Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Advertisers: Alan Colmes is a 415 Media Believer!


  1. Interesting and a nice plug, Rich.

    Colmes is carried 7-10 p.m. after Gene Burns on "NewsTalk 910" -- not as listed as 10-1.

  2. That's a national ad... it says "10pm-1am ET"... which is the correct time.

  3. Cool, Rich!! I like Colmes, and listen to him often. It's so funny that 90% of his callers are a bunch of red neck CONservatives that sound so stupid and uninformed. Alan puts them in their place everytime and it's great radio.

  4. One of the better shows on TV was Hannity & Colmes. I lean right more but I found Colmes' views helped to counterbalance Hannity's & make the program lively and interesting.

    Clearly a case of polar opposites ... neither of which I fully agreed with but made for a great program of give & take.

    We need more of that rather one-sided journalism we see so much today ....on BOTH sides.

  5. Oh, SAN FRANCISCO media writer!.. must be one of those uber liberals huh?-lol.
