Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bill Wattenburg to do Nationally-Syndicated Show beginning January 22; Locally on 'NewsTalk 910 AM'

 Dr. Bill Wattenburg, a Bay Area broadcasting veteran and one of the dismissed KGO talkers, will begin a new, nationally-syndicated program, starting every Sunday, (Jan. 22, 8-11 PM PST); the show will originate live and will be heard here in the Bay Area, (Newstalk 910 AM).

I spoke to Wattenburg, who's been keeping busy doing shows locally on other outlets and can't wait to begin his new program.

"I expect it to be every bit as satisfying for me, and I hope the listeners,  as my  previous KGO show on weekend nights to the west coast.   Only this will now be across the country.  It will be "The Open Line to America"  instead of The Open Line to the West Coast."

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  1. How amazing. Now the rest of American can find out what they've been missing. A "smartest man" who opens the lines with great welcoming, and then cuts people down if they disagree with him or are a little slower than he is.

    A grumpy, rude unpleasant person. Just dandy.

    I'd rather hear John Rothmann's erudition any day. And NEVER rude to a caller.

    1. He doesn't cut them down as fast as he does someone who knows more than he does on an issue. I heard a recent caller talk about a scientific political issue and the person knew what he was talking about. However Wattenburg talked over him and hung up on him.

  2. With all due respect to Dr. Wattenburg for his field of knowledge and innovative engineering ideas, I agree with 7:20.

    His personality does not translate to an inviting talk program.

    I wish him well, but I'm unlikely to listen.

    The station/network that hired him would be well advised to take a strong look at his former KGO colleagues who have not, yet, found other broadcast outlets.

  3. Im happy for him and hope he settles down a bit. He does get very rude sometimes, and THAT is not smart.

  4. Mega dittos to 7:20.
    Wattenburg is as nasty as they come. Whatever "erudition" he may have is spoiled by his meanspirited attitude towards anyone who dares question his High Mightiness.
    Plus, he's a broken record. Within 30 seconds of his opening you know he is going to launch an attack on environmentalists or MTBE or any of his half dozen pet topics.
    I also concur with your assessment of John Rothmann. I have a few quibbles with his presentation style, but for content he is unmatched.
    How nice it was to hear him on 910 last evening. He said he would be back on Tuesdays for the next month.

    All that being said, I'm glad that Wattenburg will be back on the air competing with KGO.

  5. Dr. Bill rocks. Sure he's grouchy sometimes, but he is the smartest guy on the radio. Can't wait to hear his new show!

  6. Dr Bill Wattenburg does a fantastic shows for years and I enjoy the program and knowledge he puts out. We need someone to remind us that there is common sense solutions for promblems in this country.

    Again Congratulations Dr Bill (http://DrBill.us)

    Listen Live Link (Noon-2pm(pst) Mo Tu & Wed)


  7. My first show at KGO was when I was called up from the minors moons ago to fill for Bill. I have learned many things from him. I have wanted to strangle him a few times. When my house burned down, he generously offered to lend a fully equipped trailer for me and my father while my house was rebuilt..Congrats Bill!

  8. I agree with the previous posters. Wattenburg's rudeness to callers rivals that of his archenemy Karel. Unless you are an 8 year old with a question or kiss his ring you are in for a verbal mauling and quick hang up. I may tune in just to hear good ol' boys from the deep south call his show.

  9. Hey, Christine! Any upcoming dates for fill-in that we can mark on our calendars? For my money, you are "appointment radio," even if it means turning on KGO. And what about that website?

    Have a great New Year.

  10. If, as 7:57 heard, John Rothman said he would be on 910 on Tuesdays for the next month, it sounds like Gene's recuperation from whatever ailed him will be taking even more time than first thought.

    Have you any word on that, Rich?

  11. Dr. Bill--meh. I honor the fact that he has many fans, but I couldn't stand his attitude and he was often very uninformed on environmental issues.

    I wasn't upset a bit when HE got cut from KGONE!

  12. Congratulations to Dr Wattenberg on his new show!

  13. Why do so many talk show hosts have to be rude, loud, and make sweeping statements about issues
    that are too complex to simplify? Limbaugh (among others) does this all the time and drives a lot of people who ARE paying attention to the issues ...nuts!

    The problem is that as long as radio management and programming types disrespect the audience by deciding that you have to make talk show programming
    palatable to the tastes of a 17 year old mentality, the mass audience will continue to receive dreck!

    Combine that with the fact that those running the radio business today (Cumulus for one) have no interest in putting out quality radio, (Lou Dickey and his brother know next to nothing about what it takes to be an actual broadcaster...but they're very good 'bean-counters').

    So now you're getting low brow, cheap, crap that is unlistenable and insulting to even the average American listener. And by 'downsizing' the 'Product' (that's what these cretins like to call radio today...that really gets me!) they are slowly wiping out the only medium left that is personal, informal, informative, and free!

