Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cost-cutting purge at KPIX; Is Bastida next?; KTRB going Spanish All-Sports; Thursday Rundown

After disposing Sydnie Kohara, might there be an even bigger, high-profile air talent on the way out the door at KPIX/CBS5?

Longtime anchor/reporter, Ken Bastida, a Bay Area media veteran, (KFRC News in the 80's) and at KPIX since 1990, whose contract is up in the fall, (high six-figures,) might be asked to take a pay cut, or could just flat out depart.

A person close to the station told me should Bastida be given an ultimatum, "he'd split."

"He has enough money," said the source.

Allen Martin, the 5 and 6PM anchor, seems to have the ear, (and eye) of upper MGT. and yes, works far cheaper than the Bay Area-bred Bastida.

Right now, all of this is speculation, but it points to the bigger question: why is such an enormously profitable station like KPIX, (owned and operated by CBS,) letting such big name talent go, left and right?

Money, money, money. As one news vet told me, "This 'ain't the old days."

*KTRB, (860 AM,) the radio albatross currently in receivership that once broadcast the Oakland A's, is on the verge of going to a all-sports Spanish outlet, according to a knowledgeable source.

*No matter both station's denials, the guests that have appeared on KNBR's sports shows, who are now appearing frequently on the new FM outlet, has caused friction. Not that big now, but big enough to the point that the big fish is telling its guppies to lay low on the new guy in town.

*The 9-Noon guy on KNBR, (which owns a percentage of the Giants,) continues to daily berate and lampoon the A's stadium situation and their lack of local gravitas on the sports scene. It wouldn't be such a big deal if same guy has become an unofficial, unabashed Giants fan and paid media whore.

He loves to continually point out that he's not in the booster club, but if you listen to him spout the Larry Baer company line on a daily basis, you'd swear he was some old white guy wearing Jack Clark's jersey. Like he said many times, "hey, I have a lot of overhead." Indeed.

The password is: shill.

*Still however, not as bad as "Fitz and Brooks." Or, as the regulars prefer, "Giggles" and the angry, condescending chosen one from LSU. (Question: how are these utter a-holes able to perform? Do they, too, have pictures?)

*I thought Vancouver was a civilized city. What a few pints of Molson and 1800 will do to otherwise normal Canadians.

*Yeah, KQED-FM, is #1 in the overall May ratings. Kudos to Michael Krasny, host of "Forum", (9-11 AM,) the smartest man in Bay Area radio.

*Brian Copeland is subbing for Ronn Owens on KGO Radio this week. I guess the janitor was busy.

*Speaking of KGO, yo, Jon Bristow, yeah, you have great pipes, la de da, but please, quit being so much in love with your little quips and voice. The disingenuous and phony segs to Walcoff and company have all the authenticity of a Club Med in Millbrae.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. Monty of 95.7 was on Comcast..funny,but he didnt look like he sounds. I sort of pictured a Zack Galifianaksi looking guy considering he bragged at his full head of hair. Instead he sort of has a Jon Lovitz look. That head of hair might not last like he thinks it will.
    Give him credit-he didnt sound like a stooge,more than held his own against the usually obnoxious Rick Tittle. Papa said he looked forward to many returns by Monty.
    Kate Scott zinger of the Radnich and Pecon went on about "swinging a bat" like porn stars at some KNBR picnic up coming...Kate said she might swing one too- as a strap on!. LOL!
    Pecon and Raddy said nada.

  2. I'm not a Brian Copland fan... in fact I hated him on 2 and I guess he sucks on 7Live also (He's just not good on TV)- but he seems to be pretty good on KGO as a sub and I thought you use to extol him as such also last year or so. Did he dis you or something, cause you've been on him pretty hard lately after seemingly being a fan ?

  3. Kate Scott is HILARIOUS... she brings a real good balance to the boy's tree house and it works.

  4. Radnich said nothing yesterday about the A's situation that wasn't already bandied about by anyone else hoping to make that franchise relevant again.
    Where was your criticism of Monte Poole when he wrote the exact same thing on 6/1? Because he works for an Oakland paper? Quick to jump all over Jenkins, Kawakami, Ostler and the like when they point out the obvious about Oakland though.

  5. Rich Lieberman...please cease and desist using the creative property of CBS. Remove the photo of Ken Batisda. You do not have legal permission to use this photo. You will be receiving a formal writen letter if no action is taken.

