Wednesday, March 23, 2011

When it rains, it pours ...Traffic and Weather, but News?; Wednesday pulse, (RIP Liz Taylor)

When it rains here, there's a few constants...most people can't drive, (even in good weather,) big rigs on 880 jackknife, and oh yes, local TV assignment editors launch the "stormwatch" coverage. KRON and KTVU are especially fond of sending reporters out to the Bay Bridge to make sure to tell us what we already know: there's accidents, wind and its backed up past the MacArthur maze. Back to weather.

It dawned on me between the traffic and weather segments, virtually half if not more of any given hour is concentrated on traffic and weather. What happened to news? Yeah, I know many viewers look forward to the traffic/weather info, but some of us tuned in to watch, uh, news. Is that OK?

*Karel's return to the KGO airwaves may be short-lived. After Cumulus takes over the Citadel-owned station, (and about 237 others) its common knowledge that the Dickey brothers will use the hatchet on most weekend programming, (the Karel move was consummated before the Cumulus acquisition) and Karel is no different from the others. As I said here before, expect a ton of syndicated, non-local, taped content on both KGO and KSFO because that's the Lew "Trickey Dickie" business model.

*News Item: KNBR hires Eric Byrnes to do the SportsPhone 7-10 PM show. Quick math: KNBR has exactly 1 Black/minority on-air person. One....Is that a problem? Yes, and if the FCC had any real juice these days, there'd be an inquiry, but the FCC long ago became irrelevant.

*Quick early Barry Bonds trial coverage summation: too many sports media guys and gals "reporting" on legal matters they have no expertise on. Not that the lawyers are great, but at least they know what the hell they're talking about as apposed to the "Twitterers" posting 140-characters as if they're Peter Keane. NOT.

*OFF TOPIC: She was a bona-fide movie opposed to the posers of today, RIP Liz Taylor.

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  1. Dude... I was watching CBS% last night at 10 (I usually watch 2 but a particular story piqued my interest) when Roberta and the weather came on with this super ominous dramatic music came on to introduce the weather like doomsday or something- sounded even more dramatic coming through the home theater... My wife and I were like WTH ? Doppler RADAR 5 sees rain rain rain rain...

  2. That one Black/person of color doesn't exactly exude "bruh man" to me. I can tell he wasn't exactly hanging out with Omega Psi Phi down at LSU. Brooks is cool though.

  3. Liz Taylor.. ah yes.. the gays swoon over her, right rich??

  4. Byrnes was on Radnich and sounded like the spawn of David Lee Roth and Spicoli of 'FAST TIMES".
    He got off to a bad start on steroids as you could hear his wheels and gears smoking as he tried to twist his own use and that of MLB. First it wasn't what you thought, he said-at 5%..then he upped it to 7%,..then he was talking fast, said 40% was too high,before he settled on 25%-and with admitting those were steroids they could detect,not what many were doing that tests back then that were not made. I guess the other 75% did drugs they knew couldnt be detected-lol.
    He also claimed he didnt know what steroids could do,but then followed with what he saw what they had done to other players thru side affects. You make sense of that.
    Oh,and he did-and this is where bigot Lee Hammer and bigot Lew Dickey come it,say that he attended a function hosted by arch conservative George Will and spoke to President Bush about steroids. Hence,Hammers hard on for Byrnes over say,Ray Woodsen or the occasional trippy spacy talk of Urban. Byrnes keeps it solid Republican.
    Rod Brooks knows he sold to the company..but he's the only one there to never do the I love Hammer schtick. He knows that should he leave-its another white man. He knows that if Hammer had been there when Brooks app.was made in 1996~-Rod wouldnt have been hired. I wonder how Brooks can never speak up...

  5. Rich, pix this morning had wenger out on the side of the road, another somewhere elese in the damn pouring rain! Hello I can see it out my window! Oh one positive pix note, they scored a new looker. And not to slam Roberta who does a GREAT JOB on twitter to keep us updated, maybe it's me, but the young lady never replies to my tweets :( ok over that!!! Yeah the Bonds things you are so dead on, they are clueless....stay wet!!

