifer Livingston is not ugly at all