Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hey, Mike Pechner: When's this crappy weather gonna end?

Mike Pechner is a  meteorologist with Golden West Meteorology and formerly KCBS. Pechner looks and sounds like he knows what the hell he's talking, he's a frequent Giants balldude, which adds extra cachet---so, yo, Miko, give me the rundown on this crappy weather and when it's splitting...

The Bay Region might see some semblance of Spring weather next week after being put on hold by Mother  Nature for the last few days.  The Jet Stream, a core of high velocity winds 6 miles up and the steering mechanism for winter storms coming out of the breeding area in the Gulf of Alaska will shift northward into Oregon next week giving us a respite from one of the storminess Marchs' in recent memory.  Rainfall this month is is 200% of normal with much below normal temperatures.  In fact, except for the South Bay, most of the Bay Area has not recorded a 70 degree temperature so far this month, oddly  enough, something we did do in January, normally our coldest month. It is a wonder that the Bay Area did not suffer more damage from natures fury during this period, however, the storms were spaced far enough apart to allow rivers, creeks and streams to recede before the new rains moved in. There is no doubt that the ground is super saturated and with more showers and thunderstorms Friday and a new but weaker storm with rain Saturday and Sunday-- the Bay Area could still have some more minor flooding and slides.

Next week holds the promise of at least four days of dry weather, maybe more and the prospect of seeing the mercury edge past 70 for the first time in a month. Looking into April rains will return around the 4th or 5th but it looks sunny and mild for opening day between the Giants and the Bums. 

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  1. Pechner used to work up north around Redding or Chico iirc, want to say KRCR channel 7 in Redding...

  2. Now there's a *real* forecast from a real pro. Way to go Rich.

    Maybe they'll have time to dig that Flanger out. Kick 'em Mike!

  3. Where did Mike get his BS Degree in Meteorology from?

  4. I use to hear him on KCBS, before they started getting the weather for free from the KPIX weather guessers. I remember his forecasting was always right on and no bull. He had an uncanny and accurate ability for predicting the weather weeks in advance.

  5. Mike Pechner has an interesting background in meteorology. He was a protege of Harry Geise (who used to be a well-known forecaster in the Bay Area), who in turn was a protege of the late Irving Krick.

    Krick was a pioneer in long-range forecasting, and he founded the Meteorology Department at Caltech. The story I heard long ago was that Krick was a controversial figure whom Caltech wanted to get rid of, but he was protected by tenure. Since they couldn't fire him personally, they shut down the entire department! (And to this day, there is no Meteorology Department at Caltech.)
