KGO Radio, fighting for any relevance and trying to reinvigorate itself with new ideas and programming, can make a splash, and they don't even have to pay me for the idea.
They should hire Ralph Barbieri.
Before you fall off the chair and have a forklempta, consider this: hiring "The Razor" makes sense on a lot of fronts. For one, Barbieri's employer, Cumulus, now owns KGO, so he'd be working for the same company. No issues there, (and soon, in the same building too).
Tom Tolbert, who co-hosts with Barbieri on KNBR, (3-7 PM weekdays), can more than handle solo duties. Matter of fact, Tolbert is better alone doing the show, as is Barbieri, who in spite of his own idiosyncrasies, can still pull off the occasional good interview and is more adept at the monologue.
Don't forget, Barbieri once worked at KGO on the weekend doing an overnight news-talk show. While I know he loves sports, I also know he still has a deep passion for politics and pop culture too. That element would suit him more at KGO than at KNBR for obvious reasons.
Some potential obstacles: Barbieri, who recently went public with news that he's battling the early stages of Parkinson's disease, is now negotiating, (through his agent), a contract renewal that is up at the end of the year, (at somewhere near the $250K range, give or take a few thousands).
Most industry people in town expect him to be back, but at a reduced number. Cumulus, (and the real power broker, SF market manager, Bill Bungeroth), may be more flexible and accommodating to Barbieri's future if he were to go over to KGO, which as stated earlier, badly needs a spark. Something. Barbieri isn't Dan Patrick, but he's still a big enough name, locally, that a gig at KGO would help out both parties.
There are a multitude of roadblocks that would make this potential move moot, but given the current state of terrestrial radio, not enough to thwart it either. I asked a prominent local media guy what he thought about this idea: He thought I was nuts, but he also said nothing would surprise him anymore.
KGO is in dire straits. Most of its workers have flooded the market with resumes. They're have already been massive cutbacks, (thanks to Cumulus), and the same foul mood is rife at KNBR too, with rumors of another round of layoffs coming soon.
Barbieri and Tolbert's ratings continue to lead the pack in the afternoon, but have seen recent numbers decline. Not spectacularly, but a mild drop off, yes.
Where would Barbieri be placed? He could follow Ronn Owens and go mid-morning, or better yet, go 2-5 PM and jettison Gil Gross to another slot, (perhaps 7-10 when Gene Burns retires?)
Stay tuned.
*Follow me on Twitter
@ Rich415
ReplyDeleteYou wrote: Barbieri, who in spite of his own idiosyncrasies, can still pull off the occasional good interview...
Rich, occassional won't cut it and he can no longer do ANY show SOLO!
Ralph feels entitled to work at the 3-7 slot so that test tube son Tayte can be watched by his nanny.
ReplyDeleteBy the way: how gay of a spelling is that>Tayte?
Why the "Y" Ralphie boy?
I agree with your prominent local media friend. Nothing that happens in radio surprises me anymore either.
ReplyDeleteTolbert sans Ralph is a disaster. Tolbert has a great laugh, knows boxing, betting and hoops,but frankly, he's dumb.
ReplyDeleteI hope he takes over for the insufferable Rat Taliafero, that way I can avoid Ralphie with sound sleep. I mean Ray.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of hire and fire-Franco Harris was fired for defending Joe Paterno. I saw and heard Harris and what he said wasn't nearly as offensive as Bill Romonowski defending Paterno on THEGAME 95.7
ReplyDeleteRomonowski goes on just fine there and on Comcast.
This whole rightwing slant to local sports and casters puts to lie about how liberals run the media.
Radnich and Krueger to Romonowski and Bruno can offend all they want because they are like those who hire them.
ReplyDeleteYou are Way off. Tolbert has great sports knowledge. He tolerates Barbieri who asks 15 minute questions and the show goes LIMP like Ralph.
Give Tolbert is own show.
Let Tom Tolbert go solo. It fits his style.
ReplyDeleteRalph would never agree to a solo gig anymore.
ReplyDeleteI agree, Ralph should go to KGO, because I do not listen to KGO. I am tired of the nasally reptitive chronic complaining. Most recently harping endlessly on Tebow only completing two passes last week. OK, after 100 times, I get the point. And, oh yeah, Harbaugh not taking the points off was his decision and the right decision. He has proven he is a winner, unlike the Amici's whiner.
ReplyDeleteTolbert can easily handle the show and rotating in "insiders" would make compelling and interesting radio. If not for T, I would not listen to the show.
