Monday, July 25, 2011

Slow news day at the Chronicle/SFGate; but about that Brian Wilson guy...

Sure, the Giants rule. They always will.

But this?


  1. yeah, its sports not real news, not everything in the Chron/sfgate has to be real world life and death stories - there were also articles about the bay area's best ice cream and Katie Holmes appearing in Vouge - lighten up..

  2. Well, the Giants didn't "rule" for 56 years, so that's a stretch. P.s. Wilson is way overrated. The guy needs to stop acting like a needy, little girl.

  3. I wonder who raised Romo and Huff to not teach them you do not stand behind the president of the United States while he's speaking to you and chew gum? -in Romo's case with his mouth wide open. If that is any worse then Huffs way...
    And I swear I could see a thought balloon over Lee Hammers head - "I would NEVER higher your kind to talk on MY station- it's bad enough I inherited that Brooks"

  4. btw-I wonder if Ross and Bumgarner went? They are known birthers..

  5. The Giants allowed those players on the DL to skip meeting the president. What?? They are not war wounded. They should have gotten their asses on a plane and been there. Both J and F Sanchez,Posey,and Pat Burrell with his sore ankle,didnt attend. I would have fined them. But we all know the sensibilities of most Baseball players and Execs,broadcasters regarding politics.
