Thursday, May 20, 2010

SF msm ignores KNBR morning show mock of Bochy's dog; Thursday AM pulse

SF's mainstream media largely ignored the item I posted about the KNBR morning show mutts making fun of Giants Mgr. Bruce Bochy's dog, Jesse, a black lab that was put down in San Diego on Tuesday.

I contacted Stacy Slaughter, communications chief for the SF Giants, and asked for a comment and she agreed that the "bit", (while making notice of Bochy's dog, Jesse, being put down, a sound "drop" of a barking dog was played while co-host Brian Murphy was heard in the background laughing) was "not funny."

Both the SF SPCA and PETA officials were contacted about the matter and spokespeople from both orgs. said they will look into the matter.

Lee Hammer, GM at KNBR, was unavailable for comment at press time.

Outside of a mention from the Bay Area Sports Guy, the rest of the local press ignored the story, but as Internet notice on this matter becomes more fervent, I'm sure it will get its justified play.

Predictably, the morning mutts made no mention of the bit neither apologizing nor acknowledging what they did, probably from the mtg. office, but quickly it fired up on Facebook and Twitter.

Henry Schulman, beat writer for the Giants for the Chronicle, made no mention of it, but that could change, (Schulman presumably was about to pen his 100th "Benjie Molina gets disrespected by ESPN" sidebar.)

Speaking of sidebars, a reader e-mailed what would Tony LaRussa think about this? LaRussa, mgr. of the St. Louis Cardinals and noted animal lover hosts animal-rights fundraisers every January in Walnut Creek and frequently appears on KNBR shows to plug them.

We'll see.

Stay tuned on this one.


  1. Geez you really have a hard on for knbr don't you? Did they not hire you 30 years ago or something? Five of the last six stories have revolved around the station and the one that didn't has to with the Raiders helping out the community, which isn't really talking about bay area media (but it a good story none the less)

    All I am saying is that you give a lot of coverage (I would say more than any thing else you talk about and it is 90% negative) for a station which you say is so far down in the ratings when it is only one entity in the very large bay area market.

    Is this what we call a slow news week or like I said do you just really have it out for them?

  2. That's because everyone ignores what you do. Your calls are ignored for a reason. Why don't you conjure up a few more fake personalities to agree and disagree with you?

  3. Brave of the "anonymous" posters to write something without the guts to identify themselves.

    I leave them up because they speak for themselves.

    Oh, for the record, I have never applied for work at KNBR. Never.

    Keep 'em coming though and thanks for reading though.

  4. I had an interesting email exchange with M & M

    Me: "Do you guys really think you have to stoop so low as to make fun Bruce Bochy’s loss of his beloved dog? Really?
    Sign me a former listener."

    M & M response: "What are you, nuts? We all expressed incredible sympathy for Bochy's dog. You missed the boat on this one, bud.

    Murph and Mac"

    Me: "You think I didn’t hear the dog barking “drop” in the background and the snickering?"

  5. Kev: Two other similar e-mails said essentially the same.

    They're full of it.

    I heard the entire bit.

    They laughed, (with barking dog) then offered disingenuous "sympathy" for Bochy; and only becuase after they realized what they were doing, they tried to cover.

    They're desperate.

    And another thing: they conveniently did NOT even mention this today on the show. That exposes them for what they are and I know they were besieged with e-mail on this.

    By responding and apologizing, they would have shown some element of remorse, but also by doing so, in their mind, that would have been tacit acknowledgment of me making this story public.

    I'm hearing Giants are not happy about this.
    Stay tuned.

  6. Murph and Mac are really bad. Agonizingly dull. Their lack of discretion is not surprising at all. It is too bad Agnew lost his job there because Lee Hammer is in over his head.

  7. So if the Giants are not happy about this, will Murph and Mac get the "Bruce Treatment" and get moved to 1050?

  8. Let's put it this way: "Murph and Mac" are slightly less popular than "Giants replay" at midnight.

  9. So you contacted PETA and the SPCA for what? What do you want them to do?

    Maybe no one else is covering this because it's a non-story. Maybe you mis-heard or mis-understood.

    Oh yeah, the Bay Area Sports Guy? He wrote that he didn't hear the bit, and just passed along what you wrote here. So "as internet notice on this matter becomes more fervent", as you wrote, I'm asking myself, what internet notice? You, someone writing that they read it on your website, and that's it.

    Rich, I enjoy reading your site, but it certainly appears you have a personal vendetta against KNBR. Apparently this is a non-story to everyone except you. And that could be because fewer and fewer people are listening to KNBR; but it also could be because it didn't happen exactly the way you heard it. And no one seems to care, except you. You seem to be trying to make this non-story a story. What is your motivation?

  10. DD: I'm equallly anal on KGO, KRON and yes, KNBR.

    Secondly, I have no vendetta. I AM critical of outlets that have systematically RUINED this once-great market...(Like KSFO, KNBR)

    As for the "barking-dog" bit, I heard the whole thing and know what I'm talking about; it was a low blow and I want it exposed, which it will be.

    If that's not good enough, I'd suggest you move on and don't read me, DD, but your a loyal reader; you'll have to decide.

    Btw, not to gloat, but I'm getting more advertisers and sponsors and I'm read by more people in the industry than you think.

    Time for a turkey sandwich and cold one.

  11. If it really does gain any true momentum, Hammer-time will shift the blame to a producer and keep Murphy clean of it. Someone who actually does work over there will instead lose their unthankful $9 an hour job.

  12. The dog barking noise... Was Patrick Conner producing or was it Rob (dj rawb), who was filling in for him... I just don't remember if he was there or not but I heard him talk about he was taking off for birthday vacation. Patrick is usually not a drop guy and he has stated that in the past.

  13. Meant to post this sooner-but those are the two frat boys who played Carlos Santana's appearance last year with giggles and snorts when Carlos did his usual preaching of love. They thought he was going to talk about the infield fly rule?..You know there wasnt a Latino in that room,or they would have gotten a good b-slapping.