  14. @11:00am you are absolutely correct. The worst offender is the "comedian" Brian Copeland. He introduces a topic then tries to condense it into a black and white, yes or no topic and pounds away holding for dear life to his two or three talking points. When challenged by an intelligent caller he will yell over the caller or throw the caller off by yelling at the caller to "cut to the chase" within 5 seconds of the call and then cut him off. All of these types of hosts must read from the same industry manual because they all follow the same pattern, except of course for the greats, such as Gene Burns or Gil Gross. For the life of me I can not understand why they keep the "comedian". He is just not a genuine funny man.

  15. Christine Craft you remind me of my former government teacher (that's a good thing). Wish you had a *consistent* timeframe not just fill in. KSCO? KKSF weekend? I would listen.

  16. Woot!!! So excited to hear this!

  17. Can't get excited about Wattenburg...would not listen to him. I always had my presets, home and car on 810. A few years ago, was coming home late at night (nope nothing to drink). Wattenburg was on...everything he said made me so mad I just wanted to stomp...was already yelling into the blackness. Then looked down, guess I was stomping...speedometer was at 120. I have no idea what my blood pressure was, but decided to never listen to him again.
    I heard John yesterday, too, but had the idea that it wasn't going to be on the Gene Burns program, but on an evening show, said they were "trying it out" for a month.
    Interesting how posters on other sites say they would never have anything to do with you, but bet this blog is the first thing they check out in the morning and the last thing they check out at night.
    Gene and prayers...Rich, are you being "baited" on bab to post something not confirmed?
    Christine, yes, would love it if you had your own show.

  18. Thats awesome Dr. Bill! Cant wait to listen to you again! You rock!


  19. Dr Bill will do well nationwide. Some Bay Area liberals may not like his style but the Bay Area is out of step with most other areas of the country. People are hungry for solutions instead of political hand wringing. I hope he continues doing his chats with Prof. Richard Muller.

    Rothmann is good at what he does but he's a one trick pony. To be sure every hosts has their own pet issues. People do want to hear what we can do to help this country. Bill has solutions besides beating the war drums. Given the choice I bet your neighbor would rather develop our own technology and resources rather than continue fighting in the sand box for nothing. BTW, Christine Craft was the only one who tried to present a balanced view of the Middle East on KGO.

    Tuning across the dial this morning I find Limbaugh simultaneously on 1530, 910, and 1080. All within range of my automobile. Why is that?

  20. If a host can raise my blood pressure, make me think and educate me on something I know nothing about then more power to him! Congrats Dr Bill, the nation awaits you sir!

  21. Im not a fan of some of his "opinions" but I love his facts! Dont bash Dr Bill just because he has opposing political views, HES THE ONLY GUY ON THAT CAN GIVE YOU THE SCIENTIFIC FACTS ON SOME IMPORTANT SUBJECTS! We need that! Real information. Let the political views slide for the valuble trade off.YOU WILL LEARN SOMETHING. At least hes not playing as"charecter" givin us "BS" just to get ratings, such as Savage, Limbaugh, KAREL, etc.. Those guys are just like a citcom, infotainment only.

  22. 2:11, Rush is trying to triangulate on you... Wear a tinfoil hat.

  23. One of the things I always appreciated about Wattenburg's show was that it covered a lot of turf. He explained science in an understandable way to those less adept and you never knew when he would have his cranky pants on.
    Should be a great show.

  24. Congrats, Dr. Bill! I am not normally listening to radio at that time of night, but it'll be a pleasure to hear you on those occasions when I'm in my car during your program.

  25. I believe I can agree with folks here that Bill has his moments when he goes over the hilt with a concept or pushes buttons of people.

    But hey, when you deal with YEARS of a subject as he has and nothing changes, would you have a sore spot in your stomach if you had to beat the drums of a subject over and over again for a few years for some thing to change??

    Bill has his style and wish him all of the best on TRN.

    As for John Rothmann, he has his issues, stories and interests he wants to share with his audience. He's not for everyone. Same as I'm not a big fan of Ray T as some others are.

    I do love his stories and historical views on subjects. he presents.

    You might say, "to each his own."

  26. I've consistently notice that, so called highly educated, tolerant Bay Area radio audience, can't stand Dr. Bill. I think they know that Dr. Bill doesn't operate from feelings or beliefs, but instead from facts drives them crazy. I look forward to his syndicated program.

  27. Bill W is a scientist..but whoever says scientists by dint of being scientists don't have feelings, emotions,financial interests and agendas....just isn't thinking.

  28. LOL @ all you Dr. Bill player haters. :D

    Go Dr. Bill! Woot!!!!!!!!

  29. You go. Dr. Bill. ...

  30. This is great news! Love Dr. Bill's show. Rare scientific knowledge + take no prisoners attitude = informative and entertaining radio. Awesome.

  31. Glad to hear he will be back but on what station. can they be heard in L.A. like you could hear KGO?

  32. I believe a lot of these Bill bashers have different political and world views than he does. The divide from those who hate him and those who love him likely hinges around thinking idealistically and guided by feelings or thinking realistically and guided by reason.


  33. If you don't like Wattenburg, you can get all you want of karel on KGO.
