Thursday, February 16, 2012

The latest Theatre of the Absurd at Cumulus/KGOne; Boy Blunder and More

From multiple sources inside the dreaded Cumulus dome, KGOne wing:

**The Kim Kommando show programming clock is on the wall in the KSFO studios. (Wonder how I got that? Keep guessin')

**Tim 'Monty" Montemayor was seen bullying a producer in one of the studios saying things like: "If I don't have a producer I can believe in, a change might have to be made." Like he has any say who his producer is.

 BTW, according to a mole, Monty really needs to lay off the Twinkies, man boobs are not hot. Such a critic.

**Jared News...

**Jared 'boy blunder' Hart(less) called for a board op meeting with less than 48 hour notice. When it was pointed out to him that it is really short notice, he replied, "They (board ops) are part time, how busy can they be?"

Truly, the idiot machine, the Theatre of the Absurd continues...

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. Regarding Jared 'boy blunder' Hart(less) : People like him are the main reason I got out of that rat race of an industry, and I am glad I never looked back. And I really feel sorry for the people who still work in that industry. I am serious.

    1. You can count me among those who quit a job in radio to specifically not work with Jared Hart. I just didn't know I had so much company.

  2. Monty going on and on about firing his producer is funny seeing as he does not have one. He produces his own show books his own guests shows up 2 hours early to prepare. The only time I have ever seen him even a little upset was the news snafu when he was told the wrong name for the news update. But even then he did not blame anyone. He may not your friends with you but he is about the easiest host to work with. Your "source" is not very well informed

  3. Your source sucks, Monty does not have a producer and is not the bully a producer type, he is the guy who tells you to "chase your dream". Pure class calling him fat, way to go Rich

    1. It must be annoying to "chase your dream" when those manboobs get in the way. He could have a breast reduction, you know.

  4. a snowboard champion with manboobs? Seriously?

  5. What is the significance of the Kim Komando clock on the wall in KSFO?? It started last airing there last secret there

  6. "The Kim Kommando show programming clock is on the wall in the KSFO studios. (Wonder how I got that? Keep guessin')"

    We can rule out "Sleeping with Kim Kommando and she talks in her sleep", right?? :)

  7. part-time board-ops? Is NABET kapoot?

  8. When Montemayor would be on Comcast-well,once- he looked to me like a Jon Lovitz impersonater.

  9. Do you know your new code word system is really hard to get right?..

  10. Rich, don't listen to the cumulus interns/employees/trolls defiling your blog. You do a fantastic and necessary job of letting the public know exactly what happened to our beloved radio station. I thought hell would freeze over before the bastion of local radio news and talk in the Bay Area--and the world--would be taken over by the syndicated slop most radio stations run today. Whoever is working for cumulus or supports them is furthering their terrible cause and is hurting our world--not benefiting it. Anytime one side is silenced on both sides of any issue is the day our society is in serious trouble. RIP KGO NEWSTALK 810

    Darya Folsom called Jeremy Lin "Jeremy Lee". Jeremy Lin,Bruce Lee,she meant well....

    1. Julie H. KTVU @ 6 blunder of the day: Calling Tule Lake "tool lake". How long has she been in CA. ?

  12. Right. Anyone that criticizes Rich MUST work for cumulus. Of course!

    And calling Monty fat...look in a mirror you piece of trash. You aren't exactly Jack LaLanne, butterbean

    1. Rich is a big guy but he doesn't pretend to be some kind of agile, snowboard athlete like the manboob fellow. Does he?

  13. ^^ no could they could be trolls. And the only way you can defend what cumulus did is if you work for cumulus. It's that bad!

  14. What kind of rinky dink station would have a host producing his own show? Is he screening the calls and making Jared coffee too?
