Friday, July 29, 2011

While you were getting up on Friday and the country was about to default...

Damon Bruce was on KNBR talking about Barry Zito and Alex Smith.

*The KGO Radio morning news gigglers were going all glee that "IT'S FRIDAY!"

*Every local TV station had the usual 9000 weather and traffic updates.

*Jan Wahl was pimping 'Sleeptrain' with that most god-awful ad this side of the Kaiser chick, (yeah, I know it's Allison Janney--who cares, and 800-KARS-FOR-KIDS jingle.

*OH...and this: Congressman Alan Grayson was on the Stephanie Miller show saying that doctors would not get their Medicare payment, student loans would not be funded, more FAA layoffs would occur and that we'd be going to hell n a hand basket soon.

Have a lovely day.


  1. When we default,and its no longer possible to get a bank loan,that new car's payment zoom up,and the poor see doors close and aid end,the Boehners of the world will hide like cockroaches,billionairs in China and Canada and Europe,and Arabia will become trillionaires.
    And it ALL started with a hanging chad in Florida..and a man who wanted to make daddy happy by killing Saddam. If there's a hell, Saddam is laughing.

  2. must be nice to live in a world where you have all the simple answers...

  3. Any new news about Darya?

  4. Who cares what Alan Grayson says, he's a FORMER congressman, and an asshole. If the US defaults, its because Obama refuses to pay the bills, and live within his means. You libtards are funny, two and a half years into the little socialist's reign, and everything is still George Bush's fault! That's par for the course for you people though, you don't believe in personal responsibility.

  5. When we default,and its no longer possible to get a bank loan,that new car's payment zoom up,and the poor see doors close and aid end,the Boehners of the world will hide like cockroaches,billionairs in China and Canada and Europe,and Arabia will become trillionaires.
    And it ALL started with a hanging chad in Florida..and a man who wanted to make daddy happy by killing Saddam. If there's a hell, Saddam is laughing.

    The whiney is strong in this one

  6. 1126,1140, FOX new heads with heads in the sand. Tea baggers rejoicing at the hope of the collapse of the economy so they can create the new order of their fantasy world. Like Rush,real patriots..
    George Bush and family...the first family that have destroyed the worlds economic stability.
    History will damn them. The intelligent do now.

  7. " Who cares what Alan Grayson says, he's a FORMER congressman, and an asshole. If the US defaults, its because Obama refuses to pay the bills, and live within his means. You libtards are funny, two and a half years into the little socialist's reign, and everything is still George Bush's fault! That's par for the course for you people though, you don't believe in personal responsibility.
    July 29, 2011 11:26 AM

    Under Clinton the budget was balanced and we were paying down the debt. Perhaps you don't recall that. Under Reagan the debt ceiling was lifted more than 15 times, and under GW Bush, the surplus was burned and we went trillions back in debt. GHW Bush was the only responsible Republican president since 1980 on budget matters, and he was only in for one term.

  8. I get a kick out of the right-wing dogma which complains about Obama being a "Socialist." These are the same nit-wits who thought Joe McCarthy was a "good American" after he smeared and ruined innocent people to gain power, with baseless innuendo and rumor. These are the same backward thinkers who were against the clean air and clean water acts, and who violently opposed Civil Rights Legistlation back in the 1960s. Hey guess what? Your party was on the wrong side of history, and you have no historical prespective. Bush and his minions created the mess that Obama is trying to clean up, and he has done more than try to meet the Republicans half way.
    Keep listening to the bloviating, greedy hate mongers such as Limbaugh, Hannity, and others on Fox TV who preach intolerance, ignorance and love to accuse the liberals of being "un-american."
    Well guess what? It was the liberals who promoted and helped to pass bills that led to social security, medicaid, the war on poverty, womens rights, envoronmental regulations that saved our natural resources, and voting rights for all people. What did the conservatives do? They promoted a needless war in Iraq that has done nothing but satisfy Bush's need for vengenge while nearly bankrupting the country, and they've given big business huge tax breaks so they can rape the resources and steal from the masses. Shame on you!

  9. You condescending, self-righteous liberals are better than a stand up comedy act!

  10. Oh yeah, conservatives really have great ideas about running this country! How about eight years of George Bush's disasterous leadership: We get attacked on our homeland for the first time since the War of 1812 under his watch, he inherits a huge surplus and turns it into a record deficeit, he tires to gut environmental legislation that has been on the books for a generation and that was approved by Republicans such as President Nixon, he stacks his courts with conservatives
    who try and turn back the clock on womens rights, and he starts a war with Iraq by lying to the
    American people that Saddam had WSD. Yeah, that's inspired leadership. When are you conservative, right wing nut jobs going to realize that you
    don't run this country and that your values and your beliefs are way, way behind the times, and that the middle class is fed up with your crap! And please, name me one good republican president in this country since good old Teddy Roosevelt. Reagan? Give me a break...he was the guy who believed that "if you've seen one redwood tree, you've seen them all." He laid a wreath on the graves of SS men in Bitberg, he was so asleep at the wheel that he claims he knew nothing about Iran/Contra, and he ignored the Aids crisis, helping to create and even bigger public health crisis. Also, wasn't it under Reagan that unions were under fire for the first time in a long time? Unions, which lifted the poor and working class to middle-class status, and made this country strong. IN case you've forgotten and have been listening like some typical 'dittohead' blather spouted by the likes of brother Rush and his bloviating, toadying followers, it was liberals such as FDR who got us out of the depression in the 1930 by creating public works for unemployed people and creating social security and medicare, it was liberals who supported equal rights for blacks, women and gays, it was liberals like JFK who reacted diplomatically instead of rashly in dealing with the Soviets in the Cuban missle crisis (Kennedy's Republican detrators such as Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon wasnted us to go in and bomb Cuba. That probably would have led to WWIII. But conservatives like to conveniently forget history. Well, remember that conservatives voted against the Civil Rights act, against environmental legislation that preserved our natural resources, against a womens right to choose, and for every nut job to have the right to own a gun. Let's face it pal...your guys have been on the wrong side of history since the 1920s and have helped turn many of our allies and friends around the world against us. I don't think that's a record to be proud of. I just feel sorry for Obama because he has to deal with intrangient assholes like Boehner who is not interested in fixing America's problems, but rather making sure that the Republicans get what they feel entitled to: the keys to the White house. Got some news for Pal...the American people may sometimes be dumb, but they're not that stupid!

  11. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,wow, your little panties are in quite the twist, aren't they? I love it when you libs pull these keyboard tough guy acts! These posts are so full lies, but I won't waste my time addressing every one of them, and disproving them with FACTS, I actually have a life. Its so fun watching you fools become so unhinged though, I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

  12. "These posts are so full lies, but I won't waste my time addressing every one of them"

    because you can't.

  13. I very easily could, but as I said, I have a life. Reading comprehension is a foreign concept to you liberals, or you'd know all of that garbage spewed forth were lies, and maybe at best, a couple of half truths.

  14. Hey Pal....those statements weren't lies, but based on facts. Read your Anerican history (Oh, I forgot you conservatives love revisionist history presented by those liars on Fox TV, or blowhard like Rush, who are owned by big business interests and stand up only for the rich and entitled.)
    By the way, I've figured out why you pasty faced white dough boys are so anygry about everything: You're mad because you realized that you couldn't satisfy your own women anymore because your dicks were too small. I guess that's why you like to insult women. Probably the only way you can relate to them is by watching internet porn. Oops, sorry, Did I insult your sensitivities?
