Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hey 'Thanks'

Picture this:

Anchor A throws it to sports guy and sports guy does his two minutes or so and then throws it back to Anchor A, who then says, "Thanks Bob."

Thanks? Thanks for what? Moron.

This happens every day, every night and beyond. It's the most inane, (of many) verbal play from our beloved news teams, most of whom couldn't ad-lib their way out of a paper bag.

The truth is, "thanks", is a stupid word. Lazy is more like it. Yet, we are forced with "Thanks Bob and Thanks Jane" day in and day out.

Could the weather guy or sports guy, god forbid, just toss it back to news guy/woman and then news guy proceeds to, well, move on, or would that be to logical? Excuse me for injecting a bit of realism into modern-day TV news, (thank you.)

First off, "thanks" is, again, stupid and mostly an insult to viewer. Thanks for what? For reading the fucking sports and weather? How about that's THEIR JOB!

Thanks for your time.


  1. thanks rich for consistently being an asshole...

  2. you a racist. way to blow by it. dont post this. i dont care. as long as you see it and feel like crap, job accomplished.

  3. no Rich is right..the sort of smarmy "closeness" promoted by t.v. consultants to make news anchors in every city look just like the people in the commercials...results in laughable expressions of concern and connectivity.. The person being thanked as if they had done something extraordinary...presumably is being compensated for simply doing their job. It's been too boring to watch actually for the last couple of decades, at least.

  4. Rich, Seriously, is there something wrong with you?

  5. Rich is right on as usual. He and many of the rest of us are very sad and also angry about what has happened to our media it's been dumbed down and downsized and turned into cheap and tawdry that has less value and significance. The worst part of it is that the media, which is supposed to be a watchdog for our free society is now becoming a mouthpiece for corporate propaganda. The BS that is now emanating from radio and TV is coming down so hard that you need a hat to cover your head from the falling sh..t!

  6. The same stupidness as listeners and callers
    thanking the political show host or sports
    show host. If the radio show doesn't have
    any callers then show would be dropped and
    if most shows on a radio station were dropped
    then it would go other business.

    The media (newspaper, TV, cable, etc.)
    does not report or analyze real news
    just dissect national or local political personalities. They are just in for the
    political blood sport and regurgitate
    the group thinking of the upper classes
    (free market, captialism is good, win
    at all cost, more cliches and no wisdom).

    If that wasn't bad enough, we get right
    wing media and pundits completely encompassing
    the media (like the SF Examiner, Fox pundits,
    CNN pundits, New York Times (or New York Crimes)
    or Washington Post (or Wash-shit Post).

  7. We can "thank" the "Happy Talk" news of the 70s for that silly-ass "Thanks so-and-so" bit. It's nothing new.

  8. Two things that absolutely drive me up a wall:
    1) When an anchor tosses to a live-shot, the live-shot reporter typically starts by saying "That's right, Bob..."

    2) Again...during a live-shot...after the reporter does a live-tag off of a taped PKG...or even if the reporter just talkes over tape...the reporter tosses back to the anchor, who then reads ANOTHER tag containing more facts/info. THIS really pisses me off as a viewer, because it gives the impression that the reporter forgot to add this in his/her segment.

    I know it's supposed to make the anchor look "smart." But it also makes the reporter look stupid.

  9. Of all the things F'd up in the media, "thanks" between anchors is way, way down the list...

  10. As the late Bill King said, what are you thanking them for? it is silly and I agree wholeheartly. The best thing to do is acknowledge the anchor and start your report by playing off their banter or say all right and move on

  11. Disappointed. I tried to post a meaningful
    comment yesterday and either the system failed
    or it was censored.

  12. How about the tired, "Let's go back to you in the studio"?

  13. Is it just me or does the blonde chick in the picture looks like a composite of Carolyn Johnson and a younger version of Judy Woodruff (PBS fame)?

  14. Everywhere I've worked, even in *college* stations, we were taught *not* to say "thanks" but to just start into our report.

    There's only so much time for reporting news; the last thing you need to do is crowd the airtime with unnecessary banter.

  15. Instead of "Thanks," the anchor should say, "The Cal Bears suck this year, don't they?"

    Kind of a meaningless rant, though.