  6. Rod Brooks is kind of a strange guy-he never blogs or tweets,gives any interviews. None of the other hosts never-or almost never- mention him. Ray,gets more than Rod. Rod does a lot of jokes of the white man holding down the black man-but he never addresses KNBR's hiring quota of one.
    Maybe Rich,you could one day ask him about all that and more? Email,or phone call. Unless he runs or ignores you.

  7. Rod Brooks - Lives in Marin, listens to Metalica, and snowboards.
    As the expression goes, "Just saying".

  8. Brooks? His commercials are painful to listen to. Over ar-tic-u-la-tion.

  9. Wow--reporters reporting with little knowledge of the subject. And this comes up in relation to a sports issue but not the Japan nuclear story? Anyone with a desire to know avoids media reporters.

  10. "...And not to slam Roberta who does a GREAT JOB on twitter to keep us updated, maybe it's me, but the young lady never replies to my tweets :..."

    Mrs. "The Voice" replies back to my tweets/deets 85% of the time. One of the coolest/most plugged in media folk out there... @Sal_Castaneda is another cool guy who normally replies

  11. Ok 2:48 you might just be cooler but I've got skills :) I'll try Sal, Roberta is just too busy for me oh well I get Rich he's a great guy, so I'm cool who needs a weather reader when I can look out my window????


  12. A News Director at KGO TV almost fired a reporter for standing under the pump island of a closed gas station during a rainy weather live shot. The rain was very visible behind the reporter but the reporter wasn't getting drenched and the camera gear was staying dry. Most of the crews thought most weather live shots were stupid unless there was some actual news going on when all the viewers had to do was look out their windows to see what the weather was. I think several memos were generated by the acts of this reporter.

  13. Never understood the traffic on, makes sense, you're captive in your car, but how many people watch TV to get their commute info?

  14. Why Liz Taylor never did it for me-In every friggin movie she was in she was painted up like a cheap hooker or drag queen with that overdone hairdo. I did see some movie of her when she was in her late 30's on a beach scene where she didnt have the warpaint on and her hair moves in the wind-THAT was beauty. Those scenes of her are few and far between.

  15. The ultimate weather reporter has to be Anderson Cooper breathlessly leaning into a 120 mph hurricane whilst be pummeled with mud and debris. Of course nothing that might ruffle his well coiffed man mane! That's the stuff!

    I'd rather wait for LLY on the 11's.


  16. Rod Brooks is the whitest black guy alive.

  17. Anderson Cooper has thick , closely-cropped,silver fuss..looks great.......all the time..even when being smacked by protestors in hair back combing, no comb-over ..The most beautiful Elizabeth Taylor ever was....'RAINTREE COUNTY'..with MOntgomery Clift..whether or not she 'DID IT' for anonymous..the world adored her.

  18. THIS BLOG IS TOO POWERFULL! I mention Liz in some movie on the beach in a movie made when she was in her late 30's,Here on 415 media..then SF Gate just happens to run that scene on its hot topics blog today. The power of 415-dont ignore it.

  19. The faster we can end discriminatory hiring aka "affirmative action" the better. Quality over PC hiring. Eric Byrnes over Rod Brooks all day every day. Brooks makes Fitzgearld look good.

  20. KNBR, mr. 12:09, has done what you wished. And why they have sunk in the ratings and cant wait until the blacks,asians,and latin Giant players bring the the station some life-right?
    Byrnes? his debut on the Radnich show was..scary. Rambling, and getting caught in obvious lies. Pretty bad...

  21. Two comments on the weather -

    1) I'm one of those folks who doesn't mind the amount of time dedicated to weather and traffic. I use the info in planning my commute to work everyday and planning when/where I go running during the week. I'm actually a little miffed that they seem to be cutting back on the 'future cast' models on several morning programs. (I also believe in gathering several weather guesses to get a 'consensus guess')

    2) News stations seem to like sticking their reporters out in the middle of bad weather for 'eyewitness reports.' (See Anderson Cooper comment someone made earlier) I was wondering if there was a name for this practice in the news industry (and if not, maybe you should coin one). 'Canary in a hurricane' comes to mind ...

    One last comment ... fun blog

  22. Really, your info from the weathercasts are so accurate you can plan your running routes! That is truly amazing...