  6. All the more reason to watch Mark Danon and Darya Folsom on KRON 4. Love me some KRON.

  7. Douche and Douche (Giggles) suck!! Why are they even on the air? Who listens to these ass-clowns?

  8. berate and lampoon the A's stadium situation and their lack of local gravitas on the sports scene... what, you're mad for someone telling the truth? The A's stadium situation is a mess, over two years waiting for a committee and nothing - they continue at the tarped-over mausoleum drawing 28th out of 30 mlb teams. And their "gravitas" - ratings on both tv and radio are horrible, and who really talks about them?? They are even the 3rd rated team in their complex, and that is not saying much when the other two are the Warriors and the Raiders, both of which really haven't ad much on the field success lately...

  9. Giggles and the condescending, arrogant pr!ck from LSU. Also known as the stuttering, stammering one.

    "Uh uh uh just what what can the Vancouver Canucks dooooo to to to somehow break thru the the the defense of the Boston Bruins??"

    Thats a typical sentence uttered by Rod Brooks. That clown is a complete joke, and takes his cues from Bob "I'm from Notre Dame and therefore better than you" Fitzgerald. Giggling at every bad joke, sucking up to guests. They are absolutely nauseating. I'll download a podcast if they have a guest I want to listen to.

    Why anyone would waste hours a day listening to these 2 imbecile is beyond comprehension.

  10. anyone notice the similarity in rod brook's "Come on, Man!" and GOB Bluth's "Come On!"

  11. A lot of the high paid people being given the ax at KPIX thats not good. KPIX, how about making Ann Notorangelo a weekday anchor?

  12. Never watched KPIX news since Kessler left. Can't stand Copeland and Wolcoff. Bristow is cool

  13. People watch local news? Must not have Internet access.

  14. Radnich is telling the truth about the A's 11:05? Since when? The A's need a new stadium to draw fans? What the A's need to draw fans is a winning team,a Fisher family that vows to bring a winning tradition BACK to Oakland. Instead,the A's are just another tax shelter and includes MLB welfare for the Fishers,Wolff and Beane. Wealthy community parasites, all of them.
    The Giants would be selling out Candlestick if they were still there-WINNING draws. WE ALL KNOW THAT.
    The Fisher family? a pox on them. Worthless scum.

  15. Jon Bristow's humor is quick and not studied..he knows how to deal with a penis story without getting all goofy. I think his observations are well-stated and not pretentious. .. and who couldn't love that voice?

  16. The Giants would NOT be selling out Candlestick if they were winning. Check the attendance records. They drew over 2 million fans only 3 times in 40 yrs at the 'Stick.

  17. CBS Legal-
    Please spell check all legal documents before releasing them to the web and other public venues. Example-"writen" is properly spelled as "written". You should also be receiving soon possible legal actions from former CBS employees regard their recent terminations. Please prepare a defense team.

    Also, your smoke breaks are too long and you frequently leave work five minutes early. Consider this your first reprimand.


    CBS Corporate
    New York

  18. Comparing Brian Copeland to a janitor is a new low. Now if I could only come up with a clever word for people who figure out ways to denigrate blacks.

  19. Liberman is only half right, someone pointed out that he favors anything Oakland over San Francisco, that is pretty obvious. Yea, Copeland sucks though.
    But do you realize the average local TV news viewer in the Bay Area is about 60 years old? Why the fascination with a dying business model? 95.7 has about as many listeners as 860 did, it took KNBR years to becomes successful, remember that.

  20. Re; the poster commenting on Giggles and the arrogant pr!ck from LSU.
    Why anyone would waste hours a day listening to these 2 imbecile is beyond comprehension.

    There's a reason why they're sandwiched between Radnich and Ralph &'s basically a time of day when hardly anyone with a life is listening,you're either eating lunch with co-workers or getting in a quick workout.They're just intermission between acts.

  21. Noon to Three Mojo: more piling on. They are such an easy target.

    Um, you know I am, um, a big hoops fan. But the, the, um, NBA Hall of Fame should be more, um, transparent.

    You know its the Basketball Hall of Fame and it honors those from the college, international and pro games.

    Uh, ummmm, No I didn't but you do know I am a big hoops fan.

  22. Kate Scott got a good one on Gary R. Gary said what did you think of me and gary said an a. ss
    Kate said kind of an a. ss

    Good one back at gary
