Friday, February 17, 2012

Obama Presidential Visit to SF brings out Insightful Coverage

President Barack Obama wrapped up his Southern California trip on Thursday with a visit to Orange County.

The President visited San Francisco.

1.He ordered a lot of dim sum, (about a thousand live shots).

2.He spoke to some millionaires at a private glitzy Pacific Heights dinner, (press excluded, OK, we'll give you that one).

3. He spoke to the 99% and was heckled a few times, (that tends to happen to pretty much any POTUS, but more mucho mentions than normal).

4. Traffic was crappy near the 5th/Mission corridor. Lots of blocked streets. (No shit, Sherlock).

5. Air Force One is huge, dude. (Yeah, that's why they fly the Prez on it--thanks for the insight).

Have a nice day.

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  1. Anyone who doesn't know by now that Obama will be re-elected is politically blind.

    I was an ardent Hillary supporter. I was wrong about Obama. He's turned out to be a much more effective politician than I expected.

    Viva Obama!

  2. I was wrong about Obama too. I voted for him. Won't be doing so again.

    Too bad the Republicans aren't offering any good alternatives. I will vote third party this time around.

    9:11 AM, yes Obama has been very effective for his puppetmasters at Goldman Sachs. They're doing well, while the rest of us are still in the Second Great Depression. Great job, Barry!

  3. Anybody who thinks Obama is nothing but a puppet shill bag-man for the elite and is effectually any different than the Bushy's or what Romney/Santorum would be is the one who is blind.

    It's 2012 people. If you still stick to the mainstream media talking points, you are the repression.

  4. Right on 9:11! Obama hasn't been the ideal president, but he's done a pretty good job, considering how the obstructionist, right wing racists in the Republican Party have tried to submarine him. They don't like him because 1.) He's not some right wing nit wit like Romney or Santorum and 2.) He's black.

    Thanks god most Americans can see through that these days! There's no way the Repubs will find a candidate to beat him this fall.

    Obama has done a good job trying to get this country back on line, improve the educational situation, eradicate some of the ridiculous legislation that Bush approved that allowed corporations to rape and pillage our country's resources, and he's certainly better on the environment than any of the repubs!

    1. I'm with you, 05:40pm, esp. re your first paragraph. And I also think Obama is just hitting his stride. But we're so used to knee-jerk "presidential governance" we don't in the slightest understand someone who takes the time to really understand the issues, think things through, has long-term goals, and no need to constantly parachute down onto aircraft carriers to (prematurely) (and erroneously) pat himself on the back.

  5. Obama has gone after medical marijuana more that W has. Holder is a criminal, and yet HE wants to keep medicine away from patients.

    Deal with the meth making cartels to the south, Barry, not people using medicine here in the U.S. of A.

  6. Let's use Obama's second term in office to focus on overturning the Telecommunications Act of 1996! You remember that, right? The piece of legislation that was actually written by lobbyists for huge powerful corporations like Cumulus and Clear Channel.

    We have to get rid of these huge corporations' collective ability to own ungodly numbers of radio and TV stations, not to mention newspapers and/or magazines. Without that Telecommunications Act being in place, we wouldn't be looking at the dumper-full of swill that Bay Area radio and television media is not-so-slowly submerging into.

  7. Right on Del. So many good local broadcasters and print journalists were thrown out of work because companies like Cumulus and Dean Singleton's Bay Area News Group downsized their outlets, cheapening and dumbing down the product!
