Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Yeah, I'm listening to THE LOYAH!; Tillem debuts on 'NewsTalk 910'

OK, yeah, I heard it.

Funny and only Tillem could have pulled off, (Newstalk910)-- the opening? Brilliant! Quote me.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. Funny one!

    Does anyone know a regular URL streaming link I can plug into iTunes to listen to KKSF 910AM without using the horrible iHeartRadio webpage/app?


  2. I'm listening to him also. And I don't even live in the bay area any more! Just for laughs I emailed him a copy of my check from an ebay class action suit: a big $0.41. How should I invest that for my retirement?

  3. can someone tell us what he said, i'm stuck at work!

  4. Crap. I missed the first 11 minutes. What was funny prior to the call regarding the topless coffee joint?

  5. Len said KGO instead of KKSF a few times! LOVE IT!

  6. Just heard your shameless plug Rich!

  7. Glad you could call in, Rich!

    What a glad day for Bay Area radio.

    LOL--I tried to call in with a legit question; Could. Not. Get. In.

    So much for Len's worries that "no one would call." lol
    I will call in EARLY tomorrow.


  8. Nice work Rich. The Loyah gave you and this blog site an important thumbs up.

  9. Must be kind of nerve wracking to start on another radio station after so many years on KGO. I'm sure they are all going to have some kind of butterflies. But it was good to hear Len and his antics again.

  10. It was a great show! So glad Len is back. I only heard him tell a caller "you're on KGO" once :-)

    Hope Gene feels better soon!

  11. It was a GREAT hour !! Len was so nervous at first, loved the 810 comment.
    I ran my errands early so I could be home and when I visited my shoe repair person he had 910 on the radio. Same thing happened at the watch repair shop. I spoke to them both and they said "well KGO 810 was my station until...now it's just junk" They won't even listen to Ronn. WOW...just goes to show you that us "regular folks" do want a good talk radio.
    I'm sure 910 will be great. Can't wait to hear the other hosts this week.
    Thanks so much for your blog...

  12. can someone please tell me the 810 comment! i'm dieing here!!!

  13. I just heard the top of the hour on KKSF: "Newstalk 910. San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose."

    OMG! Take that and stuff it Cumulus! You blew up a great station and now someone else has come along to pick up the pieces.

  14. Len only said KGO once at the opening, I think the guy who introduced him as Bill Wattenburg in for Len Tillem threw him off... the other times KGO was mentioned it was in best of calls...

  15. Len said KGO a few times. But who cares? Listn to the podcast for yourself.

  16. Len warmed my heart because he was so nervous at the beginning. I had to laugh when he immediately made a mistake and said KGO. lol I think he said he had been practicing all day saying Newstalk 910.

    No more KGO except some shows on the weekend. My radio is now always set to 910. Even though I don't agree with some of the hosts, it is fun to see how ridiculous they are. 910 jumped on the fact KGO screwed up majorly and I know all my friends are listening to 910.

    Do you think there is a chance of getting John Rothmann for 7:00 PM? My life would be perfect if that could happen. ;-)

  17. 7:49 Wow! You must be in a real hurt if John Rothmann would make your life perfect!!! Ha.

    Oh well, as they say: "Get a life!!"

  18. I Loved it.I don't know why Len was so nervous about not getting callers.I've ordered a more powerful radio so I can get the signal better.Now if we can just get KKSF to hire more local hosts. Has anyone else noticed that Ronn had trouble getting callers yesterday? Without his regular callers Ronn is pretty boring.

  19. LIVE RADIO AWESOME! This is what we want, a guy like Len with great personality going with the flow. Hes a lot of fun , informative, and entertaining.

    I too hope we can get more LIVE RAIDIO. All the sindicated crap is annoining. You really never know when it was taped, where it was taped, or if it is current? Those blowhard guys are on all kinds of channels 24/7. BORING!
