Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Liners from the 415 Media File

*The fella in the upper-management TV news dept. that likes to show his appreciation for the ladies--married or not, has quite a reputation. The word "creepy" is making the rounds.

*The vibe across the bay in Oakland at KTVU's newsroom is still emitting loads of high pressure and it has nothing to do with weather.

*Does it ever occur to the radio traffic mavens that commuters seeking information don't have to be updated 1400x about a stall on the Bay Bridge? Stan Burford, by the way, from KGO is the BEST traffic reporter in the market, bar none, but I didn't have to tell you that, did I?

*The 9-Nooner on Knibber is best without daffy duck and the ex-marine. Of course when you're as insecure as he is, reliance on the two company tools is a commodity, (to him at least.) On the other hand, when left alone, he's actually fluid, can do a good interview, and is bereft of the utterly sophomoric sound bites that are more nauseating than a dinner at the Modesto IHOP.

*Dear Damon Bruce: We still like your buffet, but its time to reshuffle the meatloaf and look for fresher vegetables.

*Ann Killion: Comcast mystery.

*KUSF: Sorry, but frankly, outside the 20 or so listeners, who gives a damn?

*"Today on the 860 AM Press Box Show: 'Leading off, Wikie Buttafalooer, ex-KRUP sportscaster who will talk about the art of bunting---'batting second, Baldie McFuckface, who'll opine on the 10th hole at Harding Park...and hitting third, 'Stella Lugosi from Channel 69, who will talk about cooking Italian for ex-sportscasters!"

*Britney Spears in SF Sunday: Every guy's volunteering for the live shot.

*Tonight on "Chronicle Live:" Greg Papa will do a sit-down 1-on-1 with Milt Kahn!

*THIS JUST IN: MIA from the KRON Newsroom: Da Lin.

*Meanwhile, over at PIX, nobody's been let go or fired. Party on at Hunan baby!

*John Sasaki and Thomas Peele: Two and a Half men.

*Stanley Roberts, a la, "People behaving Badly" on KRON: Just park your car with camera in tow at 5th and Harrison and you'll have a month worth of material...some of which has nothing to do with traffic gadflys.

*Karel's broadcasting his debut live show, (Part 2) on KGO Saturday night from the Hard Rock. Joe the Plumber asked for tix, but was forcibly threatened by Len Tillem.

*Justine Waldman early prognosis: A year, give or take a few months.

*KNBR Giants promo # 14,768 and counting.....

*Speaking of Knibber, Lew Dickey, boys and girls, likes his coffee black.

*KGO Radio trying to go real, really young again--contemplating a "Justin Bieber 'Shop-A-Thon" at the Petuluma Safeway.

*Memo to Bob "Giggles" Fitzgerald: You couldn't and shouldn't try to "act black." I mean, stick to the Notre Dame/Rudy stuff --right now you're sort of like a short Charlie Pride. At best.

*I'm not "obsessed" with anyone, but Monica Bellucci? Yeah, I'm flexible and negotiable.

*Kawakami? I should have heeded your "Chron Live" policy. Blew it. (But at least I got the free after-dinner mints and Henry Wofford's coffee cup.)

*Eric Byrnes and FP Santangelo "dude" count references, theoretically: roughly about 200 more than the Morning Show dudes.

*Jan Wahl: Try the Costco dog, just leave a few for me.

*KQED-TV is contemplating the idea of Carol Doda hosting a late-night talk show...I'm just kidding, but the more I think about it, why not? (Post Charlie Rose, it's a winner)

*Tom Sinkovitz: Seriously, Tommy, you're way better than all of 'em and they know it too.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. You never saw Jan Wahl and Stubby Kaye together, did you?

  2. Justine? seems like a tough Jewish girl who is the territory of another tough girl-Darya. I wonder how she will put with Darya's supposed anger fits? And Darya's getting her way by whatever means neccessary?. Ratings wont be why she leaves-chances are.

  3. Comcast must have had a devil's epiphanny. Anybody controversial is out-Barry Tompkins and KNBR flunkys are in. Popa said something the other day about "We're just what we are told to be" or what he said sounded to me like that's what he meant..not a quote-but like he was thinking out loud. It was a throwaway line that said a lot.

  4. There is more than one womanizer out there always searching the bars for women, past and present TV media guys. One loves them and leaves them and juggles two or three at a time! Always on the hunt and always in the bars searching out a new one.

    I for one would like to see Darya "hit he street" and leave, she is so annoying and not even close to being a classy female. She is irritating as hell. Kind of a female Radnich.

  5. Radnich doesnt get that the more Patrick talks-the dumbing down-yes,even more, his show gets. Connor's revealing he has Hems-and they were bleading as he spoke. Classy. I think part of that is his way of shaking a stick in the face of the gentleman who threatened to sue the Radnich show over drops.
    But,since he decided he too wanted to be a KNBR personality,he's come across as a backwards southerner. People from the south must feel insulted as he uses every stereotype and really sounds phony as he uses the occasional y'all.
    DD is alright-a vegan,drives a hybrid..doesnt utter the bigotry of Conners or Radnich...he just doesnt seem to get his sports calls right-ever! The last guy to use for bets.

  6. THIS BLOG IS TOO POWERFUL!..Ann Killion returned-no explanation at all for her long absence..a tip off. The show had a vibe to it..Ann, maybe a little anger? And for a good reason,I bet...

  7. While Radnich and the boys are hanging in there trying to be relevant, Gary still has a good read on the local sports market. That being said.. his I'm right and pure and if you smoke, drink or whatever he doesn't do then your a bad person is getting old. And for the listener who threatened the suit over the drops, get over it. You are the biggest douche I've ever heard of. Listen to the show, if you like it stay tuned. If you don't change the chanel. You are the biggest C word in radio. How dare you try to dictate the content of a show. If the FCC dont care why should you. Turn the dial chicken! As for KNBR stand up for yourselves tell this idiot to shove his lawsuit as well as Mikes brackets up his ass!! 2 chickenshits don't make a right.

  8. Gee Rich, who did you steal that stock photo of the SF skyline from? Not so much as a credit? Sounds like a juicy copyright lawsuit to me.

  9. On Waldman, she is a pleasant alternative to that braying other anchor, Folsom. Why did Folsom start showing up at or before 6 am, now that Waldman is here?

    And why does KRON have its confusing two weather person format still? That Taft-Fernandez together experiment was a failure. Did KRON need to put Fletcher somewhere once Waldman came in?
