Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday A's chatter in the Coliseum press box

Just back from the Oakland Coliseum press box; watched the 'amazing A's look a little less amazin' against the lowly Baltimore Orioles....A's are in first place and playing exciting baseball on a gorgeous Sunday at the yard and still only drew 14,000 and change, simply unacceptable, but we won't dwell on the negative...

Sat next to my buddy Ken Dito, from XTRA Sports AM 860. Ken is from the old-school of Bay Area broadcasting, still wise-cracking as ever. He even liked by bear joke which I can't repeat...The ever peripatetic and cool Kate Longworth from Comcast SportsNet sat in the upper row showing off her beloved IPad, (cool gadget, but Kate's cooler)...Joe Salvatore from KCBS and Metro utility man, (and getting better by the day) Ryan Leong bookending the day's events.

The game wasn't all that exciting, but the A's look good. Hey, take 3 of 4 and win a series before the Yankees invade town, what's not to like? ...I asked ace pbp-man Ken Korach what the A's need to be serious, "A right-handed power bat and with their pitching, if they stay healthy, they can be in this 'thing." Indeed, Mr. Beane looks as if he's put together the magic formula, but its only April. Let's wait a little....

1 comment:

  1. Only 14,000? Come on, A's fans, don't let all the transplant front running Bay Area Yankees fans fill up the place this week. Represent!!!
