Monday, March 21, 2011

February 2011 SF Radio Ratings; KCBS dominates; KGO stagnant; KNBR really needs the Giants

Yes, this is a beauty contest, (advertisers only care about demos,) but some trends: KNBR really does DEPEND on the Giants...KGO, once the king of the hill, is stagnant now at best, (up, mildly), and KCBS is the big winner, (again) in the February ratings.

KGO Note: It's up 30% in 25-54 since November, but still at a miserable 16th. #1 in that demo is KQED, followed by KBRG and the KCBS AM and FM simulcast.

The full breakdown is here.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. Rich, looking at the ratings is like trying to read my handwriting! I can't, nor could anyone else! If you have the time I'd love too see the top 10 morning drive time shows ratings.


  2. Anon +1

    Isn't KGO still No. 2 for AM stations?

  3. KNBR's Lee Hammer has run down the station to one third the normal audience,so he's making up the profit loss with 3X the regular amount of commercials. Sure,that will attract more listeners.

  4. Is it just possible that KNBR will not renew Radnich? I swear, listening to that "show" for 5 minutes was such a turn off a few weeks ago, and the Bruno hour is such a poor excuse for professional radio, one topic bleeds to another on a stream of consciousness that shows absolutely NO prep or's not that funny or timely, and I'm surprised that any PD lets them get away with that

  5. KNBR is the number 1 bay area station in Sacramento. 6th AM overall. How in the hell do they come up with these rankings....

  6. I am finding KCBS stale and repetitive. They only stay on top because they have no competition. Read: KGO is not competition. Talk radio is not News radio.

  7. Anon @ 1:32PM: To answer your question, you have to realize that different stations have different transmission patterns. KNBR is 50,000 watts, but is non-directional and their signal covers Sacramento well. KCBS and KGO are also 50,000 watts, but each is a directional signal, pumping their power mostly north and south but also protecting stations on their same frequency way to the east. (In KGO's case, they protect WGY in Schenectedy NY. In KCBS's case, it's a station in Toronto.) So by the time you get to the valley, there isn't much signal left. The only other AM that does well in Sacto is 610, which used to be KFRC but is a religious station these days. And since no Bay Area FM makes it into Sacto, KNBR wins by default.

  8. Hi Rich,
    Sorry to post this here but I didn't know how to send you an email. Why don't you do a column on what people are listening to now that KGO has jumped the shark? I don't have a television, and listen to the radio most of the day. I used to listen to KGO all day, but now I rarely tune it to 810. Recently I've been listening to music on KOIT -- not all that stimulating, but it is background music for my noisy neighborhood. I am curious what people are listening to and seeking suggestions. Okay, you don't have to post this, it was a suggestion and not related to this thread.

    Andie in Walnut Creek
