Tuesday, March 22, 2011

LA Times goes bullish on Oakland; Yes, There is a 'There There'; Tuesday AM Pulse

The LA Times, once a dominant and uber-respected daily back in the Otis Chandler days, (and still is despite its onerous corporate owner) has discovered Oakland is chic.

As if we didn't know that already. (I'm a native--Go Skyline Titans!)

The Times piece is a welcome acknowledgment of the Eastbay's biggest city, but the sub-headline uses the usual banal Oakland stereotypes.

 Oakland, once known for grit, crime and the Raiders, has changed.

"Grit," code word for: minority. "Crime?" as if no crime exists in any other city with a population of 400,000. (Have you ever been to Newark, NJ?) ...oh, and the "Raiders?" Too easy. Lazy too.

But hey, we won't complain. As a matter of fact, we may just head over to Bakesale Betty's and have a fried-chicken sandwich.

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*Tips/E-mail: Rich.Lieberman@Gmail.com


  1. Rich, I've had the pleasure of going through the lovely city of Newark NJ matter of fact im from the Garden State! Yuck!


  2. I can't wait to return to Oakland...Portland is stuck in the fifties!

  3. I work near the Uptown district. It's a truly cool area. Rich, I may actually go to Betty's Bakery and get that same sandwich, excellent!

  4. Rich, sorry this is my second post today, you know how to bring the good/ bad out of something, thats a great thing! That's why you are the KING!


  5. Rich, Newark is a good comparison. Many similarities.

  6. Good news. But Oakland still has a far higher murder rate than even New York.

  7. I read the article. It is about dining in Oakland and some of the new frou-frou places that you can find in the rare pockets of town that yuppies and hipsters can go without feeling scared.

    Despite that Oakland has a long way to go to escape the Fresno, Newark, St Louis, Jackson Miss., Cleveland, Birmingham and Beirut category.

  8. The above haters probably have never even been to Oakland. You sound like the same type of scared fools preparing for the end of times with a bunker in the basement. Stay in suburbia with your inbred cousins and your backward opinions. We don’t like your type in Oakland anyway.
