Thursday, March 24, 2011

Newspaper Guild calls out Arianna Huffington

Bernie Lunzer of the Newspaper Guild fired a letter off to Arianna Huffington, (who just sold the Huffington Post to AOL for $315 million) asking for a meeting with the mighty one who's been supremely ripped for ripping off freelance writers and bloggers, (many of whom write for free.)

Among other things, Lunzer chides Huffington with a pretty good shot: "New technology should not make a worker’s paycheck obsolete."

And this: "You have championed the plight of workers in this country, which is why we are calling on you to demonstrate that commitment by meeting with us."

So far, Huffington has not been heard and is officially mum on the subject...I mean, what's she gonna say? "Yeah, I just pocketed $315 mill and did so without having to pay any of you suckers!" Not to mention sucker #1, AOL, which many industry people agree vastly overpaid for the site.

Hey, it's only money, right?

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  1. Rich, she's just dirty!!! Thats what money will do to one, atleast Arianna! Her day will come.


  2. They don't HAVE to write for her site.

  3. Everybody has a price to sell out-her's was 30 mill cash-the rest in stocks.
    I never did trust her much as a liberal advocate-she has never known work that made her hands dirty. And,you see what she did to keep it that way.

  4. Ariana Stassinopoulous Huffington would eviscerate her own kids..if it gave her more power..She's a shape-shifter..beware.

  5. When AOL bought the Post they made her in charge of AOL's online publishing efforts. That includes which I do some freelancing for. The first thing she did was slash freelance money almost to nothing for all the editors to pay the freelancers to pay for the Post. Now the editors have to do most of the work themselves.

  6. How is drudgereport any different?

  7. I think the bigger story is that AOL is still around and where the hell did AOL get $315 million? They are about as relevant as 1999.

  8. Libruls are so dumb that they don't know her. She can be anything what you want her to be as long she can make money off you.
