Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bruno rant defuses Radnich-Bruce silence; Taylor/Matier with Mayor Ed Lee; How to be a KGO Radio 'All-Star'; Sunday note

Tony Bruno's out-of-state, out-of-mind, tweet about the immigration status of Giants pitcher, Ramon Ramirez, (wink), was probably much appreciated by our new morning radio saviors on Knibber, Gary Radnich and Damon Bruce.

It was a wild and wacky week for the dynamic duo who worked their asses off remaining silent about the sudden departure of the Bruno segment--a popular, albeit waning thirty minutes of pop culture, industry chit-chat, and even occasional sports.

Bruno's brain fart, (and subsequent, "hey, fuck you SF fans, I'm sorry about the illegal alien shit, but Bochy is an asshole", et al), provided ample cover for Radu and DBruce. Now they don't have to overtly censor the callers, Knibber's $10 an-hour producers can vaporize the Bruno conundrum; everyone's happy, save, perhaps, the proprietor of a certain Union Square hotel. (Wonder if you can still get the Bruno discount?)

*Phil Matier and Barbara Taylor held court with SF Mayor, Ed Lee, on KCBS, Sunday morning. It was civil, at times, funny, interesting and informative radio for thirty minutes, which based on today's radio meter, might as well be deemed illegal and against the law. Call the cops and alert authorities.

*KGO Radio is having its much-pubbed, annual, live talk, we're doing it in a white suburb where we hope we can have lots of white young people with perfect teeth and buy mattress' 'All-Star' broadcast in white, suburban, Redwood City, Friday night.

How do you become a KGO All-Star? Kiss mucho tuchas, sing "For he's a jolly good-fellow" to Jack Swanson, and tell Ronn Owens that he's God.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. I hope the Bruno stuff dies down. Everyone makes mistakes.

  2. I see it as Bruno burning bridges...his added telling off of Giant fans and calling the city "Frisco" when he's often said he knows thats pure insult to the name of San Francisco.
    He went after everybody...except KNBR,Radnich and Bruce,who dances on Bruno's grave in particular,none of the people who canned him and then gave Bruno the old dont let the door hit your ass on the way out.
    So,he went after poor latins and Giant fans instead-so who's the coward?

  3. He's an arrogant prick. Most people get fired for those types of comments.

  4. of course! Bruno's response obviously ties back to Gary and Damon...HOW? They must be so grateful at KNBR.. you are the quintessential moron. Four posts this week about KNBR this week...I bet you are feeling lonely about being banned again for being a tool. Coincidence that your Comcast drivel comes simultaneously..someone is feeling lonely again. Why dont you spend an evening in your favorite hangout Asia SF, beg for some change near the Bart station, and sit on a gear shift, which has also been widely reported as your favorite hobby. Just dont forget the peanut butter this time or it will be another sabbatical for ya. Gonna make rent this week in the garage?

  5. Yeah,Pecon having to share an apartment-with a guy- and then admitting he couldnt afford MLB network on his cable...says he either spends a lot on vices or KNBR is cheap...or both.

  6. What a ridiculous comment about the KGO All-Star event. Have you even been to one? It's actually a very interesting, humorous, and entertaining evening, and the nominal ticket price goes to charity. If you're going to diss something, at least do your homework first.

  7. Rich is right about KGO

  8. 'All-Star' broadcast in white, suburban, Redwood City, Friday night....RC has a white population of 60%. It is right in the middle of San Mateo County which has a 53.4% white population....

  9. You can be such a dipshit sometimes, Rich.

    Redwood City is easily a third Latino. There's a substantial "barrio" area just blocks from the Fox Theater and Courthouse Square. It's impossible to be in this community for more than a few minutes without recognizing the strong influence of the Latino populace.

    Comments like your "we're doing it in a white suburb" once again show your ignorance. It's one thing to be borderline illiterate, but if you can't even get the most basic facts straight, just throw in the towel now.

  10. Why all of the Bruno bashing? I love the guy! He's funny, smart, passionate about sports, and actually knows what he talking about (unlike the rest of the boobs at KNBR such as Raddy, Damon, the midday gigglers or the morning frat boys!)

    So he insulted a minority with his thoughtless comment!? What's the big deal? Blacks, Latinos and Asians never have a problem making insulting remarks about caucasian people, and they never get called on the carpet for doing so if it's on the air. The double-standard and political correctness around here is getting to be a bit ridiculous. People, this is sports...not homelessness or some war overseas!

    People are way too sensitive! I think Bruno must have been pissed off about the way KNBR pushed him out the door and he just decided to say something that wasn't very wise. But letting Brono go is nothing new for KNBR, as they've made plenty of mistakes in recent years, firing or 'laying off' a lot of good radio people while
    hanging on to nit-waits and backstabbers like Pe-Con and Fitz.

  11. Bruno made a mistake when mad and apologized for it. Move on.

    What's next, getting the guy canned over it ala Kreuger? Now Kreuger is back and Alou is history. Look at the big picture here.

    Speaking of Alou, he overplayed the race card. He's the one that comes off brain-dead after living in America for 50 years and he still can't talk very well. Learn the damn language like other immigrants do. Good riddance.


  12. White, suburban, Redwood City? I found that hilarious. What will be next? White, suburban Daly City?

    Redwood City is sometimes nicknamed "Little Michoacan." HUGE Latino population there - especially Mexicans from Michoacan state.

  13. Neither Andy Baggs or Comcast Giants post game show reported that Bruce Bochy himself called Tony Bruno a racist today.
    How could they have not reported or missed that?
    I heard it from the Asian anchorman on ch7.

  14. The Giants organization loves to throw around the racist term. Bochy is a great manager, but in the history of baseball has there ever been a more slow witted, duller tool,than Bochy? He has the personality of a pile of turd. You call him Bochy, I call him Lurch.

  15. 8:25, yes there have been duller, slow witted managers. Just in the bay area alone we've had:

    -Felipe Alou
    -Bob Geren
    -Ken Macha
    -Art Howe

    None of which has won a World Series title like Bochy.

  16. @8:25 Hey dim wit, my comment was not about his baseball managing skills, but his general personality. He sounds like he woke up from
    a 10 year nap, he's dull. If you can discern the difference between that and skills you're an idiot as well. Better enjoy that series too, it's the last for a long time for the giants.

  17. KGO All Stars? You mean Second Stringers? Where are Taliafero, Wattenburg, Karel, Craft, Burns? HO HUM!!!!!! Great if you want to hear Copie's dumb wisecracks and Owens' throat clearing AHHHH's. Do they deliberately turn up the volume on Ronn's mic?
