Saturday, March 26, 2011

A salute to 'Stan' the Commenter

He is relentless.

He's consistent.

He can be very funny. Sometimes very, very funny. Quite a belly-laugh on occasion.

He's "Stan"...or sometimes, "Stano." He's a frequent commenter on my site and he likes to hit up Kawakami and Cohn too. (So I'm a bit humbled.)

Stan usually has a point. Several. He's a pro-union guy. Loves his sports. Likes the Warriors and Giants. Oh...and he calls out several times the 9-Nooner. And he regularly calls out knibber on its lack of people of color. That much I know about Stan, but I know there's probably a lot more--I don't need to know that much.

Yeah, Saturday is a slow day. But I wanted Stan to get recognition. He's a loyal bird and damn, I do love loyalty.

I suppose I could post some innocuous tidbit, (Vince Young, the KRON/Young Broadcasting blob resigned--good riddance), but who cares.

Stan the Man.

This is for you.


  1. And he regularly calls out knibber on its lack of people of color.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but 1/2 of the afternoon team satisfies this requirement....and I've never seen you write anything favorable about them. Frankly, this is as bad as I can remember KNBR (actually, bay area radio as a whole) ever being....I think Fitz and Brooks are one of the better offerings. Radnich...Barbieri....meh!

  2. Thanks Rich. A lot of life experience goes into the observations-Do you know I have a relative who is a lot like Radnich? sort of resembles him too. Funny how the other day Radnich reminded me of him. That relative could be your best friend one day..and when some bigshot comes around-your invisible! Radnich on the show said Dibbly was angry that he called in from Ireland...and Radnich wouldnt take his call,on air!- saying "I got Ray,and Hammer." He told that to either DD or the producers. So much for the love of Dan-lol.
    That and other callers over the years who say Radnich will blow them off on the street-the opposite of what Radnich says he does-cracks me up. The topper was a brother who called in to the show and said that he called out Radnich's name when he saw him on a street,and that when Radnich turned and saw that he was a black man comeing at him-he ran!-and THAT'S how the black guy described it.
    So,thanks Rich,the local media complex sure needs some shaking like you and 415 give it.
    Stan...and,even I don't need to know more about me!

  3. The Stan posts get old-he even brings up KNBR when the subject of Cohn's column doesnt involve that...5am-noon on KNBR is pretty much dead to me unless there is an interview Radnich or Murphy is doing (the only good thing they do-less soundbites and wanna-be hosts/producers intrusions) Fitz and Brooks I catch when Damon is on a break and they're plain infantile/ to the KNBR racial arguemnt, how many division I black college football coaches or Fortune 500 CEO's are there? Unfortunatley its all over the place?

  4. and they're plain infantile/angry.

    It's sports talk/guy talk. It's supposed to be infantile and angry. You might want to consider Masterpiece Theater if you're looking for something a little more "highbrow".

    And would all you anonowussies adopt blog handles so exchanges can occur....I have it on pretty good authority that the NSA isn't devoting a ton of time determining the "real" names of those commenting about the KNBR broadcast lineup.
