Friday, September 17, 2010

Radnich' KNBR show ALL 49ers; not one call on Giants; Singletary dominates the talk

A few things to post before taking some time off in honor of Yom Kippur...

**Radnich on KNBR: ALL 49ers-related discussion, with Mike Singletary dominating the calls, (in between the Gary/Dibley show)...not ONE call on the Giants--again, as big a deal as the Giants are, the 49ers are king.

**All TV interviews aside and the usual between-the-lines minutiae, Mike Singletary essentially intimidates the Bay Area sporting media. Sure, Singletary may have come across as a boob on KPIX Thursday night, but could not have Dennis O'Donnell interjected a little, "Hey coach!..." For that matter, Singletary is coddled by virtually all the TV guys, radio guys and various scribblers. Its actually kind of funny to watch this mild soap opera...

**A caller to Radnich had it right: real "torture?" the Smurph and Crap show. Smurph, who's about as genuine as a Mel Gibson sighting in Tel Aviv, actually referred to Jonathan Sanchez as "Chez". How cute and street-savvy, Smurph. About time for another UCLA story.

**A point I agree with that Radnich brought up: Singletary could have just gritted his teeth and "faked" the interview with O'Donnell, (and all others for that matter) by either answering the question and saying "I want to move on...", or something to the effect. By becoming unhinged, he provided KPIX a video that will be milked for days.

**Just wondering: had this been Tom Cable, wonder how the sheep crew here would have responded. Like I said, Singletary owns the town.


  1. Hey Rich...just checked out your blog recently.
    A couple offense, but calling people names like "Smurph" really makes you look like a hack. If you don't think Murphy does a good job, that's fine, but name calling is something that children do.

    In regards to O'Donnell/Singletary/Radnich...I think Dennis was between a rock and a hard place with this interview. If he does the Mike Wallace thing, he looks like he's badgering Singletary (who in his defense, had been asked the same questions all day) and he probably gets rightfully criticized for that. I thought Dennis was extremely fair in this interview, he asked the right questions and gave Singletary a chance to respond. Singletary came off looking completely unprofessional. As an NFL head coach, a large part of your job is answering questions and dealing with the media. If you can't or don't want to do this, perhaps you should consider another profession. What you don't do is lose your shit on TV.

    I agree that Radnich is a very talented and highly underrated interviewer. I clearly remember after Mariucci was abruptly fired, a completely inpromptu interview Radnich did with Eddie D on KNBR. It was radio gold and in typical Radnich stlye was largely off the cuff. Saying that, I'm not sure Radnich could of or would of done the Singletary interview much differently.

  2. KPIX,has already pulled that page. Darn,seeing it once wasn't enough. Or,maybe it crashed because of too many hits?.

  3. I'm not a big fan of the morning show either. It seems to be getting worse and the upcoming playoff run will have those morning guys all in a lather and that means the show will be impossible to enjoy.

    At first I thought that I'm not the desired demographic and so the tone of the show was a bit young for me...but now I hear the fake laughs, the endless sound effects, the slang, far reaching pop culture references and finally recognize that no...demographic or not, this is a lousy show. I applaud the morning crew for their ability to wake and work so early, but they're useless, save for the Krukow and Kuiper spots at 7:30pm.


  4. Singletary could have just gritted his teeth and answered the question by saying "going forward," like he always does.