He can't even stay on top of current sports! KGO is so much more demanding. Barbieri wouldn't be able to handle it. For all the complaining we do about KGO talkshow hosts, they are all very sharp, able to maintain a sense of humor (OK sometimes Copeland and some of the fill-ins get overwhelmed), Ralph----not so much.
ReplyDeleteAgree completely with November 17, 2011 11:39 AM
ReplyDeleteActually though it's worse...Tolbert doesn't just tolerate Barbieri....he carries him and has for the past 5 or 6 years. I love to slam Ralph for his pretentious ways but I really almost feel sorry for him these days...he's sounding like a doddering old man. Maybe KGO is his speed?
PS: Word verification "HATER"....nice!
Please. Someone. Anyone. Take Gil Gross's spot on KGO PM. He is the most non-sensical idiot I have ever heard. I was forced to listen to one program where he went on for hours about how the banks need to reduce the price of the houses with late mortgages. What about all of us who are up to date on our payments? Do we get a giant discount too? Nope - just everyone who is late. Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteTolbert is the only good host on KNBR. Ralph is insufferable, maybe he could find his way on KGO. Let Tolbert fly solo or please please please find him another co-host. Lately, I find myself listening less because of Ralph.
ReplyDeleteAgree with fish 11:39 AM, Tolbert is carrying Ralph and he's a load of dead weight.
ReplyDeleteListen these days and Ralph's voice is worse than ever, he's completely out of touch and barely seems able to keep track of what's going on let alone say anything interesting, relevant, or entertaining.
Don't know if it's illness or just old age but he's totally worthless. Can't imagine why KGO would want to put him on the air but if they're stupid enough to take him, good riddance!
It would be as if some team was stupid enough to take Barry Zito away from the Giants.
Angels fly because they take themselves lightly..
ReplyDeleteRalph's sign-off is lame. Almost as lame as the Razor and Mr. T's open. Last I checked The Sopranos went off the air in 2007. You would think some intern or producer could update an open.
ReplyDeleteThe opening is not the sopranos, it's from 'the good fellas' movie.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Frank, Ralphy does not follow sports anymore and I believe most listeners knows more about current sports then he does. Its embarassing the amount of Sports Tolbert knows compared to the blow hole. Although for Tolbert to go solo he really can used some interview skills and not be redundant and ask a question under 10 words.
ReplyDeleteRalph took his sign off from Gene Nelson of the old KYA/KFRC, or rather stole it in typical fashion.
ReplyDeleteMet three women that HE tried to date in Hawaii. All of them said he was very inadequate with his people skilss and very inadequate in the bedroom.
Ralph is a unique talent. Yes I know he grates on some people and sometimes he takes forever to make a point, but unlike many, he is not averse to asking the hard and sometimes embarrassing questions that need to be asked.
ReplyDeleteRalph is also a rarity in the sports talk business in that he is interested in a lot of things outside of the limited world of pro and college sports. This broader outlook brings a different and interesting prospective to his work. Yes I know he talks about some of the 'trash TV' that drives many of us to distraction, but he also has interests in world affairs, politics, and other cultures. I'd rather hear his thoughts on those topics than some of the inane chatter of hosts talking about
'pop culture.' Talk about boring!
Steve Bitker of KCBS and Rich Walcoff of KGO are also examples of sports announcers who are more than just guys who like to talk and report sports for a living. And they know how to write, understand the English language, and are adept at using their voices properly.
Too many of today's announcers sound as if they never took a speech class, learned proper grammar, or read more than the 'Cliff Notes.' And when I hear Gary Radnich refers to "our younger demographic," I cringe.
Gary is not referring to younger people in general, just some of the lazy, slothful ones; and unfortunate individuals who have obviously not enjoyed the benefits of a good education. I hear some of these idiots calling in shows and they sound like ten year olds, or gang-banger wanna-bees!
Unfortunately they seem to spend too much of their time listening to their i-pods, watching cable TV, or text messaging their 'buds,' instead of actually reading or having a face to face discussion with another human being.
At least Ralph has been curious, and gone out there and tried to experience a little variety in life, unlike some of the losers I hear calling in talk shows, or who respond to this blog with their fragmented sentences disjointed grammar
that is embarrassing to read.
Ralph and Tony Bruno seems like to imply that they are tough and associated in some way with the mafia for some reason.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous,at 7:36, I agree with you about Ralph, but that was Ralph 10 or 15 years ago, now he is a lazy,and embarassing the little sports that he knows, he no longer follows current events on his craft.
ReplyDeleteNovember 18, 2011 7:36 PM
ReplyDeleteHey Ralph...thanks for dropping by! How's Ram Das?